Diabetes Prevention: Resveratrol Lowers Insulin Resistance in Overweight People

More and more people are overweight. In addition to damage to the joints caused by the continuous extra pressure, obesity can have other serious health consequences: Obesity is considered as a major risk factor for developing an insulin resistance and diabetes mellitus type 2 sooner or later.

With increased insulin resistance, the beta cells of the pancreas produce more insulin than in healthy people. The hormone insulin makes the body store more fat, which can eventually lead to obesity (adiposity) and diabetes. To break this vicious circle and prevent diabetes, it would be necessary to reduce the cells’ insulin sensitivity.

The substance resveratrol could play an important role in reducing the insulin sensitivity. This valuable polyphenol is contained in pomegranates and other fruit varieties and can easily be supplied through the nutrition. Scientific studies demonstrate the remarkable cell-protective activity of resveratrol. We also know from studies that Resveratrol increases the insulin sensitivity of the cells in rodents.

Recently researchers have examined this positive effect of resveratrol in a double-blind study in obese people with insulin resistance, who had not been diagnosed with diabetes, and were able to confirm it! The participants in the study were administered resveratrol for four weeks. In the adipose tissue an anti-inflammatory effect was found, which may favor sugar breakdown and thereby reduce the insulin resistance of the cells.

Does this mean that overweight people do not need to get rid of excess kilos anymore? Of course not. My team and I will assist you on your way to your ideal weight with a medically-assisted weight loss therapy. Malicious sugar deposits in the body can be removed by treatment with alpha lipoic acid.

In obesity and insulin resistance, it is certainly useful to take resveratrol with food regularly to relieve the pancreas and prevent diabetes. But also diabetic and normal weight people benefit from the positive health effects of resveratrol. No wonder that the pomegranate is known as a healing fruit since ancient times.

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Fighting Colds with Aspirin – Does It Make Sense or Is It Harmful?

Currently many of my friends suffer from colds and cough. Today a friend, 28 years old, called me and complained she would feel faint and sick for three days, had cough and runny nose but no fever. I asked her what medication she took. She said she had taken Neocitran for three days, but it would not help. Neocitran like Aspirin suppresses fever and is thus an immune depressant.

Does it make sense if healthy people suffering from colds suppress fever?

What can be done instead: If you have a healthy heart and circulatory system you might take a hot bath and add hot water every five minutes. After 20 minutes rub yourself dry and go to bed for sweating. After a while wash with cold water, rub dry and go to bed to rest. You may repeat the whole procedure up to three times daily. This promotes the fever and accelerates the immune response. Drink a lot of ginger tea and unsweetened lemonade and stay in bed until the fever is gone and you feel healthy.

In cold weather, wind, and air conditioning I recommend to regularly enjoy sugar-free and tooth-friendly Instant Chi Candies.

To strengthen the immune system, e.g., after prolonged abuse of aspirin or other immune depressants a short therapy with infusions and injections can be recommendable. In case you are interested kindly contact us.

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Herpes Blisters Again and Again – What to Do?

A friend of mine gets a herpes blister on her lower lip about every quarter of the year, usually after having had a few days of stress. Although I have often recommended her to keep a box of Zovirax, she never has it in stock when required, so she needs to “sit out” the herpes blister.

Herpes blisters are signs of a viral infection of a nerve. Zovirax (aciclovir) inhibits virus replication and if you take it in time it can stop the herpes blister as a whole or partially.

Better yet would be to prevent herpes blisters altogether. 75 to 90 percent of all people in Austria test positive for the herpes virus and can therefore get herpes blisters. The others may naturally get infected any time, e.g., when kissing.

The best is to strengthen the immune system, which prevents the virus from multiplying: We recommend using a special immune-boosting short infusion treatment combined with TCM drugs. In case you are interested feel free to contact us.

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Massive Lipedema, Overweight and Osteoarthritis as a Result of Light Drinks? (Part 3)

And now for the osteoarthritis, which of course is caused by the excess weight. What can we do to help her except of assisting in weight loss?

The extracted fat contains a lot of the body’s own stem cells and we take advantage of their regenerative power on affected joints. Each time she gets liposuction we inject autologous stem cells into the affected joint areas.

Let us hope that she manages to refrain from light drinks, that she will lose weight and gain more health and vitality!

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Madonna: When High Heels Can be Fatal

Madonna has been a successful singer for more than thirty years and when her music is not in the spotlight her great looks and pep keep her fans enthralled. It is therefore not surprising that she is also surrounded by young men. Madonna’s current boyfriend is 26 year-old Timor Steffens from Holland, ironically called “Toy Boy” by the media.

The dancer’s youthful buzz is obviously keeping Madonna on her toes ­­– she regularly visits big parties and events with him. The superstar spent New Year’s Eve at Valentino’s private party in Switzerland, and was recently seen living it up at a yacht party in Rotterdam, her young partner’s home city.

Madonna really does deserve the title Queen of Pop – after all, she goes on tour, continually produces new music, visits big events and manages to look fantastic and radiate energy at the same time. Nonetheless, even a pop queen is not immune from the pitfalls of female fashion: Recently, she injured her ankles badly when disco dancing in high heels and posted a photo of herself on crutches on Instagram.

High heels seem to be dangerous even for women used to wearing them. Kelly Osbourne, famous from the reality show The Osbournes, has said that she has very flexible joints. However, this does not prevent her from often tripping up on high heels and makes her prone to accidents. Victoria Beckham created a stir when she was seen wearing high-heeled shoes during the advanced stages of pregnancy, and has said that she will probably have to have her toes operated on due to continually wearing high heels.

Physiotherapy, weight loss or symptomatic pain therapy are usually recommended for joint problems, whereby the condition can worsen if the damage itself remains untreated. Injuries to the ankles frequently cause lasting damage later developing into arthritis, a degenerative disease of the joints. By the time this occurs, the implant of an artificial joint is often the only solution, but, of course, this can never adequately replace a natural one.

Madonna still looks very attractive, although it is rumored on the web that this might be due to number of factors, including facial rejuvenation with autologous fat and hormonal regeneration with bioidentical hormones (Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy, BHRT). However, joint injuries should always be taken seriously, even if they are not visible to others – after all, Madonna’s joints have to put up with the stress of her elaborate live performances, as recently seen at the 56th Annual Grammy Awards.

As a star, who travels a great deal, which options would Madonna have for the regeneration of her damaged joint, without too much time being lost? Treatment of the joints with autologous stem cells from body fat would possibly have the potential to support joint regeneration and healing early on. Initial feedback gained from studies on this promising innovative method states that pain is reduced and joint functions improved.

Stem cells and progenitors of connective tissue cells, so-called mesenchymal cells, have the capacity to promote healing in cartilage, bones and joints. These cells are present in sufficient quantities in every person’s fat tissue. They can be obtained from a small quantity of fat, removed using liposuction with microcannulas. The stem cells isolated are then immediately injected into the affected joint area.

Stem cell therapy for the treatment of joint damage takes place on an outpatient basis using local anesthesia, and, depending on the joints affected, takes up to two hours. Since the joint is not opened up during this surgery, mobility is retained. Regardless of the improvement achieved, any further treatment must be carried out several months later at the earliest.

In spite of Madonna’s accident, high heels won’t be requiring a health warning in future, and will continue to be bought by women everywhere. We can also assume that joint treatment with stem cells from autologous fat will be replacing many complex joint operations in future. Nevertheless, we hope that the Queen of Pop will soon be able to find her balance on high heels again without tripping up and needing medical assistance, and continue to be in the spotlight.

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Massive Lipedema, Overweight and Osteoarthritis as a Result of Light Drinks? (Part 2)

As a loyal reader of my blog or newsletter you will guess what I recommended her: Get rid of the artificial sweeteners, cleanse the body from over sugaring with appropriate medications such as alpha lipoic acid and start a medically-assisted weight loss program.

To reduce her mechanical disabilities and reduced mobility we do liposuction on several areas of the body. We started with the lower legs, where the lipedemas were particularly disturbing for her.

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Massive Lipedema, Overweight and Osteoarthritis as a Result of Light Drinks? (Part 1)

Recently a heavy patient (150 kilograms) with massive lipedema of upper and lower legs consulted me. In addition she suffers from severe fat accumulation in all parts of the body. A blood analysis revealed an elevated blood glucose level but no diabetes.

Now our patient swore that she hardly ever ate sweets, she would on the contrary even fast for many days, but still she could not lose weight.

What was found? She regularly drinks gallons of Zero Coke and other diet drinks with artificial sweeteners such as aspartame and saccharin! As you know it has recently been found out that artificial sweeteners can make you fat by interfering with the intestinal flora.

DDr. Heinrich, MD

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Methods of Rejuvenation: Treatment Using Stem Cells (Part 3)

The body’s own (autologous) stem cells could revolutionize regenerative and aesthetic medicine in the future. Adult stem cells which are contained in body fat in large numbers have the potential to develop into a variety of tissue types. Thus their healing effect can be utilized to regenerate many weaknesses of the body caused by aging and diseases. Since the stem cells are the body’s own cells of the patient the body recognizes them as its own cells.

This is nothing new: Veterinary medicine has many years of very good experience with the therapeutic use of autologous stem cells in thousands of dogs and racehorses. The stem cells extracted from adipose tissue of the animals seem to be suitable for regeneration of damaged joints, bones, and cartilage. They are also administered in various sorts of other diseases as well with the goal of general regeneration.

Some medical centers around the world now offer therapies using adult stem cells from autologous fat in humans. Regenerative stem cell therapies regenerate weakened tissues and organs and can therefore be used in a variety of diseases: There are numerous studies worldwide in which autologous stem cells from fat tissue are used in the treatment of heart diseases, diabetes, joint diseases, nervous disorders, endocrine diseases and many other degenerative processes.

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Read more about other methods of rejuvenation

Protect Your Body from Harmful Sugar Deposits with Alpha Lipoic Acid Infusion

Sugar and artificial sweeteners in “diet drinks” and “light products” are bad for health and beauty. Whereas sugar leads to high blood sugar almost directly, artificial sweeteners make the blood sugar level rise indirectly by disturbing the intestinal flora, as reported in the prestigious journal Nature recently.

We recommend our patients a Paleolithic diet, similar to the diet of the famous Iceman Ötzi. However, this is easier said than done for many people:

Many industrially produced foods contain added artificial sweeteners without us knowing it – not only “light” or “diet products”. Therefore it is not surprising how difficult it is for many overweight people to lose weight.

Both sugar and sweeteners can make fat and sick and lead to diabetes in the long term. Elevated blood sugar levels are partly responsible for accumulation of sugar in cells and tissues. The sugar deposits promote cell aging and can make cells lose vitality. Not just skin cells, but also nerve cells and cells of our retinas are damaged by the sugar stored in the cells. This is worst in diabetes!

Infusion treatment with alpha lipoic acid helps

Alpha lipoic acid is a powerful antioxidant that is used in the treatment of diabetes and the damage it causes to the nerves. It can also be used to “clean” our cells by driving out the sugar stored in our tissues.

We offer treatments with alpha lipoic acid in my clinic in Vienna from now on.

What can those do for whom a strict Stone Age diet and the abandonment of sugar and sweeteners to the greatest possible extent are too difficult? I recommend them regular infusion treatment with alpha lipoic acid to remove the sugar deposits from their bodies.

This applies especially to those who like delicious candy. Another tip: If at all, then just avoid artificial sweeteners and instead enjoy real chocolate with a high cocoa content ;-).

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Artificial Sweeteners Make You Fat

Bad news for consumers of “diet drinks” and “light products”: Israeli researchers have just found out that artificial sweeteners can cause an alteration of the intestinal flora which in turn raises blood sugar levels. This can indeed make you fat and even lead to diabetes.

Why does hardly anyone succeed in losing weight by using artificial sweeteners? According to the journal Nature Israeli researchers tested in mice how a diet high in artificial sweeteners such as aspartame or saccharin affects blood sugar levels. To the surprise of the researchers they noted an increase in blood sugar (glucose) and worsening of glucose tolerance, both typical for diabetes.

Next they extended their study to humans and noticed the same results: Artificial sweeteners also alter the human intestinal flora and in turn increase the blood sugar level, which causes insulin secretion to rise and promote fat storage. Also in humans this finally results in weight gain and diabetes.

Today artificial sweeteners are added in many industrially processed foods, not only in “light” or “diet products”. Therefore it is not surprising how difficult it is for many overweight people to lose weight.

How to really get to the ideal weight you can read in my blog about Ötzi’s diet and on our page about medically-assisted weight loss therapies.

With artificial sweeteners in any case losing weight does not work.

DDr. Heinrich, MD