Can Food Make You Beautiful?

In ancient China beauty-conscious ladies were recommended certain foods – including cockscombs. Today we know that cockscombs contain natural hyaluronic acid, which improves the water binding capacity of the skin and thus protects against wrinkles.

I see in my practice that even very young people benefit from taking hyaluronic acid and collagen regularly. In very young women with flawless wrinkle-free skin the benefits of this remedy is quickly to be seen in hair and nails. They are anatomical parts of the skin and together with the skin they gain stability and beauty.

From the age of about 30 years it is especially important to take care of our skin from within by consumption of collagen and hyaluronic acid! By doing so we can save a lot on unnecessary expensive creams and lotions that are hardly absorbed by the skin.

In my clinic we have developed Perfect Skin by DDr. Heinrich® Beauty Drink to make this ancient knowledge from China available in a contemporary way suitable for Western tastes.

I am convinced that many expensive treatments of aesthetic-plastic surgery, such as facelifts, eyelid corrections, peelings, laser treatments, etc., could be postponed or or spared altogether when importance is attached to optimal diet and nutrient intake. We see especially good results if bioidentical hormones are taken from the age of 40 or preventive treatments with the body’s own stem cells are performed.

“Perfect Skin” wishes you

DDr. Heinrich, MD

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