Pippa’s bottom: The secret behind a firm bottom

The wedding of the English Prince William with Kate Middleton in London in late April was probably the major social event of 2011. Apparently two billion people worldwide watched the spectacle, either directly in London, on television or via the Internet. But not only the beautiful bride and the handsome prince of the House of Windsor attracted the interest of the masses. Kate’s 27-year-old sister Pippa created a particularly good impression at the royal wedding in her bridesmaid dress!

According to the media, Pippa’s perfect bottom even has its own Facebook page since the wedding with the euphonious name “Pippa Middleton Ass Appreciation Society”. There are almost 200,000 fans professing their liking of the firm bottom of Kate’s beautiful sister. But what is the secret behind a firm and shapely bottom? If the media is to be believed, any woman can bring her body shape in line with Pippa Middleton’s just by training and dieting. But reality shows us that a well-formed bottom will remain for many women just a dream.

Beforehand: It depends on whether there is “too much” or “too little.” If there is “too little”, a well thought out training of the bottom muscles often works wonders, especially when the bottom was previously flat. Augmentations should usually be unnecessary. If so, stem cell-enriched autologous fat would have to be used. This is costly in the preparation, but especially durable. The fat would be injected per “micro-infiltration” until the required volume has been achieved.

But more often, it appears to be “too much” there. Since the fat reserves on the bottom are genetically programmed, you can only restrict them by crash dieting and you cannot even reduce them by training. As soon as the woman returns to her old eating habits, the unloved companions reappear and the well-known yo-yo effect strikes! Nevertheless, there is no reason to immediately abandon the goal of a firm bottom; the New Cosmetic Surgery offers some effective aids to achieve the desired body contours long term in a gentle manner.

In the case of troublesome fat deposits on the bottom, liposuction with tissue-friendly microcannulas is the remedy. Liposuction takes place exclusively under the safe tumescent anaesthesia. Only the treated areas are anesthetized before liposuction. Due to the careful approach to liposuction with particularly thin microcannulas, 7 days of compression are sufficient after the surgery. Fat, which has once been removed through liposuction, usually does not continue to grow anymore and the patient can look forward to a lasting result!

If there is additionally general excess weight, the causes must definitely be thoroughly examined by a doctor. There is not always a hormonal imbalance in the case of excess weight. But experience shows that the hormone level is imbalanced in many cases of obesity. By use of bioidentical hormones and other active substances, balance can be restored in an individually synchronised therapy, whereby losing weight becomes easier.

Therapies for medically-assisted weight loss usually consist of a combination of a training and diet plan, which is synchronised to the personal needs of the patient, and the administration of certain substances which ease weight loss. Bioidentical hormones are then administered, if there is evidence of a hormonal imbalance. Even liposuction on particularly troublesome and persistent problem areas has proved useful in practice, even before weight loss. The apparent success of liposuction increases the motivation for losing weight and the body becomes attuned to the following fat reduction.

Today the cosmetic surgeon should use the most modern methods from all fields of medicine for an optimal problem solution: Stem cells, bioidentical hormones, and minimally invasive surgery. Thus, many women can permanently achieve their desired proportions and their goal of a firm bottom! Nevertheless, for the sake of our happiness, a prominent bottom by itself even in the future is probably still no guarantee of a bottom fan site on Facebook. It probably has to be the bottom of a “celebrity”…

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Tori Spelling: Dents in cleavage after breast surgery

It is a typical Hollywood career: Already at the age of 17 Tori Spelling got a fixed role in the popular U.S. television series Beverly Hills, 90210, afterwards she appeared in numerous Hollywood films. She first revealed the secret about her large bust size (breast augmentation with silicone had been previously speculated) in2009, when she confirmed her two breast surgeries in an interview with The Sun. The first time she placed herself under the knife was in her twenties.

The current photo of the now 38-year-old Tori Spelling leaves no doubt about the silicone breast augmentation: One of silicone implants has meanwhile slipped, causing an unsightly hole in the cleavage which is clearly visible on several photos and cannot be concealed. She is not an isolated case: Other Hollywood stars such as Vivica Fox – known from Independence Day – has suffered visible dents in her cleavage as a result of breast augmentation with silicone implants.

Not only slipped implants and so-called capsule fibrosis impair visual appearance and cause problems. Many women with silicone implants complain of pain while swimming or showering with cold water for years. Moreover, the breast stretches after a few years due to the weight of the breast implant and begins to sag, making an implant replacement necessary. Larger implants are usually emplaced to make the breast appear firmer. A vicious circle: Many cases ultimately require a surgical breast tightening.

I am often consulted by patients, whose result of a breast augmentation with silicone implants performed elsewhere is just as unsatisfactory as that of Tori Spelling and Vivica Fox. In the medical interview, it is discussed with the patient, whether the implants should be removed and replaced with stem cell-enriched autologous fat, or whether a correction of the form with stem cell-enriched autologous fat is appropriate without implant removal.

The overall impression of the breast can often be significantly enhanced by balancing the dents and visible “implant margins” caused by silicone implants by injecting stem cell-enriched autologous fat. A particularly careful approach and much experience are required by the surgeon to achieve an outstanding result.

In many cases, patients want to have their silicone implants removed and then have their breasts rebuilt with stem cell enriched autologous fat. There are diverse reasons for this: Some patients have already had several “implant changes” behind them and would like to spare themselves further operations under general anaesthesia. On the other hand, others complain about a palpable foreign body sensation and are looking for a natural replacement.

Breast augmentation with stem cells enables a long-lasting result with no artificial foreign bodies. With stem cell-enriched autologous fat, enlarged breasts do not only look completely “real,” but also behave naturally as larger breasts in motion and during sex. Since liposuction is carried out with thin microcannulas to acquire the autologous fat and thin needles are used for injecting the breast, there are generally no visible scars!

There is much evidence that silicone is now “out” in Hollywood: Breasts enlarged with silicone implants was an exclusion criterion for the choice of actresses in Pirates of the Caribbean 4. No wonder that more and more women – even from Beverly Hills – find their way to Vienna to have their breasts enlarged in a gentle and natural manner with stem cell-enriched autologous fat.

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Does Botox also make young women old?

The United States has been considered a trendsetter in matters of cosmetic surgery for a long time. In hardly another country are cosmetic procedures as obvious as in the USA. However, as we know from the media, it is exaggerated there all too often: Who does not know the very tight doll-like faces of aging Hollywood divas due to Botox injections or the breasts which have been enlarged by silicon? Especially in cosmetic surgery, it applies that less is often more!

Recently, a particularly shocking case from the United States became known: A mother is said to have injected Botox in the face of her 8 year old daughter. The reason: The mother wanted her daughter to win the first prize in a beauty contest for children! Hence, Botox allegedly would prevent the child from furrowing her brow and making faces during the competition However, the mother did not succeed: After chatting openly in a TV interview about the Botox injections, which she administered to her daughter before the competition, a storm of indignation broke out…

Fortunately, in the meantime, the mother, who was so concerned about the appearance of her little daughter, has lost custody of the girl. An aesthetic treatment with Botox is not suitable only for children but also has a number of disadvantages for adult women. Instead of rejuvenating, Botox can quickly make you look old.

Botulinum toxin causes paralysis of the treated body areas, so that the communication of emotions is made more difficult and the face appears unnatural and a mask-like. The paralysing effect of Botox is utilized during and after some surgeries to prevent unwanted body movements. Botox also causes a regression of the skin glands; the skin becomes thinner and drier. Other common effects of Botox injections are hardening of the tissue on the treated areas. The short-term tightening effect for Botox is so dearly bought.

New Cosmetic Surgery offers a gentle and effective substitute for symptom treatments with Botox, artificial fillers and the scalpel: Loose skin on the face and body are often based on hormonal imbalances or age-related reduced hormone levels which can be successfully treated by administering bioidentical hormones – these are similar in structure to our human hormones. After only a short time, the skin improves noticeably and the skin looks fresher and firmer.

Besides bioidentical hormones, stem cells from autologous fat of the patient are applied for skin rejuvenation. These stem cells have an impressive regenerative potential, which causes a significant rejuvenation and tightening of the skin. Stem cell-enriched autologous fat is also suitable for long-lasting correction of tissue defects and volume deficiencies. The rejuvenating effect of the stem cell treatment can be imitated to some extent by a therapy with special skin growth factors.

It seems that this time Europe sets the trend in cosmetic surgery: “Botox parties”, as they are known in the U.S., could not prevail here. Most people prefer gentle treatments with natural and subtle results. A look at the countries of origin of my patients shows that many beauty conscious people from abroad have renounced Botox, silicon & Co., in favour of the sustainable and natural therapies of New Cosmetic Surgery.

DDr. Heinrich, MD

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Stem cells – revolutionizing cosmetic surgery

Experts meet at ICAS Conference in Istanbul

Vienna (2011-06-28) — Esthetic therapies with stem cells from autologous fat are revolutionizing cosmetic surgery: Ever more women prefer breast augmentations with autologous stem cells over silicone implants. The world’s leading experts recently met at the ICAS (International Cell Assisted Surgery) Conference in Istanbul to discuss the therapeutic potential of stem cells from fat tissue.

“Stem cell-enriched autologous fat is a safe and sustainable bioimplant ideally suited for local anesthesia natural, scarless breast augmentation and body shaping,” says Viennese esthetic and regenerative stem cell therapy expert DDr. Karl-Georg Heinrich, Europe’s first doctor offering this therapy. At Clinic DDr. Heinrich® he helps women from all around the world gain larger breasts, harmonious body contours, and a more youthful face with stem cell-enriched autologous fat.

Along with presentations by researchers on the latest findings on adipose-derived stem cells (ADSC) and their esthetic applications, the conference provided experts with ample opportunities for professional interaction. Thus DDr. Heinrich discussed his experiences with adipose-derived stem cells and potential future applications with Japan’s Prof. Dr. Yoshimura, Prof. Dr. Illouz, and Dr. Berman.

Doctors all agreed that stem cell enrichment substantially improves long-term sustainability of tissue implanted in autologous fat transfers. Also discussed was the greater safety of esthetic therapies with autologous stem cells over procedures under general anesthesia thanks to gentle local anesthesia.

In addition to stem cell-assisted breast augmentation, stem cells obtained from autologous fat deposits form the foundation for other future-oriented esthetic treatments. For instance, DDr. Heinrich also uses stem cell-enriched autologous fat for sustainable body shaping (e.g., buttocks augmentation), correcting tissue defects, skin rejuvenation over the whole body, and stem-cell facelifts.

Further information: http://ddrheinrich.com/stem-cell-breast-augmentation

Clinic DDr. Heinrich®
Contact: Herfried Wagner
E-mail: info@ddrheinrich.com
Web: http://ddrheinrich.com/
Phone: +43 1 532 18 01

Pirates of the Caribbean 4: Captain Jack Sparrow is hunting for the spring of eternal youth

People have always been searching for the legendary fountain of youth containing the water of eternal life. In the fourth part of the film series Pirates of the Caribbean, On Stranger Tides, Spanish fishermen rescue an old man from the waters of the sea, who knows the spring of eternal youth. It is, therefore, no wonder that a fleet immediately sets off at the behest of the Spanish king to find the fountain.

A bit later in London: Captain Jack Sparrow – played in the film by Johnny Depp – is confused, as he is told that he would allegedly hire a crew himself for an expedition. Finally, he lands in front of the British king, George II, who asks him to participate in the race for the spring of eternal youth. Jack flees when he learns that his arch enemy Barbosa shall lead the expedition.

His father reveals to Jack that it requires the tears of a mermaid and two cups to get eternal life from the fountain of eternal life. The mysterious person who claimed to be searching for a crew as Captain Jack Sparrow was none other than his former girlfriend, Angelica. After a fight with her, Jack wakes up on board the ship of the notorious pirate, Blackbeard, who turns out to be Angelica’s father.

Blackbeard’s first goal is to catch a mermaid. The beautiful Syrena – embodied in the Spanish-French actress Astrid Berges-Frisbey – falls as the first person into his trap. Since the casting for the role of the mermaid Syrena, as is well known, it was meticulously ensured that everything was genuine and natural, except the fins, without further ado, the missionary Philip falls in love with her… That’s all I want to reveal, except, that in the end, a life is saved with water from the fountain of eternal youth!

Well, we still have not got hold of the spring of eternal youth, since apparently the search for a real mermaid is an insurmountable hurdle… but we could take a major step closer to the dream of a life-long vibrant body, youthful appearance and an alert mind. Thanks to new medical knowledge, we know that part of the “elixir of life” is to be found where one would least expect it: In the fat deposits of our own body!

Stem cells derived from body fat (autologous) are the foundation of a number of aesthetic and regenerative treatments: In the form of stem cell-enriched autologous fat, they enable a permanent and perfectly natural breast augmentation and body contouring without silicon and scalpel. Skin and tissue on the face and body can be sustainably rejuvenated by a suspension of the body’s own stem cells. Stem cells obviously unfold their regenerative energy at those building sites in the body where they are needed.

Thus, not only general regenerative effects are achieved, in a few worldwide specialised centres so-called “degenerative” diseases (e.g. oesteoarthritis, age-related wear and tear of organs and body parts) are currently being specifically treated with stem cells from fat. It is certainly too early to make promises, but the results are promising!

Patients are already benefiting from aesthetic and regenerative treatments with autologous stem cells. We may be curious about what other revolutionary treatments will be made possible in the future by stem cells from autologous fat!

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Is beauty a matter for women? What cosmetic surgery can offer men

People have always been trying to preserve their beauty as long as possible with the help of cosmetic treatments. Hence, the faces of many Egyptian mummies look fresh and firm – often even too wrinkle-free for the age of the pharaohs. One might think that it was already known how to help people with Botox in ancient Egypt. Even from later centuries, cosmetic treatments and even operations have been handed down.

Women have not always been the only ones who desired a beautiful, youthful appearance. In some epochs men were considered the “fair sex” and they tried to adapt their bodies to the generally accepted ideal of beauty. This went so far that men powdered their face and wore costly wigs in Mozart’s time. In the absence of appropriate aesthetic techniques and sterile operating conditions, cosmetic procedures were, however, a rare event, as they were associated with a very high risk.

If current statistics are to be believed, the number of men, who take the path to cosmetic surgeons, has significantly increased in recent years. Men, just like women, desire increasingly natural, subtle results – calves or six-pack implants made of silicon are “out.” No one should be able to realise that nature has been given a helping hand with cosmetic surgery. Statements such as “It does not depend on appearance for men” belong at any rate, to the past, according to the figures.

Many of the treatment concepts from the repertoire of the New Cosmetic Surgery are suitable for both women and men alike: Microcannular liposuction, stem cell-enriched autologous fat and bioidentical hormones constitute the basis of a series of effective treatments which help men achieve more beauty and vitality without implanted foreign bodies and scalpel.

Microcannular liposuction is in particularly great demand among men to get rid of annoying, training-resistant fat deposits. Liposuction on the stomach or chest (pseudogynecomastia) can often help. Special and particularly thin face microcannulas are used for double chin liposuction. Due to the careful approach, the patient is fully mobile after surgery and a week of compression on the treated areas is sufficient.

By request the extracted fat can serve as the basis for further aesthetic and regenerative treatments. Thus, tissue defects can be permanently corrected with stem cell-enriched autologous fat. Stem cells from autologous fat are also suitable for skin rejuvenation over the entire body, the face and the hands, and hair growth therapy. In the context of regenerative therapies, the extracted, fat-derived stem cells are returned to the body intravenously or injected directly into the tissue, where they can develop their rejuvenating and regenerating effect.

Many signs of aging of the male body, such as sunken cheeks, are often signs of age-related hormone deficiency, which can be successfully treated by a therapy with bioidentical hormones (Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy, BHRT). As part of Hormonal Regeneration® the reduced hormone levels are aligned with those of young adults. Treatment with bioidentical hormones usually lasts 3 or 6 months. After only a short time, strength, endurance and libido increase and the skin regains firmness and freshness.

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Does Botox also make young women old?

The United States has been considered a trendsetter in matters of cosmetic surgery for a long time. In hardly another country are cosmetic procedures as obvious as in the USA. However, as we know from the media, it is exaggerated there all too often: Who does not know the very tight doll-like faces of aging Hollywood divas due to Botox injections or the breasts which have been enlarged by silicon? Especially in cosmetic surgery, it applies that less is often more!

Recently, a particularly shocking case from the United States became known: A mother is said to have injected Botox in the face of her 8-year-old daughter.

The reason: The mother wanted her daughter to win the first prize in a beauty contest for children! However, the mother did not succeed: After chatting openly in a TV interview about the Botox injections, which she administered to her daughter before the competition, a storm of indignation broke out…

Fortunately, in the meantime, the mother, who was so concerned about the appearance of her little daughter, has lost custody of the girl.

An aesthetic treatment with Botox is not suitable only for children but also has a number of disadvantages for adult women. Instead of rejuvenating, Botox can quickly make you look old.

Botulinum toxin causes paralysis of the treated areas of the face and a regression of the skin glands; the skin becomes thinner and drier, and looks, although wrinkles are no longer visible, aged and sallow. The tightening effect for Botox is so dearly bought.

The New Cosmetic Surgery offers a gentle and effective substitute: Instead of superficial symptom treatments with Botox, artificial fillers, and the scalpel, measures are recommended which strengthen the skin tissue and wrinkles either do not arise at all or can be brought to disappear in a natural way:

Loose skin on the face and body are often based on hormonal imbalances or age-related reduced hormone levels, which can be successfully treated by administering bioidentical hormones. These bioidentical hormones are similar in structure to our human hormones. After only a short time, the skin improves noticeably and the skin looks fresher and firmer.

Stem cells from autologous fat of the patient possess impressive regenerative potential. The stem cells can be obtained by a little liposuction. Stem cells or stem cell-enriched autologous fat enable a significant rejuvenation and tightening of the skin and are suitable for facial rejuvenation and correction of tissue defects and volume deficiencies (e.g. dent correction, breast augmentation).

Special skin growth factors, which can be synthesized in the laboratory, can imitate the rejuvenating effect of stem cell treatment to some degree.

All in all, there are already better alternatives in the repertoire of aesthetic and regenerative medicine than Botox. Meanwhile, Botox should be therefore reserved for the less, truly beneficial indications: excessive sweating or short-term immobilisation of facial muscles after facial surgery.

Expressionless, pallid, and sagging or stretched faces should actually belong to the stone age of cosmetic surgery.

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Press interview about stem cell breast enlargement

In which aesthetic procedures are you using adipose stem cells?

In our Clinic DDr. Heinrich® we are using stem cells taken from the patient’s fat for both aesthetic and regenerative treatments. Treatments include breast augmentation, body forming, correction of dimples, skin and face rejuvenation, and hair growth therapy. We also use the autologous stem cells for the rejuvenation and regeneration of the whole body, i.e. the regeneration of organs.

When did you start to use this method of breast augmentation?

We are doing breast augmentation with stem cell-enriched autologous fat since 2006, being the first doctor in Europe and U.S. to perform CAL. Thus we have treated successfully a lot of patients and have ample experience with this challenging procedure.

Why do you decide to try this?

I have been doing fat transfer to the breast since 1995 which is basically the same underlying surgery. I started thorough scientific research in 2003, when first information of the possibility of using autologous stem cells from fat reached the cosmetic surgery community. Since my studies at university I am interested in rejuvenation and regenerative therapies and I was impressed by the potential of the stem cells contained in the body’s own fat.

In your clinic you do breast augmentations using adipose stem cells. How does it work?

In the first step fat is harvested from the patient’s fat deposits using liposuction. Secondly the fat is enriched with stem cells in a laboratory process. Finally the stem cell-enriched fat is injected into the breasts.

How many injections of adipose stem cells are necessary for a breast augmentation?

Typically one treatment is sufficient as most of the gained volume will stay permanently. In some rare cases, depending on the structure of the breast tissue and the desired gain in volume, two treatments might be necessary.

How is the post-operatory? Is it faster than in prosthesis implants?

The whole procedure of the stem cell breast augmentation and also the aftercare are much gentler than with silicone implants. The liposuction and injection sites heal within a few days. The patient can go home directly after the procedure; it’s not necessary to spend a night in a hospital.

How do you extract stem cells from adipose tissue?

The stem cells are isolated in a complex laboratory process under high sterility conditions, which basically comprehends separating the stem cells from the connective tissue of the fat with special enzymatic digestion combined with multiple centrifugations. Alternatively we use patented cell separation devices to separate the stem cells from the fat.

Do you extract stem cells from adipose tissue in your own clinic or is it made in a laboratory?

Preparation of the stem cell-enriched autologous fat is done in our clinic’s laboratory.

What is the percentage of stem cells in adipose tissue?

Adipose tissue is the tissue with the highest content of stem cells of all tissues in the body.

Do you use only stem cells in breast augmentation or a combination between stem cells and fat?

The stem cells previously extracted from a portion of the patient’s fat are mixed with another portion of fat prior to injection. The fat serves as a matrix for the stem cells.

How many times after the stem cells have been collect they can be applied to the patient? Do they need to be cultivated to have the appropriate cell quantity to the graft?

Fat contains billions of stem cells. Thus it’s not necessary to cultivate and expand the stem cells. However it is possible to store ones stem cells after isolation in a tissue bank at −20 °C for future applications. This applies more for patients interested in regenerative stem cell therapy.

In this procedure the stem cells used should be from the patient himself?

Only the patient’s own cells can be used.

If I’m thin will I have sufficient adipose stem cells for a breast augmentation?

Our experience shows that even slim patients often have sufficient fat deposits. However, the liposuction method used to harvest the fat is crucial. In our Clinic DDr. Heinrich® we use very thin microcannulas which not only enable us to gain more fat but which are also much gentler than thicker standard cannulas.

How much fat is necessary for a breast augmentation?

Between 500 ccm and 2,500 ccm, depending on the requested volume, are required to be injected into the breasts.

Thirty years ago some scientists proposed the use of fat tissue to reconstruct breasts in post-cancer patients. What is the difference between this old method and the actual stem cells method?

The problem of the method proposed thirty years ago was that the fat had to be extracted surgically from another part of the body. Also the blood supply for the transplanted fat posed a problem and in some cases the fat tissue didn’t integrate well with the body’s blood circulation. Later surgeons used liposuctioned fat and injected it into the breasts in small portions. This method yielded much better but still unpredictable results because of volume loss. With stem cell-enriched autologous fat volume retention is much more satisfying probably due to stem cells activating additional blood supply after the injection of the stem cell-enriched fat.

Do you think adipose stem cells are better than prosthesis? Why?

I believe that adipose stem cells are a much better approach to breast augmentation than breast implants for several reasons. Breasts augmented by the body’s own stem cells behave just like a natural breast, which means that they look naturally in every position and even in motion. In addition our method doesn’t leave any permanent scars and is not prone to the risks linked with silicone implants, such as capsular fibrosis.

What are the limitations in breast augmentation with adipose stem cells?

The method requires sufficient fat deposits and the breast tissue must be soft enough to adjust to the injected fat. Typically an augmentation of up to 1½ cup sizes per procedure can be achieved, sometimes even 2 cup sizes.

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Natural breast augmentation with stem cells from autologous fat

In the previous blog entries I mentioned several aesthetic treatments that use stem cells from autologous fat: stem cell breast augmentation, stem cell facelift and body shaping in other areas of the body. This time I would like to present stem cell breast augmentation in detail; its results are very convincing thanks to its complete naturalness and long-term durability and it has therefore replaced breast augmentation using silicone and scalpel in many cases.

Stem cell breast augmentation was originally developed in Japan in 2003 as an alternative to breast reconstruction using silicone implants. I quickly paid attention to this revolutionary method and, after carrying out my own research at the start of 2007, decided to offer stem cell breast augmentation to a wider public. Since then my team and I have successfully helped numerous patients from at home and abroad (including from Beverly Hills) to achieve a fuller cleavage!

First of all, after a special, very gentle and precise, manual procedure, body fat is suctioned off with microcannulas, which were developed for this use in part by myself. Then, stem cells are extracted in a special multi-stage procedure from some of the recovered fat and, together with the specially-prepared remaining fat, are injected into the breasts without resulting in visible scars. The puncture sites of the injection needles heal within a short time, just like when a blood sample is taken.

Liposuction and injection take place either under local anaesthetic or in twilight sleep without general anaesthetic. The treatment lasts about 6 to 8 hours in total, including an approximate two-hour break during the stem cell enrichment. There is little aftercare required, because the liposuction procedure uses tissue-conserving microcannulas and because cuts made with a scalpel, as used with silicone implants, are unnecessary with stem cell breast augmentation. The patient can be discharged after the procedure and is completely mobile.

The results of this procedure are impressive: After the swelling due to the operation has subsided, around 95 % of the added volume remains in the long-term. Typically, breast augmentation of ½ to 2 cup sizes can be achieved in the course of a procedure. A bust increased with stem cell-enriched autologous fat feels completely natural – as the volume increase consists of the body’s own skin tissue – and it also seems “real” in every posture, whether at rest or moving.

A further significant advantage of stem cell breast augmentation is the two-stage shaping and optimization of the body silhouette, without silicone or other synthetic materials and with a lasting treatment result. The autologous fat required for breast augmentation can be taken from stubborn “problem areas”, meaning that precise shaping and optimization of the respective body part is possible. The ability to breastfeed remains in full after stem cell breast augmentation.

The safety of the method and the durability of the results of breast reconstructions and breast augmentations with stem cell-enriched autologous fat have been proven in studies from Japan and the USA. Consequently stem cell breast augmentation represents a safe, lasting, natural, and scar-free alternative to breast augmentation with silicone.

Stem cell-enriched autologous fat can also be used for natural body shaping in other areas such as the bottom, hips, upper thighs, calves, etc., as well as for correcting indentations and for skin rejuvenation in the face, cleavage and hands.

DDr. Heinrich, MD