Letter to the editor about burnout

DDr. Heinrich recently wrote to the TV station PULS 4 TV on the show SPIEGEL TV on “Burnout – Hype or civilization disease?”:

Vienna, February 6, 2013

Dear Editor,

“Burnout” is an important health problem that occurs mainly during prolonged occupational or private stress. Much has been reported about it, but something fundamental usually remains unmentioned:

The symptoms of “being burnt out” (burnout) are identical to the symptoms of exhaustion of specific endocrine glands due to excessive stress.

As a fast and effective relief of the affected glands the administration of certain bioidentical hormones (Bioidentical Hormonal Replacement Therapy, BHRT) has proved its worth. Failure to do so often leads to a rapid thrust of premature aging; affected people may seem to have added years of aging in just a few weeks.

Vice versa, you can increase the resistance to “burnout” dramatically and maintain a youthful appearance without plastic surgery or Botox injections just by taking bioidentical hormones in a timely manner (“Hormonal Regeneration”).

Best regards,

DDr. Karl-Georg Heinrich, MD

Clinic DDr. Heinrich®
1010 Vienna, Landhausgasse 2
E-mail: info@ddrheinrich.com
Web: http://ddrheinrich.com/
Phone: +43 1 532 18 01

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