Why we should take bioidentical hormones and eat enzymes these days (Part 4)

Read how human nutrition has changed over the past 200 million years of its existence and what conclusions can be drawn in terms of our health and beauty today.

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The Expulsion from Paradise

Approximately 20,000 years ago, a dramatic climate change led to the extinction of our cousins, the Neanderthals, and initially, also expelled our human species, Homo sapiens, from parts of Europe. Nevertheless, due to his intelligence and hunting techniques, Homo sapiens were able to survive and assert themselves. We spread all the way to America, and towards the end of the last Ice Age about 10,000 years ago, we were the only human species worldwide that had survived.

The last Ice Age was followed by a short period of Golden Age until about 8,000 years ago. Humans were able to increase their own population, however, hunted down the mammoths and other large animal species which had already been reduced by the Ice Age and climate change until they finally became extinct worldwide.

Only small groups of giant-sized Ice Age animals survived on isolated, deserted islands until those were ultimately still visited by humans: Forest elephants inhabited Greek islands until about 4,000 years ago, mammoths lived on the Siberian island of Wrangel until about 3,500 years ago, and giant ground sloths in Cuba and on other Caribbean islands until approximately 2,000 years ago.

The disappearance of the Ice Age giants was a major disaster and definitively marked the end of the Golden Age. The spirits of the big game animals were gone forever and even the shamans of the clans with all their ritual magic were not able to bring them back.

Hunting for remaining, smaller and faster wild animals was significantly more demanding and time-consuming. Soon, it was over with the heavenly life during the Paleolithic Age. Since people still obtained their food primarily by hunting additionally to catching fishes as well as gathering roots and nuts, this task became an increasingly larger part of their lives. Being hunters, fishers, and gatherers were stressful full-time jobs, just like we are working in an office-type job these days.

It sure must have been disastrous for the people back then to experience that a lot of idyllic landscapes, which could have been compared with the historical model of biblical paradise where a sufficient number of animals to hunt was available, for instance a flood plain in the Persian Gulf, had been flooded due to sea level rise following the melting of large glaciers at the end of the Ice Age.

In many parts of the world, there was an insufficient amount of animals to be hunted in order to secure a reliable food supply; it therefore did not take long until starvation and shortages dominated people’s lives. The supply of bioidentical hormones and enzymes from the organs of smaller game animals was also inadequate, resulting that people now aged faster and looked considerably worse than their Paleolithic ancestors who primarily ate large animals. They had a feeling of being expelled from paradise and ever since then, dream in their myths and legends from the “Golden Age” of the Paleolithic.

The shamans of the clans had to turn to other spirits in order to feed their people:  After they had consulted with the spirits of magic mushrooms and nightshade family, they turned to the spirits of plants, which so far had only contributed a small portion to their nourishment: Throughout the whole world, people now began to cultivate grains and field crops. In some areas, the spirits of the grain asked for human sacrifices as price for their consent to use their resources, while in others, the spirits were less demanding in concluding pacts with the shamans.

These grains and field crops, which initially were only a small addition to the meat-dominated diet, now turned out to become the nutritional basis. Consumption of meat became to be a rare side dish.

Our “species-specific” diet of the New Stone Age: grain, vegetables, fruits, dairy products

This nutrition behavior change from the consumption of large quantities of animal meat, fat, and intestines to porridge and subsequently bread, had consequences. Instead of protein, starch has dominated our food ever since. While Paleolithic hunters were big, well-built, and healthy, farmers of the Neolithic period grew much smaller, weaker and had to fight against all kinds of health problems, such as tooth decay, but also obesity, atherosclerosis, and diabetes. As a “temporary solution” to the insufficient supply of protein, it led to genetic mutations in humans worldwide which enabled them to digest milk from domestic animals.

At the time of the Venus of Willendorf (the world-famous sculpture of the Upper Paleolithic era can be admired these days at the Museum of Natural History in Vienna), such an overweight woman was still rare and embodied a fertility idol. However, during the time of Neolithic farming, obese people may have been quite common due to the fact that corn contains starch which is stored as fat in the body.

The next blog will tell you about the summary for today: Since the Neolithic Age, our diet has not changed much, aside from the fact that large quantities of refined sugar are consumed in recent years and that we nowadays eat more meat in the industrialized nations than in the centuries before. What does a species-specific diet these days look like and how can we create a foundation of a protein-rich and healthy diet for the huge population in the world?

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Beautifully radiant face – but how?

Getting rid of sagging cheeks, volume loss, and wrinkles on the face is many people’s desire. But, what gentle, natural methods exist with no artificial filler materials, such as silicone and fillers, that can slightly reverse the signs of aging?

Depending on the individual indication, New Cosmetic Surgery offers effective treatment options in order to give back youthful freshness, volume, and firmness to your face and hence, play a trick on the passage of time:

Many of the unpleasant external body changes are due to age-related or stress-induced hormone deficiencies. For example, facial gauntness is mostly a symptom of an increasing weakness of the adrenal gland endocrine system. In turn, wrinkles are frequently the consequence of weakness in the testosterone or growth hormone system.

These hormonal imbalances can be compensated by means of therapy with bioidentical hormones (Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy, BHRT). The bioidentical hormones supplied regenerate the body from the inside out. They improve tissue quality and simultaneously promote efficiency, fitness, and health – which are also positively reflected on the outside.

Hormonal Regeneration® treatments in combination with local injection of autologous fat, autologous stem cells, or skin growth factors make your skin radiant!

We are able to offer gentle growth factor skin therapies for the specific treatment of certain skin areas. Alternatively or additionally, we recommend local treatments with autologous fat, in which lost facial volume can be restored. Autologous fat injections can be performed with or without autologous stem cell enrichment.

In order to retain the effect of a treatment with bioidentical hormones, autologous fat, or stem cells for as long as possible you can support your body with Perfect Skin.

Perfect Skin, an optimized mixture of specific amino acids and peptides, regenerates your skin from the inside out. Regeneration and strengthening of connective tissue and reduction of wrinkles can be achieved if used on a regular basis. The skin becomes visibly rejuvenated and appears more radiant and vital!

Why we should take bioidentical hormones and eat enzymes these days (Part 3)

Read how human nutrition has changed over the past 200 million years of its existence and what conclusions can be drawn in terms of our health and beauty today.

First part | Previous part

We mate with Neanderthals – The Golden Age begins

When Homo sapiens, the sole surviving humans that now populate the earth, evolved from Homo erectus about 300,000 years ago in Africa, there were no significant changes at first. Although the appearance of Homo sapiens looked very similar to people today, they were at the same culture and technology level as Homo erectus. Homo sapiens originated in Africa and spread all over the world, just like Homo erectus have done it before, and met Neanderthals in Palestine approximately 100,000 years ago for the first time, however, was apparently pushed back by them after a few thousand years of coexistence.

About 75,000 years ago, a volcanic eruption in Asia had a devastating impact on the Earth and substantially cooled the atmosphere worldwide. Apparently, only a few groups of Homo sapiens in Asia and Africa survived the subsequent period of food shortage.

In these tough times, when there was a shortage of big game animals, small groups of Homo sapiens seem to have mainly survived near the seashores where there were plenty of fish and shellfish. It is assumed that our tendency to look at ocean beaches as paradise-like holiday destinations, still remains in our collective memory when these places used to be our “paradise”.

Our species-specific diet of 75.000 years ago: fish and seafood

After population sizes had recovered, Homo sapiens kept spreading further east via Indonesia. They thereby got to meet with the “Hobbits”, the Homo erectus and apparently mated with Java man as well as with Denisovans, who had evolved in Asia from the early Homo erectus groups. Even today, the Melanesian native population of Australasia still shows physical characteristics, especially on teeth, jaws, and facial skull, that reminds us of Homo erectus. Homo sapiens reached the Australia continent at least 45,000 years ago.

At around the same time, Homo sapiens started to spread all over Europe, presumably along the Danube River. In the same way as it happened in Asia, Homo sapiens also mixed with the native European population, the Neanderthals. Therefore, we sometimes have reddish and blond hair as well as blue and gray eyes like the Neanderthals although our ancestors came from Africa and were dark-eyed and black-haired. It is worth noting, that due to the population mixture, almost all people in the world carry genes from different Homo erectus species themselves.

As a result, something happened with Homo sapiens about 45,000 years ago. A culture and technological leap occurred in which the Neanderthals only partially participated once they interchanged with Homo sapiens. It is possible that some Neanderthal versions of genes enabled Homo sapiens to unfold their full potential.

Homo sapiens evolved to a level of culture and technology that can be found in Siberian natives. This was accompanied by a dramatic improvement of hunting techniques. Up until then, hunting mammoths and forest elephants was extremely dangerous and a lot of hunters among Homo sapiens and Neanderthals lost their lives, but by means of atlatls (spear throwers) fashioned with projectile points made of flintstone, allowing them to kill big game animals from a safe distance.

These technological advances enabled the Golden Age to begin as we have been told from ancient legends: Once a week it was now possible to hunt a large animal in a relatively safe manner which was then eaten from nose to tail (including all internal organs containing hormones and enzymes). Apart from that, people hardly ever experienced any type of stress and had time to enjoy the good things in life.

Since there were plenty of animals to be hunted and the fact that older people were also provided with sufficient amounts of animal hormones and enzymes, people enjoyed good health for most of their long life, raised many children and were able to devote themselves to the beautiful sides of life. A boom occurred in arts, magic, and religion. The collective memory, quoted by the ancient Greek poet Hesiod, tells that the Golden Age was populated by people whose hair turned gray, however, did not become old and even at an advanced age still appeared strong and healthy. This is consistent with our experience in treating older patients by means of bioidentical hormones: Although hair turns gray, the body remains in strong and youthful condition.

Our species-specific diet of the Golden Age: mammoths, forest elephants, big game animals including internal organs, fruits, nuts

In the next part you will find out how we were expelled from paradise: After the last Ice Age, approximately 10,000 years ago, the Golden Age came to an end. Glaciers melt, sea levels rise, mammoths and other species of big game animals become extinct worldwide. This leads to far-reaching changes in our lifestyle and nutrition.

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Press interview about stem cell facelift and wrinkle treatment

What are stem cells?

Stem cells taken from the patient’s own fat are the most promising recent advancements in cosmetic surgery besides bioidentical hormones. Stem cells play an important role in growth and rejuvenation of the whole body. Basically, stem cells have the ability to turn into certain types of cells. This makes them well-suited for many aesthetic, regenerative, and even curative applications.

What are the findings regarding the use of stem cells in cosmetic surgery?

Stem cells are a key factor in tissue regeneration. Their regenerative power can be used to assist the rejuvenation of existing tissue. Furthermore stem cells can be used to support wound healing and fat transfers, such as in stem cell breast augmentation. The rejuvenating effect of stem cells can be complemented by bioidentical hormones (Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy, BHRT).

Are there any other aesthetic applications for stem cells besides skin rejuvenation?

Besides stem cell treatments for skin rejuvenation the main application of autologous stem cells is the stem cell breast augmentation. Instead of silicone implant and scalpel, stem cell-enriched autologous fat is gently injected into the breast, allowing for a completely natural augmentation. Stem cell-enriched autologous fat can also be used for dimple correction. In addition, fat stem cells are used for regenerative treatments and anti-aging purposes.

How is the skin rejuvenation done?

There are two ways to use stem cells for skin rejuvenation: First, stem cell-enriched autologous fat (a mixture of fatty tissue and stem cells) can be used to correct tissue defects in the face by adding volume where it got lost due to aging or by an accident. Second, stem cells can be extracted from the harvested fat and then applied as a stem cell suspension (just the stem cells, no fatty tissue). This method is preferable if no volume gain is necessary and an overall rejuvenation of the skin is desired. Both methods can be combined, depending on the wanted effect.

Which steps are performed in a skin rejuvenation treatment?

In the first step a small portion of fat is harvested using manual liposuction with delicate microcannulas (liposculpture). In case of skin rejuvenation using stem cell-enriched autologous fat the stem cell content is increased using an advanced laboratory technique. Then the stem cell-enriched fat is injected into the face to add volume where needed. Typically fat is not injected into wrinkles where it won’t stay because of mechanical pressure. Instead, the fat is used to contour the face, often at the jaw line and the area around the eyes. In case of treatment with stem cell suspension the stem cells are extracted from the harvested fat and then injected into the facial skin using micro needle mesotherapy. All of the necessary medical interventions are performed in local anesthesia for safety reasons. Finally the patient can leave our clinic for her hotel.

Which stem cells are used?

The stem cells used in aesthetic medicine are extracted from a portion of fat harvested from the patient’s body by liposuction. Research has shown that fatty tissue is rich of stem cells.

What is the specific role of stem cells in wrinkle treatment?

The implanted stem cells will rejuvenate the tissue and assist the body in integrating the injected autologous fat.

What are the indications for the stem cell treatment? Who can profit from the treatment?

Stem cell skin rejuvenation is generally suitable for both healthy women and men. There is no upper age limit. The method is very well suited for treatment of typical signs of skin aging (low skin quality, wrinkles, dry skin, etc.) and in case of volume defects.

Are there any contraindications?

Stem cell skin rejuvenation should not be performed in people with infectious or inflammatory conditions of the skin. It is not recommended in pregnant or breast feeding women as well as in patients who due to their health condition should avoid any kind of elective surgery.

What can be achieved by a stem cell treatment?

Volume lost during aging, causing the typical “aged look”, can be regained successfully by injecting stem cell-enriched autologous fat. The implanted stem cells will also have a regenerative effect on the surrounding tissue. As a result wrinkles are smoothed, and tone and strength of the tissue are restored. The rejuvenating effect is long-lasting.

How many treatment sessions are indicated?

Normally one session is sufficient to achieve the desired effect. Based on the patient’s wishes the stem cell treatment can be repeated, for example, some years after the first treatment.

When can the results of the skin rejuvenation be seen?

Typically the result can be seen after some days/weeks. In case of stem cell-enriched autologous fat injections bruises may occur, which will typically fade within some weeks.

Is the treatment already approved by the FDA?

Stem cell-enriched autologous fat can be used as natural filler on all regions of the body. It has not been approved by the FDA yet. To our knowledge approval is pending.

What are the pros and cons of the application of stem cells in cosmetic surgery?

The application of the patient’s own stem cells taken from fatty tissue in cosmetic surgery has many advantages over past approaches using artificial fillers and implants. Many women prefer stem cell breast augmentation, stem cell facelift, and stem cell skin rejuvenation because of the natural results. Also, stem cell treatments can be performed in local anesthesia, which is much safer than general anesthesia. Whereas every artificial implant has to be surgically removed after at least some years, in case of stem cell treatments the patient has full control over future treatments.

Are still studies going on about the use of stem cells for aesthetic purposes?

Experiences with stem cells in aesthetic medicine range back about 10 years, when stem cell-enriched autologous fat was first used in breast reconstruction. The long-term results are impressing. Nevertheless, the application of stem cells taken from the patient’s own fat is still a hot topic for additional scientific research.

What is the future of stem cells in cosmetic surgery?

The use of stem cells in cosmetic surgery makes artificial fillers/implants, scalpel, and general anesthesia often dispensable already today. Future research will enable us to develop even more specialized treatments. However, we believe that instead of treating certain signs of aging, prevention of aging using stem cells and bioidentical hormones (BHRT) will gain importance in cosmetic surgery.

Do you have any further considerations?

For an optimal cosmetic result it’s very important that liposuction is performed by hand using very thin microcannulas instead of using thick cannulas and suction machines. Also, both liposuction and injection into the face should be done solely in local anesthesia to increase patient safety.

Perfect Skin 3-Month Treatment: The Well-Being Experience for Your Skin!

Stress, bad eating habits, and environmental pollution unfortunately also have their unpleasant effect on the external skin: Premature wrinkles, impurities, and paleness are well-known consequences.

But what helps?

Creams, serums, and oils are “nice”, but from a medical standpoint, these products can neither perform small nor large miracles. If they are exclusively used external, the active ingredients are not able to penetrate into the deeper skin layers – therefore, only superficial treatments of symptoms are possible.

Cosmetic interventions are not always required in order to slightly reverse the signs of aging. Consistent body care and careful management of own resources as well as the conscious treatment of individual weak spots may be able to achieve small miracles!

If the body is no longer able to produce the sufficient quantities itself that are required to remain robust, vital and strong, we must give our body a helping hand!

Perfect Skin is a mixture of amino acids and peptides which strengthens our skin, our connective tissue, and our joints from the inside out when used on a regular basis. Only if the subcutaneous tissue is firm, the skin has sufficient elasticity to make the wrinkles disappear and smooth out deep furrows.

To facilitate the application for an extended period, now we also offer the popular Perfect Skin in a convenient 3 month supply. Order easily and conveniently via our webshop!

We are able to offer growth factor skin therapies for the specific treatment of certain areas of the skin. You can also enhance your natural beauty in a gentle manner by aesthetic stem cell treatments or by a therapy using bioidentical hormones (Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy, BHRT). Depending on the individual goal of therapy, a combination of various treatments may be recommended.

Why we should take bioidentical hormones and eat enzymes these days (Part 2)

Read how human nutrition has changed over the past 200 million years of its existence and what conclusions can be drawn in terms of our health and beauty today.

First part

We climb down from the trees

There have always been times in which sudden and substantial global climate changes occurred. It could be even said that the climate has always been characterized by its continuous changes. In the wake of such a climate change many millions years ago, the African rainforest where our ancestors, the primates, conveniently enjoyed eating fruits high up in the treetops, significantly declined. Grasslands, the so-called savannas, began to spread.

As a result, some primates seemed to have left their habitat trees. They wandered through the savannas in small groups and still ate fruits, however, since those were hardly found, they were increasingly forced to eat food that was growing above and under the ground: roots, nuts, and meat of dead or hunted animals. Walking upright began to become increasingly common.

Our species-specific diet of 2 million years ago: carrion, small animals, fruits, nuts, roots

The Australopithecus was one among various upright-walking primate species that now roamed through the savannas. They were still quite ape-like in appearance, but always walked upright and lived approximately 2 million years ago in Africa. Their brain size was already larger compared to their ancestors and their diet consisted mostly of meat. This tendency was reinforced by their descendants, Homo habilis, who lived approximately 1 million years ago in Africa and may still have been quite similar in appearance.

By coincidence, we know quite well what Homo habilis subsisted on, since a small, isolated population survived on the Indonesian island of Flores until approx. 12,000 years ago. It was initially thought that these remains were from representatives of the younger species Homo erectus. However, investigations of their carpal bones have proven that they had to be representatives of the more primeval species of Homo habilis, who were obviously already able to cross waterways between islands. In any case, they left plentiful remains of their meals behind: They hunted large lizards, stegodons (a type of elephant) as well as rodents and already roasted them over the fire. This small population of Homo habilis is also particularly interesting, since they were characterized by dwarfism. They stood at just 1 meter (3.3 feet) tall and therefore, they are also called the “Hobbits”. A massive volcanic eruption 12,000 years ago brought about the extinction of the tiny humans. Incidentally, the Indonesian population is still telling stories about them and call them “Orang Pendek” or “Ebu Gogo” and believes that they are still roaming through the forests of their islands.

Homo habilis was followed by Homo erectus, who is considered as the first real human. At least 1 million years ago, they already had fire-making skills. They already had a human-like appearance – tall, slim, and a hairless body. They hunted mastodons and forest elephants with wooden spears. They spread as nomadic hunters to most parts of the world. In Asia, they evolved into Peking Man or Java Man, from which the Denisova hominins probably also derived at a later stage, while in Europe they evolved into Homo heidelbergensis, the precursor to the Neanderthals.

Our species-specific diet of 1 million years ago: elephants, big game animals, fruits, nuts

The next blog will tell you how we mated with the Neanderthals and the Golden Age began…

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Stem cell breast augmentation shown on Australian TV

Recently, the well-known Australian TV Show A Current Affair (ACA) broadcasted the report Surgery breakthrough on stem cell breast augmentation.

While Australian physicians seem to make their first tentative steps with this method, our Clinic DDr. Heinrich® can meanwhile look back on more than 5 years of experience that enabled DDr. Heinrich and his team to significantly improve durability and compatibility of the results. The original form of autologous fat transfer without stem cell enrichment has already been offered by us for nearly 20 years.

Almost all our patients are completely satisfied and delighted by their natural breast augmentation without silicone and other artificial, exogenous fillers.

In order to provide all TV viewers with the opportunity to convince themselves about the naturalness of the results, ACA presented several pictures of patients treated in our Clinic DDr. Heinrich® (e.g. image shows our patient 26 from our treatment photo gallery).

We are delighted and honored!

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Why we should take bioidentical hormones and eat enzymes these days (Part 1)

Read how human nutrition has changed over the past 200 million years of its existence and what conclusions can be drawn in terms of our health and beauty today.

The demise of the dinosaurs – as insectivores we hold sway over the world

Mammals have been around longer than dinosaurs. They even dominated the world for a while prior to the development of the dinosaurs, but were superseded by the dinosaurs. Being pushed into an ecological niche, their existence was characterized as small omnivores during the time of the dinosaurs, probably specialized for eating insects and perhaps also dinosaur eggs.

Our species-specific diet of 100 million years ago: insects and dinosaur eggs

Towards the end of the Cretaceous period, an approximately 10-kilometer-wide asteroid hit the earth off the Yucatán Peninsula at a speed of about 75,000 km/h, which yields an estimated energy equivalent to 20 million megatons of TNT, resulting in a worldwide inferno in which all animals larger than a cat fell victim. All dinosaurs, except the birds which belong to the theropod dinosaurs and hence being the last grandchildren of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, went extinct. 500 meter high tsunamis, global conflagrations and several months of darkness with acid rain have brought life on earth to the brink of extinction.

All that remained were, except for the birds and other little animals, small shrew-like mammals that nourished themselves from rotting dinosaurs and insects. As a result, the vacant ecological niches divided themselves and a large variety of species was created. Among them have been the primates, whereby we may imagine ourselves the prosimians of Madagascar. Those primates mainly lived in trees and primarily ate fruits, but also insects, birds, and lizards. In consequence of the eating habits of our ancestors towards fruits that contain a lot of vitamin C, we are now – unlike most animals – unable to produce vitamin C in our body.

Later on, some of the primates became more similar to the monkeys that are living nowadays and even ate larger animals once in a while, if they were able to hunt them.

Our species-specific diet of 50 million years ago: fruits, insects, birds, lizards, small animals

The next blog will tell you how life changed when our ancestors were forced to leave the trees due to climate change…

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Natural Tanning by Means of Melanotropic (Pigmentation Enhancing) Substances

The therapies of the future –
already being performed in the Clinic DDr. Heinrich® today!

It usually takes quite a long time until you, as a patient, can benefit from new therapies. Approval procedures, expensive studies, economic interests of the pharmaceutical industry – all of these things can delay enjoying the benefits of innovative active ingredients that are nowadays already known among experts.

Of course, these procedures primarily serve to protect your health and safety, since it must be assured that the new product being offered at the market provides benefits and does not cause any harm. And this frequently takes a long time, in particular when it comes to newly developed chemical substances. The pharmaceutical companies are compensated for their effort through high prices and patent protection.

However, it is sometimes for economic reasons that influential companies show little interest in having new and reliable, but non-patentable active ingredients come onto the market, since these competing products would cause existing sources of income to run dry. For lack of patentability (e.g. in naturally occurring substances), it is simply not worth for the industry in some cases, to risk the existing market.

Even if you are an interested consumer, for legal reasons, you cannot simply become a customer of those reputable laboratories that are producing the new substances for research institutions. The only way that remains is buying over the Internet from foreign websites by prepayment or the illegal purchase under the table from fitness clubs, etc. If products are acquired from such sources, there is always the risk involved that something unusable will be delivered; but even if not: Who guarantees that the content and dosage in your specific case is correct?

For many years, we have been offering innovative active ingredients and therapies to our patients in our Clinic DDr. Heinrich® that are demonstrably effective and harmless, though have not yet been approved, but are legal within the framework of an individual medicine production (magistral medicine) and provided in highest quality.

This assumes that you are our patient and that we were able to specifically clarify questions about medical indication in your individual case. Subsequently, we can provide you with appropriate medications and highest quality active ingredients.

Natural Tanning by Means of Melanotropic (Pigmentation Enhancing) Substances

Is there anyone who would not want to be beautifully tanned without sunburn and without having to apply the annoying sun creams, crammed full with chemicals, on face and body every few hours?

Well, there’s already an alternative: Certain natural active substances (e.g. Melanotropin, Melanotan) that stimulate the autologous production of brown pigment in the skin. These substances are already used in custom therapies for the treatment of sun allergies. But, as many similar substances, they cannot be patented. Therefore, achieving high sales revenues with the active ingredients mentioned above is not possible and investments in multi-million dollar approval processes are unprofitable.

These natural substances are ideal to protect the skin from UV radiation and, despite the use of sunscreen, provide a beautiful, long-lasting tan without getting sunburned.

If these active ingredients would generally be approved for sun protection, it would threaten the cosmetics industry’s multi-billion dollar business with sun protection creams and after sun products, since they are effective, more convenient to use and less stressful than various sun creams with their chemical ingredients.

Some might argue that the cosmetics industry and their lobbies have been preventing their approval for years. In any case, there is currently no pharmaceutical company showing interest to pursue the expensive approval of effective, but non-patentable substances. Instead, pharmaceutical companies are working full speed on slightly modified active ingredients and hence, patentable active substances. We will keep you updated.

As patient of the Clinic DDr. Heinrich®, melanotropic substances for natural tanning are already available to you now.

If you are interested, please feel free to contact us for further information!