Botox victim: What happened to Carla Bruni-Sarkozy?

Who hasn’t heard of Carla Bruni-Sarkozy, wife of former President of the French Republic, Nicolas Sarkozy? The brunette beauty became famous in the 1990’s when she dropped out of her art and architecture study and started a modeling career. At that time, she was considered as one of the world’s best-paid models with a yearly income of up to 7.5 million dollars. Among others, Bruni posed for L’Oréal, Christian Dior, Valentino, John Galliano, and Yves Saint Laurent.

In 2000, Madame Sarkozy gave up her modeling career and surprised her fans by becoming a pop musician. She first became well-known when she composed a song for Julien Clers – the album reached number one on the French charts. Two years later, she had another sensational hit: Quelqu’un m’a dit, which she wrote the music and words for, and sang herself. The song sold more than a million copies within the shortest possible time, and once again, Carla was a star. Hence, her former partner Raphaёl Enthoven as well as the famous German jazz trumpeter Till Brönner seized the opportunity to work with the dark-haired beauty.

Shortly before Christmas 2007, Carla Bruni’s love life made headlines: To begin with, Nicolas Sarkozy accompanied the singer on a visit to the Disneyland amusement park, whereas several paparazzi took photographs of the new dream couple. They then flew to Luxor on holiday; shortly afterwards, in February 2008, they married in the Élysée Palace.

While her husband Nicolas was in the middle of his Presidential campaign, the former model was suffering from a great deal of stress.  Nude photographs which suddenly showed up probably made it worse. This stress could be seen straight away in her face, which looked more and more haggard. In order to cover up the wrinkles that had appeared, she started to use Botox. In January of this year the British Daily Mail wrote: “Three years ago, the former model’s facial expression was a lot more flexible.” In addition to the fact, that not only her facial expressions seemed to be frozen, Botox has a degenerative effect on the cutaneous glands, making the skin look older and drier.

Do people really have to accept the disadvantages of a Botox therapy?

From the age of around 30 onwards, the endocrine glands become less efficient; the resulting lack of hormones (lack of growth hormone, cortisol, DHEA, etc.) becomes noticeable in certain signs of aging in the face. These include, for instance, dryness, haggardness, wrinkles, and sagging cheeks. It therefore seems natural to supply the body with the missing hormones by means of Hormonal Regeneration® (Biodentical Hormone Replacement Therapy, BHRT) in order to strengthen tissues, reduce wrinkles, and give the skin back its fresh and youthful appearance.

Perfect Skin would also help to reduce small wrinkles and smooth out creases. The cosmetic product Perfect Skin is a combination of amino acids and peptides which, when used regularly, strengthens the skin, connective tissue, and joints from the inside out.

Therapeutic treatment with the growth factors of skin cells (Epidermal Growth Factors), in which growth factors are introduced into the skin using very short microneedles, stimulates skin rejuvenation and tightening on the cellular level.

Every Hormonal Regeneration® is tailored to the patient’s individual requirements and wishes. The first signs of improvement become noticeable a short time after beginning the therapy: the skin looks fresher and firmer again.

Carla Bruni would not only regain her fresh, youthful appearance with these therapies, but she also would be able to improve her resistance to stress, as bioidentical hormones increase vitality and resilience. That would help her body to recover from the strains during pregnancy and the birth of her little daughter Giulia.

Anyway, we wish Carla and her little girl all the best!

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Can autologous fat stem cells cure joint deterioration?

Call to participate in internal application observation on joint treatment using stem cells from autologous fat

Vienna (2012-11-10) — For several years, Vienna-based Clinic DDr. Heinrich® has offered esthetic treatment using autologous fat stem cells. Stem cells obtained from extracted fat tissue are successfully used for breast augmentation, facelifts, and skin rejuvenation. An internal application observation shall now examine the therapeutic effects of stem cells in case of joint problems.

Body fat tissue is the most important storage of vital cells, including stem cells and so-called progenitor cells. Regenerative effects observed during esthetic treatment with stem cells from autologous fat in Clinic DDr. Heinrich® are indicative for applications in orthopedics and other medical fields.

For years, veterinarians have successfully carried out therapeutic treatment with animal’s own stem cells on thousands of dogs and racehorses. Stem cells extracted from the animal’s autologous fat seem suitable for regenerating damaged joints, bones, and cartilages. The treatment’s goal is overall regeneration and improvement of physical performance.

Individual centers worldwide now also offer therapeutic treatment in humans using stem cells from autologous fat. Due to the huge potential for success and health benefits, Clinic DDr. Heinrich® is now conducting an internal application observation for treating joints.

Stem cell therapy apparently shows greatest therapeutic benefits in cases of arthritis in initial stages. Stem cells, isolated from a small amount of fat obtained using gentle liposuction with thin microcannulas, are administered via infusion or implanted into the respective joint. Treatment is on an outpatient basis using local anesthesia.

Should you be interested in participating in the internal application observation, please contact Clinic DDr. Heinrich® at:

Clinic DDr. Heinrich®
Contact: Herfried Wagner
Phone: +43 1 532 18 01

Adieu Silicone

At the latest since the PIP scandal, it is generally known – Silicone implants can pose a risk to your health!

The good news:

There is a natural alternative for body and beauty-conscious women: Breast augmentation with (stem cell-enriched) autologous fat

Fat is gently liposuctioned from your autologous fat depots on thighs, hips, etc. and subsequently smoothly injected into the breasts.

The results are impressive:

The scar-free breasts enlarged with autologous fat look absolutely “real” in every situation and provide a fuller, natural-looking cleavage.

There is no smile on Heidi Klum’s face

Who hasn’t heard of Heidi Klum, German top model, one of the advertising faces? The beautiful blonde became world famous in 1998, when she posed for the title page of the US magazine Sports Illustrated, captivating 55 million readers practically overnight. Following a long line of other top models, she posed for Victoria’s Secret, the underwear brand favored by young women. She also did work for Elle and Vogue. Most recently, Heidi was active as a TV moderator for Germany’s Next Topmodel show.

In 2005, she became the center of media attention when she married the well-known singer Seal after a romance worthy of a movie script. In their initial married bliss, Hollywood’s dream couple moved to Beverly Hills where they started a family. Gossip columnists tried to discover the secret of this unconventional couple’s happiness – continually professing their love for each other in public and always ready with a smile for the cameras. Heidi was very frank about what attracted her to Seal upon her first sighting of him in a fitness studio and which part of his physique she admired so much.

As in so many other love stories, things ended in controversy and disillusionment: Seal accused Heidi of having an affair with her long-time bodyguard, which she denied. The relationship finally broke down in April 2012 when this perfect showbiz couple split up. Last September, Heidi finally lifted the lid on her relationship with bodyguard Martin Kristen. Reports suggest that Heidi and Seal are caught up in a dispute surrounding the rights of custody for their children and over their assets.

However, Heidi Klum not only has nothing to laugh about when it comes to men these days: On recent photos, her face looks harder and more angular than it did just a few years previously, when Heidi’s easy smile was mesmerizing fans all over the world. Celebrity website TMZ had put it this way: “She’s the best thing Germany has produced since the Volkswagen.” But, what could be the cause of Heidi’s gaunt, almost haggard face from a medical point of view?

As we age, our bodies are no longer able to produce those substances in sufficient quantities which we need in order to stay energetic and youthful. Healthy, youthful skin and tissue not only need hormones, but also amino acids, peptides, and protein building blocks. Therefore, a gaunt face can be due to an increasing weakness of the adrenal gland’s hormonal system (DHEA, cortisol) which can worsen during stressful situations – taking Heidi’s divorce as an example. On the other hand, wrinkles can be caused by low levels of the sexual hormones (testosterone, progesterone, estrogen) and tissue weakness is a symptom of growth hormone deficiency (HGH, growth hormone).

What would Heidi Klum have to do now in order to regain a more youthful, softer face and more beautiful skin? Hormonal Regeneration® with bioidentical hormones (Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy, BHRT) could smooth out her imperfections and imbalances. Perfect Skin, a perfect combination of amino acids, peptides, and protein building blocks could help the skin to regenerate from the inside. After just a few weeks of using Perfect Skin, subcutaneous tissue regenerates from within, small wrinkles are lessened and the face becomes radiant. Bioidentical hormones also help build resistance to stress, which would be a great help to Heidi Klum’s current situation.

In any case, we hope that any bitter divorce proceedings can be prevented for the sake of the couple’s three children and that Heidi will find peace of mind and happiness again. The immutable law which says “As within, so without” does not only apply to supplying the body with hormones and peptides, but also to our psychological well-being – both is reflected in a beautiful smile!

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Video: Beauty and Rejuvenation with Stem Cells

DDr. Heinrich talks about aesthetic and regenerative treatments with the body’s own stem cells. These autologous stem cells are taken from the patient’s own fat which is harvested using a gentle manual liposuction technique. Stem cell-enriched autologous fat can be used for the stem cell breast augmentation, the facelift without scalpel (stem cell facelift), and for the regeneration of organs and the whole body.

Beauty and Rejuvenation with Stem Cells

Is Jessica Simpson trapped in her weight loss plan?

Jessica Simpson was an unknown quantity until her 1999 single I Wanna Love You Forever reached the top 5 of the Billboard Hot 100 in the USA, which turned her into a star overnight. Shortly thereafter, the already curvy, yet slim blonde, released her debut album Sweet Kisses, and touched the hearts of her fans with her flirtatious charms, despite pledging to remain abstinent until marriage…

However, since the 31-year-old, who endured a failed marriage and is now engaged to the ex-footballer Eric Johnson, gave birth to a baby daughter in May, she is suffering from stubborn post-pregnancy fat! The paparazzi have recently taken photos of the singer which make it clear where Jessica Simpson’s problems lie: Her black top is clearly stretched over her tummy, and her tightly fit sports pants prove that Jessica has also put on a significant amount of weight around her thighs.

Jessica has now declared a war against her weight – by setting an ambitious target: She wants to lose as much as 25 kilos in just five months. However, it is not just her own body she has in mind, as she will be rewarded with a four million dollar contract from Weight Watchers in case of success. This deal will make the singer even more committed to shredding the pounds.

But will Jessica Simpson achieve her goal and be able to shred these pounds for good?

According to the celebrity website TMZ, the singer is currently experiencing quite a bit of stress with her diet and is additionally attending the gym several times a week. If she is able to maintain this, you can assume that the pounds will start to shred quickly. However, you have to question whether this success will last permanently. Far too often, such a rapid loss in weight along with crash dieting and rigorous exercise is the start of a constant up and down, otherwise known as a yo-yo effect.

The question remains as to why the singer is still carrying all these pounds following her pregnancy. A reason for weight gain during pregnancy is the relative changes to the body’s hormonal balance, which affect many of the hormones. The thyroid often functions poorly following pregnancy. Since given thyroid hormones are essential for the body’s energy metabolism levels, a weakened thyroid hormone burns fewer calories, meaning women will constantly gain weight although maintaining the same kind of nutrition as before their pregnancy. In any case, Jessica Simpson is not alone, as many women complain about their excess weight following pregnancy.

For some women, the hormone levels will return to normal, and the fat from pregnancy will disappear as if by magic, while for others, these annoying fat pads will return even more quickly after having a strenuous diet program performed. In order to escape this vicious circle and to get to the bottom of her weight issue, it would be advisable to Jessica Simpson to undertake a Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) with an experienced physician.

There is a hormonal imbalance in virtually every case of obesity, which should be diagnosed and treated with bioidentical hormones before weight loss. Once the hormonal balance has been restored, the weight loss can be simply achieved by means of a tailor-made change in nutrition behavior and training program.

And how Jessica Simpson could benefit from this? Well, not only could she achieve her desired weight level in the short term while pocketing the huge sum of four million dollars, but she would also be able to enjoy something in the long term that money simply cannot buy: A great body shape and good health, which in itself results in mental wellbeing.

DDr. Heinrich, MD

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Perfect Skin 3-Month Treatment: Haute Couture for You and Your Skin!

Our skin – our most beautiful adornment! Don’t we all want firm tissue, smooth, taut skin and that irresistible peachy, soft complexion? After all, it’s not just women who find it alluring!

What else can we do besides consistent body care?

Spoil yourself with a 3-month treatment from the inside out, with Perfect Skin!

If the body is no longer able to produce the sufficient quantities itself that are required to remain robust, vital, and strong, we must give our body a helping hand!

Perfect Skin is a mixture of amino acids and peptides which strengthens our skin, our connective tissue, and our joints from the inside out when used on a regular basis. Only if the subcutaneous tissue is firm, the skin has sufficient elasticity to make the wrinkles disappear and smooth out deep furrows.

Order easily and conveniently via our webshop!

We are able to offer growth factor skin therapies for the specific treatment of certain areas of the skin. You can also enhance your natural beauty in a gentle manner by aesthetic stem cell treatments or by a therapy using bioidentical hormones (Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy, BHRT). Depending on the individual goal of therapy, a combination of various treatments may be recommended.

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Why we should take bioidentical hormones and eat enzymes these days (Part 5)

Read how human nutrition has changed over the past 200 million years of its existence and what conclusions can be drawn in terms of our health and beauty today.

First part | Previous part

Today – Summary

Since the Neolithic Age, our diet has not changed much, aside from the fact that large quantities of refined sugar are consumed in recent years. For the first time since the Mesolithic period, meat is being heavily consumed again for a few decades in wealthier countries.

Our today’s diet: grain, sugar, meat, fat, dairy products

So, how does our summary look like? Is there really a species-specific diet for us humans? Basically, humans are very adaptable. In many countries, it led to genetic adaptations that enabled people to digest cow’s milk which made an important protein source to become available.

In general, humans are able to manage a great number of different types of food quite well.

However, it can also be observed that people function averagely well by consuming those foods who they had been used to over several million years:

The Paleolithic diet: Mainly meat, fat, and animal organs, including fried or boiled fish as well as insects, roots, vegetables, nuts, and fruits. The smallest part of the Paleolithic diet constituted of starchy crops and grain, as well as sweet occasional desserts made of honey, nuts, and flour.

Tribes who still subsist on this diet until today are largely free of diseases of civilization that keep on torturing us these days: diabetes, heart diseases, tooth decay, obesity. Even cancer seems to appear significantly rarer.

So, how does our ideal diet look like?

We should follow a Paleolithic diet in the closest possible way without falling into dogmatism: Even bears that live in Yellowstone National Park love pizza and burgers, if they are able to steal them from parked cars. Consuming pizza and burgers on an occasional basis also can do us no harm.

It is important to emphasize that when adopting Paleolithic diet, it means nose-to-tail eating and not just meat: intestine and stomach, inner organs, fat, brain, as well as genitals. In this way, our ancestors consumed a lot of substances that we are no longer able to get with our diet these days:

Bioidentical hormones are present in the brain, internal organs, and genitals, whose regular supply we have been used to for millions of years: pregnenolone, testosterone, DHEA, cortisol. These bioidentical hormones have probably been the reason why people of the Golden Age remained strong, juvenile, and attractive even in old age, except for gray hair, as Hesiod had told it.

Digestive organs, including the pre-digested chyme of animals, contain enzymes which ease our digestion and keep our digestive system healthy.

However, if we really do not want to return to those customs that rather take a lot of getting used to it, we should consume these missing substances in a different way. This would also have the advantage of a better therapeutic controllability:

Bioidentical hormones, the precursors of growth hormone, peptides, and amino acids, as well as extracts from internal animal organs and digestive enzymes were already contained in our food in the Paleolithic era and should be supplemented, where appropriate, with our today’s diet in order to keep us young and active.

At the end, a question of global importance: How can we create a foundation of a halfway paleolithic, protein-rich, and healthy diet for the huge population in the world?

Now, since there are no longer any mammoths around and we are also not able to produce enough beef or pork to adequately feed these billions of people, one must go back even a little bit further into the evolutionary history and remember what our ancestors ate during the dinosaur age: No, it wasn’t dinosaur eggs, but insects!

DDr. Heinrich, MD


Fountain of youth and source of vitality: Bioidentical hormones

Just imagine you are able to…

… cope with daily stress at work as well as at home in such a way that you still have enough life force and power left to enjoy everyday life!

… wake up in the morning feeling full of beans and look forward to the challenges of the day!

… enjoy the evening with your loved ones after a long, hard day at work, instead of lying tired, irritable, and completely exhausted on the sofa!

… experience passionate nights with your partner, the way as they were in the beginning of your relationship!

Our “civilized” life that is fully characterized by pressure to perform, stimulus satiation, and time pressure overstrain our body and thus also our organs and endocrine glands. This inevitably leads to burnout symptoms such as (chronic) fatigue, reluctance, and frustration.

What can we do about it? The Western world with all its requirements cannot be changed – however:

We are able to support our body by supplying those substances that are needed in order to manage our daily stressful situations.

Bioidentical hormones have the same exact molecular structure as the hormones produced naturally within the body – bioidentical hormones are therefore something “natural” and not an exogenous substance, such as the birth control pill.

The intake of bioidentical hormones in combination with other restorative substances strengthens the body from the inside out, eliminates hormonal imbalances, and brings new vitality and joy. Depending on the individual indication, a Hormonal Regeneration® (Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy, BHRT) lasts between 3 and 6 months.