Postings in the category Hormonal Regeneration®

With radiant skin in the summer

The Bikini season is knocking on the door! Often not only the skin becomes paler during the cold seasons, but also the signs of skin aging emerge more clearly and disturbingly than the year before: the dermal tissue loses tautness and “freshness” and wrinkles become more strongly and durably imprinted. In many cases, an appreciable […]

Are stem cells from fat the Fountain of Youth?

The Spanish conqueror Ponca de Leon was instructed by Cortez in the 16th Century, to search somewhere in Mexico for the source of eternal youth. He at that time did not find it, but it however seems that we are today quite close: We carry it on the body; it is – indeed – the […]

Breast Augmentation, Facelift, and Body Shaping All in One

Modern stem cell therapy makes it possible to combine breast augmentation, facelifts, and body shaping. First of all, problem areas are shaped by means of liposuction with tissue-conserving microcannulas and the body silhouette is improved. The autologous fat thus obtained is valuable foundation material for numerous natural esthetic treatments. After stem cell enrichment, this fat […]

New Cosmetic Surgery dispenses with silicone and scalpel

Dr. Pitanguy is a veteran of cosmetic surgery. Even in the early sixties his name was known from reports in glossy magazines. I met him at a convention in Atlanta, where he reported on some of his surgical procedures. I admire him personally and his contributions to the guild are unique. Yet unnoticed by most […]

Effective Anti-Aging with bioidentical hormones

Almost all anti-aging experts agree that what is crucial to remaining vital, strong and youthful well into old age is that all the endocrine glands of the body produce hormones in the right amount. While we in Austria and Germany are still discussing whether one could therefore justify a certain age-hormone substitution, the debate at […]

Sir Sean Connery would rather be 40 than 80…

What 80-year-old would rather not look like a 40-year-old and play just as vital a part in life? This is true too for the “Sexiest Man Alive”, Sean Connery, who recently celebrated his 80th birthday. In the legendary Golden Age, people reputedly looked youthful until well into old age and remained as vital as 40-year-olds. […]

Potent and vital like Berlusconi

Bioidentical hormone therapy increases sexual performance Vienna (2010-09-07) — Everyone knows of 74 year old Italian prime minister Berlusconi with his youthful looks, endurance, and performance. The gossip about his numerous affairs goes beyond Italy. But how does a man in his 70s do it? Thanks to the power of bioidentical hormones, Hormonal Regeneration® therapy […]

Sex and Berlusconi…

During a recent presentation, a very well-known politician in Austria asked me if I would perform the same kind of rejuvenations that Italian prime minister Berlusconi and the entrepreneur Stronach had evidently undergone. Whether Hormonal Regeneration® could make you feel and look like a 30-year-old again. Among other things, Mr. Berlusconi is remarkable because he […]

Overweight Germans: Study ignores hormones as cause

It may be perfectly right that in the “Nutrition Survey” excess weight is associated with the educational background. However, a major cause has been ignored: Hormonal imbalances. If a person is overweight, in most cases too much or too little of individual hormones is produced. Although the original cause for this imbalance can often be […]

Sex and the City – Samantha and the Hormones

Rejuvenation and regeneration with bioidentical hormones from the Clinic DDr. Heinrich® Vienna (2010-06-08) — In the current episode of SATC, Samantha Jones is rejuvenating herself with bioidentical hormones taken in the form of colorful pills or applied as crèmes. “I am 52, and when you’re 50, I’ll still look like I’m 35,” she says to motivate […]