Sexuality – A Product of Hormones?

In terms of sex men and women differ remarkably. Meanwhile, this is even scientifically proven. In the male brain sexual stimuli provoke significantly increased brain waves in the so called amygdala, a region which is responsible for motivation and action, than in female brains.

Is this perhaps because of the fact that men and women carry different chromosomes? Researchers say no.

In a certain study scientists didn’t just investigate male and female persons, but also those who suffer from a quite rare disease, the “Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome” (CAIS). These are people who carry also an X chromosome apart from the Y chromosome; nevertheless they develop – at least superficially – female genitals. This is caused by defective testosterone receptors which prevent testosterone from taking its full natural effect.

A difference regarding brain activities between “normal” women and CAIS women couldn’t be determined in the study mentioned previously. This leads to the following conclusion: Not chromosomes take control of our sexuality, but our hormones!

Hormones are messengers which play a big regulating role in our body. They are produced by different organ systems and are able to deliver information that is important to keep up the essential body functions within a minimum of time.

Of course the regulation of sexuality is also part of the essential range of tasks accomplished by hormones. Both estrogens and testosterone – the most important sex hormones – take control of our sexuality. What was working well in younger days could become a problem with increasing age. In most cases the reason is a lack of hormones which could lead to libido disorders and loss of potency, among other things. The good news is: This problem can be solved.

Hormonal Regeneration® by DDr. Heinrich contributes to a regeneration of the hormonal balance and helps to boost the love life. The intake of bioidentical hormones as part of a Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) shows the desired effect within a short time. Because the hormones used in BHRT have the same chemical structure as our body’s own hormones, unpleasant side effects of synthetic hormone preparations can be avoided, if correctly dosed.

Hormonal balance provides the basis for a new sense of life. Another benefit: The hormone therapy is not only good for your soul, but it can also induce positive effects on your outward appearance. My team and I will be gladly at your disposal for a comprehensive and individual consultation.

DDr. Heinrich, MD

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