Improvement in Joint Problems, Autoimmune Diseases and Circulatory Disorders with Stem Cells from Fat

Is there a panacea, a cure for every disease? Of course not. But the body’s own stem cells from fat tissue have a considerable healing potential.

Scientific studies suggest that the body’s own (autologous) stem cells of the patient can be used in a variety of very different disorders and at least relief and amelioration of symptoms can be achieved.

So for joint problems, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, nervous disorders, endocrine diseases, autoimmune diseases, chronic diseases, but also many other diseases and malfunctions which are characterized by reparable weaknesses of individual organs or organ systems.

Stem Cells from Fat: Cells with Potential

Although stem cell therapies are currently considered as novel therapies and are subject to numerous legal restrictions (e.g., the use of stem cells from donors is prohibited in the EU), the regenerative properties of stem cells have been known for a long time in veterinary medicine.

There are many years of very good experience in the therapeutic use of autologous stem cells in thousands of dogs and racehorses. The stem cells extracted from the animal’s own fat seem to be suitable for regeneration of damaged joints, bones, and cartilage. In addition, stem cells from body fat are administered in other diseases in animals with success too.

Due to the advances in medicine now also humans can benefit from the healing potential of their own stem cells.

Fortunately, there is an increasing number of positive study results from many centers worldwide, so we can perform therapies with adult stem cells from the body’s own fat for certain diseases in humans in my clinic in Vienna.

Therapeutic Application of the Stem Cells

Stem cell therapy with the body’s own stem cells from fat tissue is carried out as an outpatient treatment in local anesthesia.

First, a small portion of fat is obtained by gentle liposuction with microcannulas. The stem cells isolated therefrom in a complex laboratory process are – depending on the indication – either injected locally at the affected organ or tissue or administered systemically in the course of the same treatment. Often repeat treatments are recommended.

In systemic supply (usually intravenously by infusion) the stem cells seem to seek the way to those sites in the body where their regenerative and healing effect is required.

Promising findings from the world of medical science that could perhaps replace currently known therapies in the not too distant future.

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Breast Augmentation for One Night?

New trend in the USA – what’s the deal?

It’s amazing what’s out there – in order to be able to present enlarged breasts for a specific event, young American women undergo breast augmentation that lasts for one night. Actually, the breast enlargement lasts for two days.

For this short-term breast augmentation saline solution is injected into the breasts.

Injecting a special saline solution leads to a significant enlargement of the breast of for example two cup sizes. The injected liquid is absorbed by the body within two days. The breast will return from a C/D cup to its natural size again.

This is nothing new – as doctors working in the field of aesthetic surgery in Europe we occasionally used this type of breast augmentation in the past as a decision aid for women who wanted to get their breasts augmented with silicone or the body’s own fat and did not know exactly how much cleavage fits their wishes.

However, like in many other cases, it was reserved to the U.S. to make a trend and a business out of it! Does this method (apart from the price) have any disadvantages?

Tissue expansion – advantage and disadvantage:

If breast augmentation with saline solution is carried out multiple times in a certain patient, the breast will expand, as it does in breast engorgement, and it will start to sag. This is primarily a disadvantage, which, however, can turn into an advantage: For women who are planning a breast augmentation with autologous fat, such pre-stretching may be advantageous, because the saggy breast can absorb more autologous fat and can thus be made larger.

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Can Food Make You Beautiful?

In ancient China beauty-conscious ladies were recommended certain foods – including cockscombs. Today we know that cockscombs contain natural hyaluronic acid, which improves the water binding capacity of the skin and thus protects against wrinkles.

I see in my practice that even very young people benefit from taking hyaluronic acid and collagen regularly. In very young women with flawless wrinkle-free skin the benefits of this remedy is quickly to be seen in hair and nails. They are anatomical parts of the skin and together with the skin they gain stability and beauty.

From the age of about 30 years it is especially important to take care of our skin from within by consumption of collagen and hyaluronic acid! By doing so we can save a lot on unnecessary expensive creams and lotions that are hardly absorbed by the skin.

In my clinic we have developed Perfect Skin by DDr. Heinrich® Beauty Drink to make this ancient knowledge from China available in a contemporary way suitable for Western tastes.

I am convinced that many expensive treatments of aesthetic-plastic surgery, such as facelifts, eyelid corrections, peelings, laser treatments, etc., could be postponed or or spared altogether when importance is attached to optimal diet and nutrient intake. We see especially good results if bioidentical hormones are taken from the age of 40 or preventive treatments with the body’s own stem cells are performed.

“Perfect Skin” wishes you

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Methods of Rejuvenation: Hormonal Regeneration Using Bioidentical Hormones (Part 2)

With age and in times of high physical or psychological stress the performance of our endocrine glands decreases. The chronic lack of supply of our bodies with hormones leads to a decrease in performance and unwanted external changes such as wrinkles, weight gain and/or tissue breakdown (e.g., hollow cheeks).

During Hormonal Regeneration® (Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy, BHRT) all important hormones that our body lacks are provided in bioidentical form. Bioidentical hormones are not alien to our bodies as they resemble our human hormones in their chemical structure.

As soon as the hormonal balance is restored, your body can regenerate and recover within a short time. You again have more energy and vitality and also the external symptoms of hormone deficiency disappear: The skin regains its elasticity, wrinkles smooth out, and the face looks younger and fresher.

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Read more about other methods of rejuvenation

Breast Augmentation Using Autologous Fat and Stem Cells in Very Slim Women?

Often very slim women desire to have a breast augmentation without silicone with autologous fat or stem cell-enriched autologous fat. Almost always I am able to harvest enough fat to achieve a satisfactory result even in very slim women.

How is this done: Instead of selectively removing fat at a few problem areas such as thighs and hips, in very slim women small portions of fat have to be extracted in multiple regions between waist and lower legs.

For fat harvesting thin microcannulas have to be used. These cannulas allow for very smooth fat extraction in superficial fat regions. Of course this means that fat harvesting is more complicated than in women who have a few problem areas they want to get rid of together with the breast augmentation.

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Methods of Rejuvenation: How Can We Turn Back the Clock of Aging? (Part 1)

Turning back the clock of aging is a dream that is as old as humanity itself. Physicians and alchemists of the past have been attempting partially bizarre methods to achieve this goal since antiquity. Chinese empresses seeking immortality were, for example, administered cinnabar components (mercury sulfide). The famous “founder” of China, Qin Shihuangdi, probably died of the effects brought on by such an “immortality pill”.

But even in ancient times, methods of rejuvenation were described that seem downright modern when a closer look is taken: The Argonaut Saga, for example, tells the story of Medea, a princess and sorceress from Colchis, who rejuvenated an aging king using sheep blood more than 3,500 years ago. Sheep blood contains bioidentical hormones as well as stem cells. A daily beverage made of tiger blood and seminal fluid that a Chinese empress used for strengthening and rejuvenation purposes more than 2,000 years ago can be considered plausible due to its high content of bioidentical testosterone and was probably effective.

As you know, I, as a physician with a treatment focus on aesthetic and regenerative medicine, concern myself with innovative methods used to slow down the aging process or even find ways to reverse it. In this regard, there are currently five major approaches, which I would like to present to you in the following articles:

For individual recommendations regarding specific regeneration and rejuvenation treatments, a personal consultation and examination as well as an analysis regarding your health status and previous aging process are required.

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Telomerase Activation: The Path to Eternal Youth?

The Empire of today’s China has existed for more than 5,000 years and produced numerous emperors, whose life stories seem very mystical and heroic today. Including the “Yellow Emperor”, whose empire is estimated to have existed in the Mythical Era around 3,000 BC.

In later times, the countries of modern China were divided into separate kingdoms. The king of Qin, Ying Zheng, united these kingdoms through war, determination and strategic vision about 2,200 years ago and became the first emperor of Qin (= China). He took the name of Qin Shihuangdi, built the Great Wall and created an ancient wonder of the world with his own tomb near the old imperial city of Xi’an: The largest pyramid of the world as well as the famous “Terracotta Armies” made up of clay soldiers, which can be admired again today after excavation near Xi’an.

After the fall of the Qin Dynasty, other rulers took control of unified China. The rulers of this vast and seemingly endless empire had a power that is almost unimaginable, even by today’s standards, and lived in great luxury and grandeur. But they shared one thing with the “mere mortals” of the time, and that was the dream of eternal youth, beauty and immortality.

Qin Shihuangdi already tasked alchemists with finding the source of youth and to research the correct ingredients to fulfill this dream, for not even the most powerful in the world were protected from aging and the degradation of cells, after all. Despite of all these efforts, the first emperor of China died quite early, probably due to mercury poisoning. In this regard, it is important to understand that cinnabar (a kind of mercury salt) was attributed a rejuvenating effect in the field of Taoist alchemy. But even then it is was well known, that it could also be lethal and there is some evidence that suggests that Qin Shihuangdi fell victim to a conspiracy instigated by his senior officials who gave him too much of the “rejuvenating” poison.

Modern medicine has determined that cells stop multiplying with increasing age and therefore are lost ever more. We have also come to discover that there are certain sections of our chromosomes that determine the lifespan of the individual cells and are called telomeres. The longer these are, the longer a cell is capable of performing cell division and to thus replace the body’s lost cells. Every cell division causes the telomeres to get a little shorter – until they are finally depleted completely.

However, if an enzyme called telomerase is added to these cells, the telomeres are extended, which apparently causes the biological potency of the cells to be extended as well, allowing them to live longer. About as old as the empire itself: The Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), which is becoming more and more integrated into Western medicine as well and serves to supplement it time and time again. The practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine has, for example, brought about the astragalus, a plant that is among the most important medicinal products of TCM and is referred to as Huang Qi (黃芪) there. Its ingredients possess a number of regenerative effects: Astragalus is known for its antioxidant and immune-stimulating effect. It can also protect telomeres from shortening and can even contribute to lengthening them.

A study in mice has, for example, shown that the telomeres lengthened in animals that received a dietary supplement with ingredients derived from the astragalus plant (TA-65). This biological rejuvenation of cells resulted in an improvement of the skin quality, osteoporosis and other life expectancy indicators.

To date, there is no approved medication that lengthens telomeres and protects them. There are, however, already a number of experimental substances that are being produced on the basis of TCM medicinal plants. We have been testing this substance in my clinic for quite some time and I can confirm that the skin looks both younger and more energetic, sun damage is regressing and the patient looks better and rejuvenated in general after just a couple of weeks of treatment. I am convinced that this treatment will, in the future, catch on as an addition to hormonal regeneration using bioidentical hormones and stem cell therapy.

Qin Shihuangdi would therefore have been better off using astragalus concentrates instead of cinnabar. He likely would have lived a longer and healthier life, but ultimately he still would not have become physically immortal. However, he “immortalized” himself through his achievements as a statesman, his tomb and the construction of the Great Wall of China. He can probably be quite content with that, in my opinion.

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Weight Loss: Quicker Decrease of Fat through Additional Liposuction or Fat-Away Injection?

Vienna (2014-09-16) — It has long been a known fact in the field of aesthetic surgery that a liposuction facilitates a patient’s weight loss. The reasons for that are still unclear. “It’s not merely psychology – the body is obviously programmed for fat loss through the liposuction, thereby losing weight works much better afterwards. Fat cells that produce the fat-building hormones are also destroyed,” says DDr. Karl-Georg Heinrich, a Viennese physician working in the area of aesthetic surgery and regenerative medicine.

What has previously been unknown: Other methods of local fat removal apparently also help with losing weight! DDr. Heinrich: “Patients report that they lost weight more easily after a fat-away injection and with the same diet as in the weeks before the treatment. This could mean good news for many people looking to slim down.” The Clinic DDr. Heinrich® supports patients with fat-away injections, liposuctions and individually customized treatments for weight loss to achieve their ideal weight and desired body shape.

Due to the fact that the fat-away injection does not require surgery, it might well become the method of choice for patients seeking help with losing weight. The fat-away injection or injection lipolysis has been known in Europe since around the year 2003. It makes use of a fat-dissolving compound that is used for the intravenous treatment of fat embolisms. This substance is injected into the fat deposits that the patient wishes to have reduced.

The fat-away injection is primarily used to treat local fat pads in the patient’s face and on his or her body as well as to treat cellulite. It also helps the regression of skin folds, which can be caused by a decrease in weight, to a certain extent as an accompanying measure to the weight loss. Larger fat deposits at the patient’s problem areas can be treated using microcannular liposuction.

A successful weight loss through a change in diet requires a hormonal balance. This balance is often out of order, for example if the thyroid gland does not produce enough hormones. A hormonal regeneration using bioidentical hormones (BHRT) can help to restore the balance and help the patient lose weight as a consequence.

Further information:

Clinic DDr. Heinrich®
Contact: Herfried Wagner
Phone: +43 1 532 18 01

Is Richard “Mörtel” Lugner Still Attractive Enough for His “Spatzi”?

Famous construction entrepreneur Richard “Mörtel” Lugner has once again caused a sensation: A downright “shit storm” has recently built up through social media circles as women, particularly, were infuriated about the “perversion” of an “old fart” daring to get involved with a “young chick” of 24 years. And now the unlikely pair has tied the knot as part of an ostentatious fairy tale wedding at Schönbrunn Palace. It remains to be seen whether he will sell the broadcast rights to the couple’s honeymoon to the highest bidding private TV channel. In any case, the wedding of the millionaire and the former playmate has generated a true media buzz, even beyond the borders of Austria.

Lugner has always known what he wanted and has presented himself in public as fairly open and uninhibited in this regard. This is, on one hand, surely an authentic impulse to present his private life in public, but likewise a brilliant PR strategy to position oneself in the media spotlight in a relatively inexpensive and prolonged manner and to promote his “Lugner City” in this way. This has paid off: Though he was once as good as bankrupt, he is now one of the 100 richest Austrians.

But what about “Mörtel”’s qualities as a male – is he, being a mature man, still attractive enough for younger women? Or is “Spatzi” (and all the other “pets” on his list) only after his money? The physical attractiveness of mature men depends on the performance of their endocrine glands. Consider, for example, George Clooney or Sean Connery, whose testosterone and growth hormones seem to be bursting out of their pores in spite of their advanced age. No surprise, therefore, that they still seem attractive.

So, is “Spatzi” physically attracted to “Mörtel”, or is all of this just one media-effective arrangement? Though “Mörtel” surely seems quite agile and vital for his 81 years of age, he obviously lacks the hormonal charisma of Clooney or Connery. One look at his occasionally botox-treated and slackened face reveals that he is lacking practically all of the essential hormones in a massive fashion: The growth hormone, cortisol, DHEA. However, given his age, he still has an adequate level of thyroid hormones and testosterone.

What could “Mörtel” do to yet increase his attractiveness in a manner similar to Sean Connery and the like?

To be perceived as physically attractive as an older man, it is essential that all important hormones are present in sufficient quantity. If the performance of the endocrine glands has started to decrease due to age and a busy lifestyle, lacking hormones can be administered as part of a bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT). The bioidentical hormones enable the congested endocrine glands to regenerate themselves. After a short time, the symptoms of a chronic hormone deficiency will already start to disappear: The skin regains its elasticity, wrinkles become smooth and the face seems younger and fresher.

“My passion burns hotter than goulash soup,” Luger said in front of the registrar, a quote from the Austrian operetta Gräfin Mariza, as reports. To ensure that “Mörtel” can also present this passion to his wife, who is 57 years younger, he would be well advised to provide his body with the necessary hormones, so that his body is capable, even at 81 years of age.

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Can Fat Make Us Lose Weight – Genetic Reprogramming of Fat Cells?

Of course, fat can make us lose weight! For example, if it is eaten while abstaining from ingesting carbohydrates. The indigenous people of the Arctic have been eating seal and whale blubber for thousands of years. Much like our ancestors, who ingested large amounts of mammoth fat in the Paleolithic Age. Fat does not make you “fat”, it is sugar and starch that are truly responsible for gaining weight.

But today, I would like to tell you of a recent achievement by Graz University of Technology, which has genetically changed the polarity of fat cells, so that they burn fat instead of storing it. The trick here is that the usual “white” fat cells are converted to so-called “brown” fat cells using RNA sections (a kind of code that is used to produce regulatory proteins of the cell). Brown fat cells are, however, quite rare in our bodies and have far more mitochondria, which are tiny cellular “powerplants” that burn energy.

If these RNA sections can be used to “switch on” the mitochondria in the white fat cells, they start to produce energy instead of storing it, similar to the mitochondria in the brown fat cells. The only thing missing now is a means of transportation that can be used to bring the RNA fragments into the cells. Nanoparticles are currently being considered for this purpose. This approach is reminiscent of the movie Transcendence, in which Johnny Depp, as the hyper consciousness of a dead scientist that has been projected into a computer, floods the world with nanomachines that are supposed to “repair” everything that isn’t perfect.

Researchers, in any case, hope to achieve a breakthrough with treating diabetes and obesity. Many patents have already been filed as well.

Is it not remarkable, what will be set in motion just because people simply eat too much starch and sugar? Surely there are many people who suffer from hormonal imbalances and therefore constantly gain weight. It is purposeful in this regard, to rectify these imbalances first using bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) so that these people can start to lose weight.

It would very easy for the majority of people to maintain their ideal weight and never suffer from diabetes – all they would have to do, is radically restrict their sugar and starch intake by, for example, limiting themselves to eating the Sunday “Gugelhupf” that was once customary in Austria.

DDr. Heinrich, MD