Here’s a secret: How to keep colds at bay…

Perhaps you already heard about it – this winter had the lowest levels of sunshine recorded in the past 100 years. Although many patients prefer to have their gentle aesthetic surgeries done during the summer, we also have a lot of work in this exceptionally dark, dreary winter. However, some of our patients had to postpone their scheduled stem cell breast augmentation, microcannular liposuction or Hormonal Regeneration® due to influenza.

In contrast, throughout the years, I have never had to postpone a scheduled surgery because of a cold. People sometimes ask me why I am always so healthy and fit in the winter when all around everyone is sick, coughing or has the flu. Today, I would like to give away one of my little secrets – for a change, this secret has nothing to do with bioidentical hormones or stem cells: We make our own immune-strengthening drops in my clinic and I take a few of them every day during the cold months.

Of course, these are not just ordinary “cough drops” you can get at the pharmacy or drugstore. Initially, they are made with birch sugar (xylitol) and are therefore totally different than real lozenges; good for the teeth, since they stimulate their mineralization and get rid of bad bacteria. That is why I haven’t had any unpleasant experiences with dentists for over 30 years… In addition, birch sugar stimulates the digestion, which is another positive effect. It goes without saying that they also do not contain any questionable ingredients such as artificial sweeteners, e.g. Aspartame, which is unfortunately used in “light” drinks.

Birch sugar alone certainly does not protect us from colds and flu. For this, a combination of herbal and root extracts is required, which I found in traditional Chinese medicine when conducting research into aesthetic-regenerative issues. They could also be consumed without birch sugar, but the taste without it is difficult to get used to, in fact, for most Europeans, the taste is quite horrible. However, the combination with birch sugar and other flavors gives it a very pleasant taste.

Since my friends and staff repeatedly keep asking me to give them some of these drops, I also do not want to keep them from you any longer, my dear patients and newsletter subscribers: We now also offer our immune-strengthening candy to you! They come in two different strengths: Light spicy and Strong spicy. Strong spicy has the greater effect, but some people prefer Light spicy, especially when first trying them.

How do you take them? As a preventive measure, suck one of these drops three to seven times a day until it has dissolved and a pleasantly strong taste has spread through your mouth and throat. Since these drops are handmade and contain no sugar or chemical additives, they tend to crumble and dissolve more quickly than ordinary cough lozenges. This is intended, because in this way, they take effect more quickly. If you already have a cold, take a drop every two hours. The cold will clear up and your symptoms are more likely to disappear faster.

Order your Instant Chi Candies here. I hope that you remain healthy and without a cold for the remaining winter days, and wish you a lovely and successful spring!

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Have Botox and fillers become obsolete?

Interview with DDr. Heinrich about face and skin rejuvenation

DDr. Heinrich is available to the media from all over the world on a regular basis for queries regarding types of treatment and trends in the field of aesthetic surgery. Only recently, DDr. Heinrich was interviewed by a European magazine about therapy for face and skin rejuvenation: Has Botox become obsolete? Are there any new therapeutic options? Read the whole interview below:

Journalist: What do you think about different types of tissue fillers?

DDr. Heinrich: I personally advise patients to avoid artificial tissue fillers especially in the face in most cosmetic cases, as they often make faces look uneven and odd. In some cases tissue fillers are recommendable though. However, we exclusively use autologous fillers, mostly the patient’s own fat, often enriched with stem cells for enhanced durability, to augment breasts and to even out dimples and irregularities. Many patients from around the world are travelling to our clinic in Vienna to have breasts augmented with stem cells and/or irregularities (that often had resulted from unsuccessfully performed liposuctions in other clinics) corrected with stem cell-enriched fat.

Journalist: And what’s about Botox? What are your experiences?

DDr. Heinrich: I use Botox only in cases where mimic muscles have got to be temporarily calmed after facial injections/surgery and also in hyperactivity of the sweat glands of the hands or armpits. Using Botox regularly in the face makes the skins muscles and glands shrink. This makes the skin dry, thin, and pale, and thus makes the patient (even if wrinkle-free) look older.

Journalist: What do you think about treatment with autologous substances?

DDr. Heinrich: I recommend using only the body’s own substances, like fat and connective tissue. We have excellent results with it. Hyaluronic acid is best administered orally and/or as a topical cosmetic; we avoid injecting it. We also avoid injection of other fillers.

Journalist: What do you suggest to keep the face looking young?

DDr. Heinrich: Wrinkles, as well as aging in general, are symptoms of deficiencies both of the body’s hormonal glands and of the skin cells on the cellular level. Thus we treat wrinkles, depending on the age of the patient, by replacing bioidentical hormones (Hormonal Regeneration®) and by injecting stem cells or cellular growth factors into the skin with micro-needles. To provide to the skin the material needed for repair and regeneration we also recommend a blend of amino acids and peptides: Perfect Skin. In patients around 30 to 35 just taking Perfect Skin is usually sufficient to make wrinkles disappear. In patients from 40 we add Hormonal Regeneration® and stem cells for optimal results.

Journalist: Which direction does research for the wrinkle-free face take?

DDr. Heinrich: In the near future it will clearly be bioidentical hormones, the body’s own adult stem cells, and peptide growth factors that can be made by measure in special laboratories. In the far future maybe genetic therapies that can make the hormonal glands as well as the skin cells more durable.

What is lipedema and how is it treated?

Sometimes excess fat is not only a purely aesthetic problem. Fat deposits on hips, thighs, and upper arms that are sensitive to pressure, are painful and tend to “bruise”, are often symptomatic of lipedema (often also known as fat edema, saddle bag syndrome, or tree trunk legs). During the progression of the disease, there may be an increased accumulation of fat on the lower legs, lower arms, and on the neck.

Lipedema particularly occurs after puberty, after pregnancy, or during the menopause. There are good reasons to assume that the condition is inherited. In the final analysis though, hormonal imbalances are probably the direct cause. We are aware that for humans and animals, inappropriate nutrition can cause metabolic disorders and consequently hormonal imbalances. These imbalances can change the fat cells and fatty deposits directly or via other factors, e.g. leptins, and cause lipedema.

In the case of lipedema, water retention in the tissue may also occur. This retention can lead to feelings of tension and pressure pain in the areas affected. When the lipedema is treated, improvement of physical well-being plays an especially important role in addition to optimizing the body’s silhouette.

The lipedema should not be confused with the lymphedema: A lymphedema is not a fat accumulation disorder, but a disorder of lymph drainage. Contrary to the lipedema which always remains of the same thickness, the thickness of the limbs affected changes in the event of a lymphedema is dependent on the time of day and the force of gravity.

A preferably gentle liposuction on the body areas affected is a suitable direct therapy for lipedemas. Tissue-conserving suction and thin microcannulas should be used to prevent any further impact on the lymphatic vessels and to enable an exact forming of the body’s silhouette. For reasons of safety, liposuction should always be carried out under local anesthesia.

A low-level lipedema can be improved by a change of diet plan: Protein-rich foods are recommended and simultaneously consumption of refined carbohydrates such as sugar and white flour should be reduced. Therapy methods tailored to the patient’s individual needs can be best established during a medical examination.

In each case, it is advisable to analyze the patient’s hormonal status in order to be able to correct a hormonal imbalance by means of bioidentical hormones. Bioidentical hormones structurally resemble our human hormones. In most cases, it can be seen after a short time whether the treatment with bioidentical hormones is adequate, or if liposuction is a useful additional measure.

DDr. Heinrich, MD


Letter to the editor about burnout

DDr. Heinrich recently wrote to the TV station PULS 4 TV on the show SPIEGEL TV on “Burnout – Hype or civilization disease?”:

Vienna, February 6, 2013

Dear Editor,

“Burnout” is an important health problem that occurs mainly during prolonged occupational or private stress. Much has been reported about it, but something fundamental usually remains unmentioned:

The symptoms of “being burnt out” (burnout) are identical to the symptoms of exhaustion of specific endocrine glands due to excessive stress.

As a fast and effective relief of the affected glands the administration of certain bioidentical hormones (Bioidentical Hormonal Replacement Therapy, BHRT) has proved its worth. Failure to do so often leads to a rapid thrust of premature aging; affected people may seem to have added years of aging in just a few weeks.

Vice versa, you can increase the resistance to “burnout” dramatically and maintain a youthful appearance without plastic surgery or Botox injections just by taking bioidentical hormones in a timely manner (“Hormonal Regeneration”).

Best regards,

DDr. Karl-Georg Heinrich, MD

Clinic DDr. Heinrich®
1010 Vienna, Landhausgasse 2
Phone: +43 1 532 18 01

Why a sagging cleavage can have its advantages…

Recently, I wrote about Lady Gaga’s sagging breasts in my blog on and about how she might profit from breast augmentation using stem cells.

Please don’t misunderstand me: There’s nothing wrong with sagging breasts; they are a sign of a mature female body and are often very attractive to men.

However, many women find sagging breasts unattractive and prefer the volume and firmness of younger years. In my opinion, silicone is often not the best solution. If silicone is used, an operation to firm the breast would in most cases have to be carried out in addition to the implant. This usually looks unnatural – so therefore, who would want to do that to their body?

Stem cell-enriched autologous fat – the natural alternative

Patient before and after stem cell breast augmentation

The after photo shows the result actually achieved by the treatment. To protect the anonymity of the depicted person individual physical characteristics (e.g., moles, tattoos) might have been removed.

Stem cell-enriched autologous fat, in contrast, is ideally suited for adding volume to sagging breasts – particularly, if there are anyway plenty of fat depots in the hips and bottom.

The reason: Sagging breasts can absorb more fat than small, firm ones. That’s why a natural augmentation of up to two cup sizes can be achieved.

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Lady Gaga’s cleavage: Firm instead of sagging?

Ever since Lady Gaga caused weeks-long excitement in the music world with her debut album The Fame in 2008, wild rumors have been circulating about this extravagant artist. Allegedly, she worked for a time as a stripper in her youth – other tabloid newspapers are saying that she may even have a penis… However, only a few people know about her true life.

It seemed as if Lady Gaga, born in New York in 1986 to Italian-American parents, was destined to follow an artistic career free of any scandal. She loved music since childhood: At the tender age of four, she learnt how to play the piano and sang along to Queen, Debbie Harry, Grace Jones, Madonna, and Michael Jackson. An exception in the law made it possible for the “child prodigy” to begin studying music already at the age of 17.

Before her big break, she wrote songs for the Pussycat Dolls; the eccentric diva was helped out by singer and producer Akon. But, this was not enough for Lady Gaga – she wanted to go on stage herself. In 2008, her dream came true when she wowed her fans with the song Just Dance. She wore extravagant clothes and put on an amazing stage show. Being a perfectionist, nothing was left to chance.

However, the tabloid press had commented on Lady Gaga’s alleged “fashion faux pas”, which did not cover up her problem zones, but serving only to accentuate them. This led to even more gossips. Fans were upset about photos of the 26-year-old singer which appeared recently, showing her wearing blue and white striped high water jeans accentuating new, unwanted curves and also her brightly decorated body including close-up views of sagging, drooping breasts.

How can this “exceptional artist” regain her great shape naturally without the paparazzi finding out how she did it?

Sagging breasts like hers could really be helped by a stem cell breast augmentation, because sagging breasts can absorb far more of the injected autologous fat than firm ones. In particular, women who have breast-fed profit from this type of breast augmentation. Lady Gaga could get rid of the pesky fat on her hips and thighs, and profit from a naturally enlarged breast, all in one go! This type of body forming is carried out in two stages, using a gentle local anesthetic without silicone implants, permanent scars or in-patient hospital treatment. The augmentation consists of the autologous tissue and regardless of position it looks 100 % natural and “real”.

First of all, fat is manually extracted from the problem areas using very thin microcannulas (Liposculpture) and hence, the body’s silhouette is optimally formed using this gentle method. During the second stage, the fat obtained is enriched with the autologous stem cells in a complex laboratory procedure in order to achieve a long-term effect. Finally, the body fat, enriched with the stem cells, is injected into the breast, whereby sagging, drooping breasts as in the case of Lady Gaga could be increased by up to two cup sizes.

By regaining her old figure, the singer might avoid further embarrassment: Celebrity portal reports that during a recent stage performance of the song Heavy Metal Lover, Lady Gaga’s skin-tight latex trousers split, allowing fans to have a full view of her bottom. But, it may have been just a PR stunt – you never know!

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Aesthetic and regenerative treatments with stem cells from autologous fat

Newly-developed types of treatment, first offered in aesthetic and regenerative medicine, are repeatedly applied later on in medical healing practice for the therapeutic treatment of ailments.

The great potential of body’s own stem cells extracted from autologous fat can be used for natural breast augmentation, face rejuvenation, and body sculpting.

The good news:

Even slim people usually possess adequate “love handles” to enable the performance of aesthetic and regenerative treatments.

Stem cells obtained from autologous fat are now being used for general regeneration and targeted treatment of joint problems such as arthritis.

Fat is gently liposuctioned from autologous fat depots on the upper thighs, hips, and other areas and the stem cells contained therein are subsequently obtained. Locally injected, these autologous stem cells unfold their regenerative and rejuvenating effect.

In aesthetic medicine, stem cells obtained from autologous fat are gradually replacing artificial fillers such as silicone, for example, in stem cell breast augmentation. Instead of using conventional operating techniques with scalpel and general anesthesia, stem cell treatment is used in cosmetic surgery in a gentle, natural, and safe way under local anesthesia.

The after photo shows the result actually achieved by the treatment.

The use of autologous stem cells in medical healing practice has already had promising and successful outcomes, above all in Asia. In the United States, thousands of racehorses and dogs suffering from joint deterioration have been successfully treated with stem cells obtained from autologous fat.

Do you want to explore the possibilities of using your autologous stem cells? We are presently conducting an internal application observation on the potential of stem cells for the treatment of joint problems. Should you be interested, please contact us! Treatments with stem cells from autologous fat are new; the costs are not covered by health insurance schemes.

Video: Treatment of Adrenal Fatigue with BHRT and Stem Cells

DDr. Heinrich talks about treatment of adrenal fatigue with bioidentical hormones (Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy, BHRT) and the body’s own stem cells. This therapy restores balanced hormone levels by supplementing bioidentical hormones, leading to a rejuvenation of up to 15 years. Both youthful vitality and power can be regained by this BHRT.

Treatment of Adrenal Fatigue with BHRT and Stem Cells

Merry Christmas to seriously ill children

The most rewarding part of my work is when my patients keep telling me that their physical changes have led to increased self-esteem, vitality, and satisfaction.

However, people frequently have to struggle with quite different problems. Within the scope of the DDr. Heinrich Foundation®, together with the Make-A-Wish Foundation®, we grant the heart’s desires of children with life-threatening medical conditions.

Help put up a smile on the brave little patients’ faces – by making a donation to the Make-A-Wish Foundation®!

Yours sincerely,
DDr. Heinrich, MD

Account for donations:
Account no.: 631 2102
Name of the bank: Raiffeisenlandesbank
Wien und Niederösterreich
Bank routing no.: 32 000
IBAN: AT253200000006312102

DDr. Heinrich Foundation®