Infusion Therapy with Alpha Lipoic Acid Removes “Sugar Slags”

Our tissue is aging faster when sugar is incorporated between the protein molecules in the body (glycosylation). It is well known that our Western diet is too high in sugar. The best would be a Stone Age Diet à la Ötzi the Iceman, but this is unrealistic for many of us.

Here infusion treatments with alpha lipoic acid help. Alpha lipoic acid is a powerful antioxidant that is used in the treatment of diabetes and the damage it causes to the nerves. It also removes harmful sugar deposits from our tissue.

We offer treatments with alpha lipoic acid in my clinic in Vienna from now on. For further information please don’t hesitate to contact us.

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Vasopressin: The Hormone Against Wrinkles and Dry Skin

Vienna (2014-12-02) — Is there a hormone which is able to smooth out wrinkles? According to the Viennese doctor DDr. Karl-Georg Heinrich there is one: “The hormone has been known for some time and is called vasopressin. It is responsible for the regulation of our skin’s fluid balance. If one has too little of it, like most of the elderly, the skin is drying out from the inside and becomes wrinkly. From then on external cosmetics like expensive creams and lotions cannot help anymore.”

A lack of vasopressin can be determined by DDr. Heinrich through an appropriate blood analysis. Another important step is the physical examination and an accurate analysis of the face, because hormone deficiencies cannot only be determined by blood tests, which are just a snapshot.

Among younger people it is sufficient to stimulate the body’s vasopressin production with a specially blended mix of amino acids and collagen peptides, like it is contained in Perfect Skin by DDr. Heinrich® Beauty Drink.

Among elderly the hormone should be supplied regularly. This is the same with many other hormones, which are produced in too little amounts because of age-related wear of hormonal glands: testosterone, thyroid hormones, growth hormones, progesterone, pregnenolone, DHEA, insulin, and several other hormones. A lack of these and other hormones plays a big role in the aging process.

“What helps our skin to look young and vital is also important for essential body functions. Thus taking care of how we look is not just for vanity. Doctors in the ancient times already knew that the outside corresponds to the inside, that the appearance is symptomatic for health,” says DDr. Heinrich. His Clinic DDr. Heinrich® uses bioidentical hormones to help patients with burnout to get back power and vitality, and those who have weight problems to get slim faster.

The important thing regarding hormone replacement therapies is that missing hormones should be supplied preferably in bioidentical form (Bioidentical Hormonal Replacement Therapy, BHRT). This means that they should have the same chemical structure as the hormones produced naturally in the body. Chemically modified, synthetic hormones often show other effects and should not be used for regenerative purposes. In general, a balanced substitution of several hormones combined with other strengthening and regenerative substances is advisable.

Further information:

Clinic DDr. Heinrich®
Contact: Herfried Wagner
Phone: +43 1 532 18 01

Curing Winter Depression with Infusion Therapy?

Many of my friends currently suffer from winter depression. The dark, cold weather is a heavy load for body and soul. Can infusion therapy help here? With the right recipe infusion therapy alleviates such conditions and increases well-being!

Infusion therapy will not solve the underlying cause of winter depression but may bring relief and help you feel better.

Often some short infusions with vitamins and other active ingredients can make you feel fitter quickly.

The administered substances are tailored to your individual needs and desires:

  • Myers Cocktail infusions supply the body with a special composition containing magnesium, calcium, B vitamins, vitamin C, etc. and strengthen the body from the inside.

  • Infusion therapies with alpha lipoic acid remove certain toxins and harmful sugar deposits caused by diabetes or high sugar consumption and contaminated food, and protect the cells.

My team and I would be pleased to give you detailed advice on an individual basis. If you are interested, kindly contact us via e-mail or by telephone at +43 1 532 18 01 to arrange a consultation appointment.

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Exhausted and Tired? Infusions Enhance Vitality

We all know fatigue and loss of vitality. If we feel tired and exhausted despite adequate sleep this is often caused by hormonal deficiencies. These age or stress-related hormonal imbalances can be balanced out by a therapy with bioidentical hormones (bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, BHRT).

However, not everyone wants to take hormones. Often some short infusions with vitamins and other active ingredients make you feel fitter quickly. The administered substances (magnesium, calcium, B vitamins, vitamin C, etc.) are tailored to your individual needs and desires. In case you are interested kindly contact us for further information.

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Myers’ Cocktail Infusion Therapy Against Fatigue and Other Ailments

Dr. Myers, a physician from Baltimore, Maryland, invented an intravenous cocktail of vitamins and minerals for the treatment of a wide range of clinical conditions.

The cocktail consists of magnesium, calcium, B vitamins, and vitamin C, and has been found to be effective against asthma, migraines, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, respiratory tract infections, chronic sinusitis, seasonal allergic rhinitis, cardiovascular disease, and other disorders.

We offer Myers’ Cocktail among other intravenous formulas in our office in Vienna.

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Stem Cell Breast Augmentation for Transgender People

Transgender people often want a natural feminine body silhouette without silicone implants. The challenge is on the one hand, if they have enough fat tissue, and on the other hand, if their breasts are sufficiently flexible to be augmented with body fat.

First, regarding the required fat: Normal weight men have too little fat for breast augmentation with autologous fat or stem cells. Transgender people, however, steadily take female hormones to feminize her body. After several years of hormone intake enough fat should be available in the female body regions to perform breast augmentation. The required hormones can be supplied as bioidentical hormones that are similar to human hormones in their structure.

After transgender people have made their bodies more female by taking female sex hormones, they often want significantly more feminine, enlarged breasts. In principle, stem cell-enriched autologous fat is a great alternative to silicone, provided enough fat it is available at the right body regions.

Nevertheless, the existing flat breasts should be made more flexible by pre-stretching so they can accommodate a sufficient amount of fat. Pre-stretching can be performed using special suction bras or by regular injection of saline solution.

What is the conclusion? Transgender people who want more female body contours first take hormones to achieve the desired changes. Of course, this means an intervention in the hormonal balance that needs to be carefully considered. Subsequently, these changes are made more prominent by means of aesthetic procedures, such as with autologous fat.

In case of unrealistic expectations, for example, regarding the gain in breast volume, or in case of unfavorable conditions, artificial implants have to be used instead of natural methods such as breast augmentation with stem cell-enriched autologous fat in order to achieve the desired body silhouette.

DDr. Heinrich, MD

What to Do in “Tubular Breasts”?

Constrictions in the anterior part of the breast lead to tubular or trunk-shaped form deviation. Affected women suffer greatly. Instead of dilation with implants correction of the breast form with traditional fat transfer (lipofilling) or autologous stem cell-enriched fat (cell-assisted lipotransfer, CAL) can be performed to improve the breasts’ shape. This requires a special microsurgical procedure by which the connective tissue strands in the tubular breast are loosened prior to the fat implantation.

Read more on our page about breast reconstructions with fat and stem cells.

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Miley Cyrus: New Breasts instead of Teen Image?

In her famous music video Wrecking Ball Miley Cyrus is swinging scantily dressed a sledgehammer, baring all and riding on a wrecking ball lasciviously. 500 million people watched this video on YouTube, which caused a sensation in media. With its release the 20-year-old succeeded in getting rid of her virtuous role as Hannah Montana from the Disney children’s series of the same name, to which she has to owe the biggest part of her glory and her younger fans.

Of course we can image that such a video brings a lot of critics to the area. Some have argued that Miley looks like a boy with her new fair head and that her attempt to shoot a lascivious music video could not be taken for serious. I propose that you take a look on Wrecking Ball on YouTube to form an opinion if the former teen star appears erotic…

Currently it is rumored that the young star is thinking about a breast augmentation for some time: “Miley thinks new boobs will make her look more womanly and help her get taken more seriously,” says an insider towards the British magazine Daily Star. Well, Miley’s breasts are thoroughly aesthetic, as we can see in Wrecking Ball. Nevertheless she is dreaming – like many other women – of a breast augmentation. Probably she is thinking that this breast augmentation would support her to feel more feminine and to get away from her Hannah Montana Disney image.

For the just 20-year-old a breast augmentation is a considerable step, which should be well thought out. As an alternative to silicone implants, which must be renewed after a few years and in addition make the breast look a little artificial, breast augmentation with stem cell-enriched autologous fat (Cell-Assisted Lipotranfer, CAL) could be suitable for Miley. After such a breast augmentation with the body’s own fat the breasts look natural in every position, when standing, lying, sitting, or in motion, and they also feel the same.

The results of the treatment with stem cell-enriched autologous fat are sustainable and mostly repeat treatments are superfluous. The first step of a breast augmentation with autologous fat is a liposuction. Therefore Miley would have to divest herself from some fat pads of her butt, thighs, and hips. The fat would be harvested by hand with special microcannulas. Afterwards stem cells get extracted from a part of the collected fat and the remaining fat portion gets enriched with them. In the last step stem cell-enriched autologous fat gets injected into the breast.

Stem cell breast augmentation is suitable both for women who like to have more volume and for those who like to get back volume which they have lost. However, the precondition is that the person concerned also wants to get slimmer down below, because we have to get the new breast volume from somewhere as long as we can’t “expand” it in the laboratory.

If breasts are very small and tight it is reasonable to wear a suction bra before the breast augmentation. Due to the generated vacuum it widens the tissue to create more space for the autologous fat injected for breast augmentation.

Because the procedure takes place on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia and just takes approximately two to two and a half hours, the patient is able to return home after the procedure and resume everyday life on the following day. Especially for a pop star, who is all the time around on the way to rehearsals or even on tour, it is important to avoid being absent.

Currently Miley Cyrus’ bar naked body is decorating Marc Jacobs T-shirts, whose proceeds benefit to dermal cancer research. Above her breasts you can read the slogan “Protect the skin you’re in”. My personal opinion regarding her wish to get a breast augmentation: Miley should leave her breasts and butt/thighs unchanged. They are well-formed and the proportions fit together. For her charitable dedication, which she’s hopefully taking serious and not just for PR, a natural naked body is certainly more suitable than an artificially “optimized” one. Even more important is the person’s own authenticity, not only in this case but also in other areas of life, says

DDr. Heinrich, MD

When Does the Health Insurance Pay for Liposuction?

Patients planning to undergo liposuction ask me this question again and again. Basically, health insurances have to be very thrifty because of the high costs of the health system, and thus only pay if they are have a clear contractual obligation. If you want to receive treatments which are not part of the everyday “standard”, for example liposuction, you have to prove that the procedure is indispensable for therapeutic reasons and that it will not only make you look better. Often it is useful to submit medical certificates demonstrating that the procedure serves therapeutic purposes to the insurance doctor, who will evaluate the medical necessity of the treatment for the insurance company.

For example, liposuction is paid by the health insurance in case of massive lipedema or obesity if it has already caused a disability. From the perspective of a health insurance it is mostly irrelevant whether liposuction is carried out with regular cannulas or microcannulas. However, health insurance companies often require the extraction of a certain minimum amount of fat.

In addition, private health insurances generally have more extensive liabilities than public health insurances.

A request to the health insurance for coverage of the costs is free. Ideally the inquiry should be made prior to the liposuction. This applies to all aesthetic procedures, such as breast augmentations, facelifts, etc.

Finally, we all constantly pay into the health fund, so we can expect to get back insurance benefits.

DDr. Heinrich, MD