Spring Fever…

Winter is finally coming to an end in the northern hemisphere and the weather is becoming sunnier and warmer.

Most people breathe a sigh of relief at the thought of the coming warm season. However, others feel slightly uneasy at going out in thinner clothing again and having to do without the visual barrier provided by thick winter coats. Problem zones defying diets and training are often difficult to hide under summer clothes.

There are many promising methods, however, having the potential to make your body fit for the summer, even for particularly persistent problem zones.

Lecithin lets small fat pads melt away

Small fat pads on the body and face can be reduced without surgery using a fat-away injection (injection lipolysis). This treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis by using lecithin, a natural substance having fat dissolving properties, which is injected into the area requiring treatment with fine injection needles.

Patient before and after treatment with fat-away injection

The after photo shows the result actually achieved by the treatment. Background coloring harmonized.

Measurement reductions of typically 2 to 4 cm can be expected for the areas treated. Fat-away injection treatment can also be combined with liposuction to achieve an optimal result.

The fat-away injection is also suitable for smaller fat pads, e.g., on the abdomen and hips, but also for a double chin or cellulite.

Using microcannulas for stubborn problem zones

If larger fat pads are to be treated, it can often be useful to have liposuction performed on the areas affected. Liposculpture is a special form of liposuction whereby fat is gently extracted using a purely manual technique. Body forming is carried out optionally with fine microcannulas or the somewhat thicker regular cannulas.

Patient before and after microcannular liposuction

The after photo shows the result actually achieved by the treatment.

When liposuction with microcannulas is performed, the result can be seen immediately after surgery. Normally, the patient only has to wear compression garments for 7 days.

We are available to you to arrange a consultation appointment, during which we can discuss any potential treatment to be carried out in detail.

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Zoe Saldana: Breast Augmentation for a Na’vi?

You would think that strong, self-confident Zoe Saldana has everything a woman wants. She looks wonderful, has a successful acting career and last year, she married her dream man Marco Perego in a secret wedding. Her happiness seems to be complete, yet she confessed to Lucky magazine that she wouldn’t mind having new breasts.

“People always want things they don’t have. I have always been obsessed with breasts. I love them. I don’t like fake things, but I wouldn’t mind buying myself a pair one day before I die,” the screen beauty said in an interview. Zoe Saldana wants a breast augmentation to optimize her body’s aesthetic appeal and not because she feels uncomfortable with it.

This power woman has absolutely no reason to be dissatisfied with her body. She looks great, in her everyday activities as well as on the red carpet. Her outfits reflect her strong personality, because she doesn’t want to look like a weakling. “I like looking strong. I don’t need someone to open the door for me. I can open a jar,” the Hollywood actress said with a smile.

Zoe Saldana became famous with her lead role in Avatar, filmed by James Cameron, the director of Titanic. In Avatar she is transformed by a computer simulation into Neytiri, a blue alien with pointy ears and a tail. She is, in fact, a stunning, very sensual Na’vi maiden. The Na’vi is a species of alien similar to humans, inhabiting Pandora, a moon in the Alpha Centauri galaxy. In the film, Pandora’s mineral wealth is being exploited by companies from the Earth.

Marines are deployed to protect the ore mines against the Na’vi, who are defending their natural environment. Sam Worthington plays Jake Sully, an injured marine, sent on a special mission to accompany an expeditionary team led by Dr. Grace Augustine (Sigourney Weaver) into the jungles of Pandora to spy on the Na’vi. For this purpose, he is transformed into an “avatar” and given an artificially created alien body. After being saved from danger by Neytiri, Jake is accepted into her tribe, the Omaticaya, having proved himself many times. Of course, the pair fall in love and Jake Sully has to make the choice between his human commanders and his new tribe, between his old identity as a human and his new one as a Na’vi…

But enough of the film with its impressive colorful landscapes, floating mountains and aboriginal romanticism. You should watch this epic science fiction film yourself. After all, it’s the most successful film in cinematic history! The role in Avatar catapulted Zoe Saldana, whose roots are in the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico, into Hollywood’s A-list.

Some time ago, a friend advised Zoe to have her breasts augmented. Now, the Hollywood star is considering whether to turn her dream into reality. It seems that an aesthetic breast alteration has become Zoe Saldana’s goal in life.

Zoe must surely be very familiar with the many older Hollywood divas and their artificial looking, silicone-augmented breasts. It is therefore understandable that she would prefer a natural looking result. Breast augmentation with stem cells allows Mother Nature to give gentle assistance, providing a completely natural result without any implanted foreign bodies or tell-tale scars.

The fat needed for the breast augmentation with autologous fat and stem cells is obtained gently by liposuction with microcannulas. The extracted fat is enriched with stem cells in a complex procedure. The stem cell-enriched autologous fat is then immediately and gently injected into the breasts. All stages of the treatment are carried out using local anesthesia, meaning that the patient is fully mobile afterwards and post-surgery care is considerably easier than that required after silicone implants.

The desired result can be usually achieved with just one round of treatment. The breasts, gently augmented with autologous fat and stem cells, consist of the body’s own tissue only and therefore look completely “real” in any position and when moving – even during sex. Due to their high regenerative potential, stem cells obtained from autologous fat are additionally suitable for natural skin rejuvenation on the face and body as well as for regenerative therapies.

When Zoe resumes her role of Neytiri in the sequel to Avatar, audiences will perhaps wonder at her noticeably larger cleavage and may think of computer simulation or silicone – as one of my blog readers, you might come up with a more natural alternative as an explanation.

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Rob Kardashian’s Weight Problems – Lose Weight with Melatonin?

Whoever wants to be in the spotlight these days has to take great care of their appearance. The well-known Kardashian family has been part and parcel of the celebrity scene since their 2007 breakthrough in reality TV and it seems that it has always been easy for them to show themselves at their best. However, Kim Kardashian’s brother Rob has to struggle with his weight for months. During the past year, he was regularly photographed while performing physical activities, but the pounds just won’t go away.

If he wants to lose weight, apart from eating less burgers and pizzas, Rob should be paying attention to the processes taking place in his body.

Brown fat tissue, for instance: Unlike adults, newborns have brown fat tissue, which protects their bodies from cooling. This special fat tissue is activated by a cold stimulus, whereby the body’s metabolism is stimulated and fat burned. Adults still have these fat cells to some extent, but in most people they are no longer active.

The hormone melatonin increases the activity rate of the brown fat cells. To be precise, it stimulates the liver to fulfill its nocturnal tasks, which is why it is also called the “sleep hormone”. Trials with laboratory rats have shown that the sleep hormone also causes brown fat cells to burn fat and thus support weight loss.

A dysfunctional thyroid gland can often be the cause of persistent excess weight. T3 and T4 hormones play an important role in the body’s energy metabolism and cell growth and if insufficient quantities of them are produced in the thyroid gland, this can develop into an overall health problem – obesity (adipositas) is after all one of the main causes of cardiovascular disease.

What advice can we give to Rob? First of all, he should have a thorough analysis made of his hormone levels and the “actual status” of his health. On this basis, customized therapy can be developed for medically assisted weight loss. Any hormonal deficiencies, for example of the thyroid hormones and melatonin, can thereby be balanced out with bioidentical hormones. In addition, changes can be made to diet and lifestyle. Carbohydrate intake, in particular, such as starch, flour and potatoes should be reduced.

Liposuction on the “problem zones” should be carried out before weight loss and can also act as a supportive measure, since it reduces the number of estrogen-producing fat cells. The hormone estrogen promotes fat accumulation in the body.

Once the hormonal balance has been restored, Rob would find it much easier to lose weight and to achieve his ideal weight in the long-term with balanced diet and sport. In most cases, a person’s ideal weight can be maintained in the long run.

In addition to weight loss therapy, bioidentical hormones are also used to improve vitality and general well-being as well as for rejuvenation of the skin on the face and body. Unlike Kim, however, Rob doesn’t have an issue with skin rejuvenation yet.

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Spring is on its way – get rid of the winter weight gain

The first flowers are already in bloom, reminding us that spring is just around the corner. It is time to put our winter coats back into the wardrobe and stop covering ourselves up so much. But, what can we do to get rid of the pounds we put on over the winter?

Not everyone has the discipline needed for strict fasting and usually the yo-yo effect puts an end to any attempts to lose weight using crash diets. Many “insider tips” for losing weight are not only possibly harmful to health, but have little effect.

Frequently, the cause of overweight is a hormonal imbalance in the thyroid hormones. Fat pads in turn produce the hormone estrogen, which promotes even more fat accumulation in the body.

At the commencement of medically assisted weight loss a thorough analysis will therefore be made of the state of your hormones and health and also of your eating habits. The hormonal balance will then be achieved on this basis using bioidentical hormones, which have the same structure as our human hormones.

Fat pads defying all weight loss attempts can be extracted with targeted liposuction using microcannulas. A potential liposuction on “problem zones” should be carried out before any other weight loss methods are commenced, so that the body can adapt itself to the fat breakdown about to take place.

Perfect Skin

Subsequently, it is usually easier to achieve your ideal weight and maintain it in the long term by making changes to your eating and lifestyle habits and by taking part in a training program tailored to your individual needs.

During weight loss therapy or when losing weight on one’s own initiative, Weight Loss Phaseolin can help to lower the absorption of carbohydrates from the intestines, so that they are not deposited as fat in the body. Phaseolin is obtained from white kidney beans and is also suitable for vegetarians. Weight Loss Phaseolin is available in our web shop.

My team and I would be pleased to support you on your way to attain your ideal weight and figure.

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Knee Injury – Lindsey Vonn Misses Olympic Games

The American ski racer Lindsey Vonn has a long list of victories and honors to her credit. In addition to the gold and silver medals she won in previous Olympic Games, the blond athlete also won the World Cup title four times. Anyone who knows about Lindsey’s childhood will soon understand why she was predestined to become a skier.

Lindsey was already hurtling down ski slopes at the age of two, later attending special training camps for talented young skiers. Her father certainly made a huge contribution to her success by moving with her to the winter sports resort Vail in Colorado to allow her to train on a daily basis.

Lindsey’s love life and not just her sporting records have made her the center of media attention. Since it became known that the American divorcee had started a relationship with the very go-getting professional golfer Tiger Woods, the gossip factory is working overtime and her sporting achievements fade into the background. The fact that Lindsey ruptured the cruciate ligament and injured the bone in her right knee last spring probably also played a role in this respect.

Despite the sports injury and knee operation, for a long period she was convinced that she would be able to take part in Sochi and take home a second gold medal. However, joint injuries require rest, so Lindsey was regretfully forced to withdraw: “I am devastated to announce that I will not be able to compete in Sochi. I did everything I possibly could to somehow get strong enough to overcome having no ACL but the reality has sunk in that my knee is just too unstable to compete at this level,” Lindsey told her fans on Facebook.

The ambitious sportswoman now wants to be fit enough to start ski racing again by 2015. Because of the surgery she had on her knee, Lindsey won’t be able to do any hard training for a good while and will be undergoing physiotherapy instead. But, what else could the top athlete do in order to speed up the healing process and race down the slope again next year?

A large number of studies conducted worldwide document the important role that so-called mesenchymal stem cells (MSC), the progenitor cells of connective tissue, play during the regeneration of joint injuries, cartilage damage, arthritis and torn muscles. Every person has rich deposits of these stem cells in his or her fat tissue. Stem cell therapy has the potential to shorten the normally relatively long healing process for these injuries and to reduce pain.

When stem cell therapy for joint problems is carried out, a small amount of fat is first suctioned off using liposuction with microcannulas, and mesenchymal stem cells are extracted from it. The stem cells obtained in this way are then immediately injected into the affected areas, for example, on knees, shoulders, hips, hands or fingers, or they are administered as an infusion. Since treatment takes place on an outpatient basis using local anesthesia, the patient remains mobile throughout.

The regenerative effect of treating joints with the autologous stem cells from fat and the pain relief associated with it should begin several weeks after treatment. Thanks to faster healing, Lindsey Vonn might be able to get ready for her 2015 comeback more quickly and remind the world that her sporting career is far more interesting than her private life.

In the meantime, Lindsey at least has more time to cheer on her partner and to watch him winning live in person, which, of course, she could hardly manage to do when competing herself. Her fans will definitely be pleased about the photographs, where the pair can be seen side by side.

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Nicole Kidman – Withstanding the sun using melanotropin

In the mystery film The Others the American-Australian actress Nicole Kidman plays a mother who lives together with her two children and her grotesque servants in an English mansion during the Second World War. The sinister atmosphere conjured up so wonderfully by director Alejandro Amenábar is intensified by the two children suffering from a rare light allergy: To protect them from sunlight, all the window blinds have to be closed during the day, and candles lit in the house.

One day, inexplicable changes occurring in the secluded house and bring turmoil to the family. The children have visions of a small boy appearing seemingly from nowhere and disappearing in a similarly ghostly manner. All the curtains in the house disappear without trace and the piano and doors take on a life of their own.

This excellent film has an interesting twist, just like that in The Sixth Sense, and of course I do not want to disclose any essential details. The stunning Nicole Kidman is outstanding as usual, but not because of her attempts to look more like Marilyn Monroe than a rugged beauty from the Australian outback. Not because of the filler in her lips and the Botox in her forehead. The film is about the children and their extremely light skin. They suffer from a serious illness known as light allergy, for which, however, a promising therapeutic approach has been around for some time.

In cases of light allergy, the skin reacts sensitively to UV exposure, as insufficient levels of the brown pigment melanin are produced. This has a tanning effect on the skin and protects it from UV light. Genetic factors determine whether a person has a light skin and how much melanin our body can produce by itself. These factors cannot be changed. There is nevertheless a way to stimulate melanin production and to give the skin a visible tan.

Melanotropin is the hormone which stimulates skin pigment cells to produce melanin. Some time ago, melanotropin received approval for therapeutic treatment of light allergies, but it is also suitable for skin tanning and protecting the skin from the sun. During therapy with melanotropin/melanotropin analogues (melanotan, bremelanotide), the skin tans more quickly due to the increased production of melanin by skin pigment cells and retains the tan for a longer period. This might mean that sun tan lotions will become a thing of the past.

The results of studies with melanotropin analogues are promising, from which we can conclude that their regular application could not only slow down skin aging, but also reduce the risk of skin cancer to a certain degree. At present, the substance Melanotan I, a melanotropin analogue, is approved in Switzerland and in Italy for the treatment of light allergies and pigmentation disorders, whereby it remains to be seen if it can establish itself as a rival product in the cosmetics industry.

I will give you regular updates on the topic of melanotropin analogues. However, the skin can also be protected and rejuvenated with more generally available hormones: From the age of 40 onwards Hormonal Regeneration® (Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy, BHRT) is a sensible treatment option for healthy and vital looking skin. A deficiency of testosterone and DHEA can be seen by a sallow skin, a deficiency of the thyroid hormone by dry, swollen skin and of the growth hormone from sagging, devitalized skin. With Hormonal Regeneration®, hormone levels are analyzed in the initial phase and then supplemented with bioidentical hormones. According to the patient’s individual wishes, a Hormonal Regeneration® cure with bioidentical hormones has a duration between 3 and 6 cycles (1 cycle = 28 days) and can be repeated some time afterwards.

Although the mother played by Nicole Kidman in The Others seemed to be the right age for Hormonal Regeneration®, the bioidentical hormones would not have helped her – do you know (or can you guess) why?

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Mariah Carey: Shoulder pain is worse than giving birth

The successful singer Mariah Carey from New York has been enthralling audiences around the world with her wonderful voice and beautiful looks for many years. In the video for her latest hit Beautiful she radiates her own special beauty on a lush meadow in the evening twilight. Mariah began to perform in the 1980s when she was just a young girl and was extremely popular with audiences.

Since then, she has been extremely active: Mariah has appeared in numerous TV series and has taken on supporting roles in Hollywood productions, for example 1999 in The Bachelor. She has her pop and R&B music to thank for her real breakthrough, allowing her to show her romantic side and to come to terms with the events in her life in her love songs. Mariah’s music is so heavily emotional that she was even invited to sing at Michael Jackson’s official mourning ceremony.

In April 2011 she gave birth to twins having the unusual names Moroccan and Monroe. Mariah really needs huge amounts of energy and strength to have enough time for her family and her career. What a shame, then, that when recording a video at the beginning of July, the singer dislocated her right shoulder and also broke a rib!

Mariah informed her fans on Facebook and Twitter that this shoulder injury and the pain she suffered from it were the “hardest experience” of her life: “The traumatic experience was similar to the pain I felt during the birth of my twins Moroccan and Monroe.” The joy her twins gave her made Mariah quickly forget the birth pains she endured, though!

Mariah is making better progress in her recovery than her physicians had expected, nevertheless, joint injuries often cause damage to the cartilage, which can later result in arthritis. Degradation of the joint cartilage occurs in cases of arthritis, which may cause chronic pain and restricted mobility. The reason for this is a dysfunction of the cartilage metabolic balance, causing the joint cartilage to gradually dissolve. Frequently, the cartilage dissolves completely and the membrane lining of the joint become inflamed.

Many patients regard treatment with medication and physiotherapy as the only solution. If the joint damage is in an advanced stage due to arthritis, a joint implant may be unavoidable. However, an artificial joint can never be a real replacement for a natural one – if this happened, not even Mariah could give her tour de force performances on stage and in the studio any longer.

What if we could regenerate damaged joints caused by accidents, sports injuries and deterioration, helping patients to regain increased mobility and well-being?

An approach currently being undertaken in this direction involves joint treatment with autologous stem cells from fat. In contrast to symptomatic pain therapy, it focusses on the regeneration of damaged cartilage, bones and joints using stem cells and progenitor cells from the connective tissue. Furthermore, these so-called mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) have an anti-inflammatory effect. In this way, joint deterioration could be counteracted gently and the pain reduced.

Joint treatment with stem cells is carried out on an outpatient basis using local anesthesia. Initially, a small portion of fat is extracted using gentle liposuction with microcannulas. The stem cells are obtained from this in a complex laboratory procedure and are directly injected into the affected joint where their regenerative effect takes place. The patient is fully mobile after treatment; there should be a therapeutic effect several weeks after the application.

Stem cells from autologous fat have a great potential to increase mobility in persons suffering from joint problems, thus helping them to enjoy greater quality of life; even ordinary people, who – unlike Mariah Carey – do not have to give high-powered physical and vocal performances on stage.

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Let the Waltz Begin: Dance into the Ball Season with Radiant Skin

During ball season, cleavage, upper arms, face and hands become the focus of attention. What can a woman do to give her skin new vitality and freshness at the “last minute”? We offer particularly gentle outpatient treatments and products for skin rejuvenation in our Clinic DDr. Heinrich®:

Skin rejuvenation with growth factors and
stem cells from fat

In mesotherapy with growth factors, smallest amounts of particular growth factors are injected into the skin with microinjections in an almost pain-free way. This is where the growth factors develop their regenerative effect and rejuvenate and tighten the skin. Further effects beyond that facilitate a skin treatment with stem cells from autologous fat.

Treatment duration:
Growth factors: 30 minutes to 1 hour
Stem cells: 30 minutes to 3 hours

Skin rejuvenation with platelet-rich plasma (PRP)

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is particularly suitable for local skin rejuvenation of the face and body. The PRP, extracted from a small amount of your own blood, is injected into the skin through micro-needle mesotherapy, where it supports the body’s natural skin rejuvenation and quickly restores radiant vital looks.

Treatment duration: 30 minutes to 1 hour

Fat-away injection (injection lipolysis) and
microcannular liposuction

The fat-away injection (injection lipolysis) is suitable for removing smaller fat pads in the face (i.e., double chin, tear sacks) as well as on the body. Local fat pads are forced to regress by injecting a natural fat-dissolving substance. For optimal results, two treatments are required in most cases. Cellulite treatment is also possible. For the gentle shaping of larger fat pads, microcannular liposuction can be performed.

Treatment duration:
Fat-away injection: 30 minutes to 90 minutes
Liposuction: 30 minutes to 3 hours

Skin rejuvenation with bioidentical hormones

Hormonal Regeneration by DDr. Heinrich® strengthens skin and body from the inside out. In the scope of an individually designed therapy, hormonal balance is restored with bioidentical hormones. After a short time, the appearance of the skin already improves considerably – it appears fresher, firmer, and radiates vitality. This treatment is ideal in combination with platelet-rich plasma, growth factors, or a stem cell treatment for skin rejuvenation.

Duration of therapy: Individually dependent, mostly 3 to 6 cycles (1 cycle = 28 days)

Perfect Skin – Cosmetics from the inside out

Perfect SkinEffective skin care is essential for beautiful skin. While the active ingredients of conventional creams, serums and oils are not able to enter into the deeper layers of the skin, Perfect Skin rejuvenates facial and body skin from the inside out!

Perfect Skin contains an optimal form of amino acids and peptides which our skin needs to build a healthy and youthful structure. When applied on a regular basis, subcutaneous tissue can be regenerated and a reduction of wrinkles can be achieved.

Place your order for Perfect Skin via our web shop right now from the comfort of your own home.

My team and I wish you a glamorous ball season,

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Excess weight – are hormones to blame?

Excess weight, also known as “adipositas” or obesity, is a major health problem in the Western world. The number of overweight people in this country is also increasingly rapidly: Around every fifth Austrian has a body mass index (BMI) of over 30 and is therefore classified as obese. Quality of life worsens for persons suffering from obesity, as they have to deal with problems of the cardiovascular system, diabetes and joint pain. In addition, life expectancy is also reduced.

Adipositas can be caused by various factors. Eating too many carbohydrates is usually to blame – however, people react in different ways to this kind of malnutrition. As a consequence of eating the wrong kinds of food, the body’s hormone levels and metabolism become unbalanced. The body then increases production of certain hormones and reduces the production of others. Fat cells produce estrogen, which in turn promotes fat accumulation.

This hormonal imbalance frequently makes it difficult to lose weight and a long-term successful outcome will usually not be possible.

Frequently, diseases of the thyroid gland can be the cause of excess weight, even if large amounts of carbohydrates have not been eaten. T3 and T4 hormones, which are produced in the thyroid gland, play a particularly important role in cases of excess weight. If too few of these thyroid gland hormones are produced, the body’s energy metabolism ceases to function properly. More symptoms of thyroid gland weakness appear, such as “being swelled up”, sensitivity to cold, constipation and sluggishness – signs that the metabolism has slowed down.

By administering thyroid hormones, the metabolism can be stimulated and stubborn excess weight tackled. The quantity of thyroid hormones required must be determined for each individual case. Hormonal Regeneration® (Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy, BHRT), customized for each patient, uses bioidentical hormones similar in structure to human hormones and can be of help in long-term weight loss, combined with a change of diet and physical training.

When untreated, adipositas can be the cause of serious diseases. According to a study conducted in Great Britain, joint deterioration can be caused by a change in the production of leptin and resistin in the fat cells. Leptin regulates body weight and strengthens the immune system. If it is present in excessive amounts, however, it triggers inflammatory reactions and affects articular cartilage. In turn, resistin promotes inflammatory cell activity and is present in excessive quantities in cases of arthritis.

A medically assisted weight loss therapy can help patients to break out of this harmful cycle. By using gentle liposuction with microcannulas on local problem zones, estrogen-producing fat pads on the abdomen and hips which promote further fat accumulation in the body can be reduced. The quantity of fat cells responsible for the production of leptin and resistin are thus decreased at the same time.

Can this “annoying” fat be of any use? Of course it can – “mesenchymal” stem cells can be obtained from the extracted fat for the regeneration of damaged organs, and also deteriorated cartilage, bones and joints. In addition to their regenerative potential, stem cells from autologous fat also seem to have an anti-inflammatory effect, whereby they can improve mobility in patients suffering from arthritis. Treatment of the joints with stem cells from autologous fat is carried out on an outpatient basis using local anesthesia.

An individually adapted combination of gentle liposuction with microcannulas, therapy with bioidentical hormones, a change of diet and regularly practiced sports reduces excess weight in the long term and promotes a hormonal balance. The stem cells obtained in this way can be used for the regeneration of joints damaged by too much strain.

In this way, futile attempts to lose weight can be transformed into successful efforts to attain an ideal weight and healthier joints.

DDr. Heinrich, MD

A cold instead of a world tour – teen star Austin Mahone feeling melancholy

Austin Mahone, the Texas-born teeny pop star has the music platform YouTube to thank more than anything else for his recent rise to fame. This is where his cover versions of famous pop songs can be viewed. In just two years, the relatively moderate number of Twitter fans following him turned into almost five million!

Austin planned his first musical performances together with his best friend, who continues to give him enormous support. Austin Mahone is living the dream of many young people: From being an unknown, he has become a world star within the space of two years. Austin wows young girls and boys all around the world with his songs about friendship and love.

Of course, the 17 year-old Mahone will have to show unceasing commitment if he wants more hits. A really healthy immune system is needed to deal with the daily stress of the music business. However, the young singer just had to catch a lingering cold before his big break – a planned MTV tour – and he spent most of the time in bed.

“I’m so, so, so sorry,” he twittered to his fans, “I can’t believe this is happening to my first tour, I’m so upset.” The idol uploaded a photo of his visit to the doctor onto Instagram and indeed, he did not look too good. He is certain to get a lot of sympathy from his disappointed fans, and they will wait patiently until he begins his substitute tour. Nevertheless, a bad cold can be a real burden for an up and coming young musician.

A 17 year-old generally should have a very robust immune system. Organ weakness caused by hormonal deficiency symptoms should not even be a factor at this age. This is why Austin would not have needed a Hormonal Regeneration® with bioidentical hormones or regenerative stem cell treatment with stem cells from fat to strengthen his immune system. There would also be no need for therapy providing stimulation to the immune system with misteltoe preparations.

To prevent a cold and be able to go on his long tour, it would possibly have been enough for him to take some Instant Chi Candies before the cold started.

Instant Chi Candies are candies made from birch sugar and are good for your teeth. They are enriched with natural root extracts which were described in Traditional Chinese Medicine thousands of years ago. It is often the case that the best solutions have been known about since time immemorial.

These formulae protect you from colds by providing strong stimulation to the throat, nose and pharynx to resist bacteria and viruses – precisely those parts of the body which are most at risk of infection since they are its entry points. In order to ward off a cold, you should suck two to three Instant Chi Candies a day. If the cold is already at an advanced stage, we recommend taking a candy every two hours.

Instant Chi Candies are made by hand with the greatest care in my clinic in Vienna and are available in two strengths. Instant Chi Candies Light spicy are mild candies particularly suitable for preventing colds. The stronger Instant Chi Candies Strong spicy are good if you have the first symptoms of a cold or if you prefer a spicier and stronger taste.

You can buy Instant Chi Candies in our web shop, well-assorted pharmacies and health food shops. Our candies certainly not only protect pop stars from colds, but they also protect you and me. Just suck a candy several times a day and you are able to enjoy the cold season!

DDr. Heinrich, MD