The Secret of a Beautiful Complexion

The secret of a beautiful complexion, in our view, is caring for the skin from the inside out.

From a certain age onwards, you usually need more than just cosmetic products to have radiant skin and a fresh complexion.

Perfect Skin, a blend of amino acids and peptides of animal origin, can strengthen your tissue, making small wrinkles disappear with regular use and smoothing deeper wrinkles. Your facial skin will be more supple and rosy.

It’s easy to use: Perfect Skin is a powder and can be easily mixed with a liquid. Warm water, tea or soup is most suitable. During hot weather conditions, we recommend using milk or yoghurt (e.g. mixed with an immersion blender).

The regenerative effect can be enhanced by combining Perfect Skin with Hyaluron Plus, another product from our range of Cosmetics from the Inside Out.

Visit our online shop and order Perfect Skin from the comfort of your own home!

We wish you the greatest success for your skin care from the inside out!

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Do cosmetic “fillers” protect against cancer?

This recently caused amazement worldwide: An odd-looking, naked rodent living in East Africa. This animal digs tunnels, forms colonies in a similar way to bees and termites and is seemingly immune against cancer.

Another thing that makes these “naked mole rats” unusual is the fact that they live to an unusually high age: 30 years. In contrast, their near relations, mice and rats, live for only a maximum of 3 years. What is the reason for this? Apparently, the cells of the naked mole rat produce high levels of hyaluronic acid, very similar to that used in cosmetic fillers (“fillers”) injected in wrinkle treatment and lip augmentation for ladies requesting such treatment. This special hyaluronic acid (HMM-HA) seems to protect cells from cancer. We know this because naked mole rat cells, being immune to cancer, can form tumors when the hyaluronic acid surrounding them is experimentally removed.

Can fillers protect against cancer? If so, this would be a good reason to use them. As you know, I am decidedly against injecting fillers, whether from hyaluronic acid or other substances. I find that they are unsuited for wrinkle therapy, resulting only in an unnatural appearance. This was actually carried out on mummies for the first time 3,000 years ago in the time of the Egyptian New Kingdom, to make their cheeks appear attractively rounded.

It is advisable to use a different procedure to smooth out wrinkles or sunken cheeks on living persons, who, if possible, should not resemble mummies afterwards: Bioidentical Hormones (Hormonal Regeneration®) and autologous stem cells address the problems of skin aging and tissue slackening at their source. Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP), obtained from the patient’s blood, and growth factors from skin cells (Skin Growth Factors) provide assistance when they are gently introduced into the skin using microneedles, whereas symptomatic treatment involving injections of foreign substances can be dispensed.

What can hyaluronic acid used for in aesthetic medicine?

As a means of moistening the skin, hyaluronic acid is well suited for regular intake and use on the skin. Internally and externally – it works better than most expensive creams, as it binds fluid and protects the skin from drying out and forming wrinkles.

What about the protective effect against cancer?

Evidently, the type of hyaluronic acid that provides protection from cancer (HMM-HA) is structured somewhat differently than the normal type we use. It has larger molecules. Research is currently being carried out as to how well it is tolerated and effective in mice. Humans are next. However, it could probably take a while until doctors worldwide have had sufficient therapeutic experience with it.

In any case, I will keep you updated. Until then, normal hyaluronic acid will also be caring for the skin, protecting it from free radicals and the damaging effects of sunlight. This is a good enough reason to take it regularly and apply it. Injecting it into wrinkles is unnecessary.

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Thyroid deficiency: A lack of well-being despite substitution treatment?

My clinic is receiving an increasing number of inquiries from patients suffering from thyroid problems. The thyroid gland is one of the body’s most important endocrine glands. It produces the thyroid hormones T3 (Triiodthyronine) and T4 (Thyroxin), which control energy metabolism and are essential for the growth of vital cells.

On average, I am consulted by one to two persons per week who mention in their medical history that they have already been treated with medication for thyroid deficiency.

The medication that these patients had been taking up until now was mostly always a T4 preparation, normally a tablet taken in the morning before breakfast. Another thing that these patients have in common is the fact that their laboratory tests showed that their blood values are in the “normal range” and the doctors treating them stated that they are “fine-tuned”.

Despite this, the patients complain of fatigue, excessive weight which dieting cannot reduce, lack of motivation, lowering of physical and mental performance levels, problems with concentration and memory, a bloated feeling, constipation due to decreased bowel function and other symptoms typically associated with untreated or insufficiently treated thyroid deficiency.

How can deficiency symptoms be present, given that “normal” laboratory blood values were found?

Evidently, when substitution treatment is carried out, it is not always enough to be guided by laboratory values. Thyroid deficiency symptoms can also appear when the blood values determined after treatment are still within the laboratory’s reference value range.

Reference value ranges used by laboratories are calculated based on statistical surveys. However, individual requirements of thyroid hormones depend on many personal factors and can therefore deviate from these statistical values.

With regard to the dosage of thyroid substitution medication, treatment should focus on each patient’s well-being and symptoms. Laboratory blood tests alone are not enough. The patient can only then be “properly fine-tuned” with thyroid hormone preparations, when he is free of the deficiency symptoms.

At the beginning of each Hormonal Regeneration® (Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy, BHRT), a thorough analysis is made of your current state of health. Subsequently, hormonal deficits and imbalances are compensated by using bioidentical hormones. Regular medical check-ups are carried out so that therapy can be continually adjusted to your individual needs.

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Weight loss: Achieving your desired weight by means of bioidentical hormones

Excessive body weight is one of the major health problems in our Western world. It is the cause of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, wear and tear of joints and other widespread diseases of civilization.

We were able to diagnose hormonal imbalances in many of our overweight patients.

The efficiency of the thyroid gland plays a very important role in this. Functional impairment of the thyroid gland, as a consequence of its inflammation, for example, is frequently the cause of persistent excessive weight levels. The whole body often appears to be swollen, which is an indication of thyroid gland problems. When the body receives insufficient supplies of thyroid hormones (T3, T4) over a number of years, other endocrine glands may also become overly taxed in the long term, leading to more wide-ranging health problems.

Unhealthy eating, a lack of exercise and other negative lifestyle habits can also cause people to become overweight.

After the hormonal balance has been restored by way of Hormonal Regeneration® using bioidentical hormones, successful results can be achieved in a short time, usually with a combination of carefully planned changes in nutritional habits and regular physical training. A person’s desired weight can thus be achieved and maintained long-term.

Before weight is reduced, gentle liposuction can be of use for troublesome local problem zones. The liposuction reduces estrogen-producing fat pads on the belly and hips – these pads facilitate fat accumulation and can trigger further rounds of weight increase.

If liposuction is planned, this should be carried out before and not after weight loss.

A program of medically assisted weight loss can typically last for several months. During therapy, you will keep a nutrition diary and will be in contact with us on a continual basis. The success of your treatment will be regularly controlled and therapy adapted to your needs during the course of treatment.

Do stem cells gained from fat heal arthritis and damaged joints?

Call to participate in internal application observation on therapy using stem cells for damaged cartilage and deteriorated joints

Vienna (2013-05-07) — The treatment of damaged cartilage and arthritis using stem cells from autologous fat is the object of a study currently being conducted in Germany and France. First results recently published sound promising: Patients treated with stem cells for arthritis of the knee joint reported that they suffered less pain and have considerably increased mobility.

Due to the high potential to improve the quality of life of patients, the therapeutic effect of stem cells from autologous fat in joint ailments will be studied in an internal application observation at Clinic DDr. Heinrich®.

“The greatest therapeutic benefits of stem cell treatment appear to be gained in cases of arthritis which has not reached its advanced stages,” states DDr. Karl-Georg Heinrich, a Viennese doctor working in the area of aesthetic surgery and regenerative medicine. In his Clinic DDr. Heinrich®, stem cells from autologous fat have been used for regenerative treatment, stem cell breast augmentation and stem cell facelift since 2007. “Stem cells have an enormous healing potential that we also have to use outside the area of aesthetic medicine for the benefit of patients,” says DDr. Heinrich.

Stem cells and the progenitor cells of connective tissue, so-called “mesenchymal stem cells”, seem to play a central role in the regeneration of deteriorated cartilage, bones and joints. Every person has sufficient amounts of these vital cells, since large quantities of them are present in fat tissue. The artificial reproduction of the stem cells in a laboratory is therefore unnecessary.

Treatment of joints takes place on an outpatient basis using local anesthesia. First of all, a small amount of fat is obtained using gentle liposuction with microcannulas. The stem cells gained from it can either be implanted directly into the joint to be treated, for example, in knees, hips or hands, or administered via infusion.

With regard to the huge potential for success that stem cell therapy represents, DDr. Heinrich explains that, “if damaged joints are treated early enough using stem cells, patients could, for the time being, be spared from having to have artificial joints.”

Should you be interested in participating in the internal application observation, please contact Clinic DDr. Heinrich® at:

Clinic DDr. Heinrich®
Contact: Herfried Wagner
Phone: +43 1 532 18 01

Firm, small breasts: Stem cell breast augmentation in combination with pre-stretching of the breast

A new kind of technology makes it possible for women with naturally small, firm breasts to have natural breast augmentation resulting in considerable enlargement requiring only one round of treatment. The breast is augmented gently with autologous fat and stem cells and consists entirely of autologous tissue. For this reason, it looks completely “real”.

Patientin before and after stem cell breast augmentation

The after photo shows the result actually achieved by the treatment.

Breast augmentation using autologous fat had previously meant that the more the breasts sagged, and the greater the available fat deposits were, the bigger was the increase in volume. Women with small, firm breasts in particular often had to be treated more than once to achieve the desired increase in size.

Now, a special suction bra can be used to pre-stretch the breast, so that in future small and firm breasts can also be augmented considerably with a single treatment.

The suction bra system works entirely without any “chemistry”. By way of a vacuum function, the breast tissue is stretched and therefore more space is created for the autologous fat to be injected later during breast augmentation. It is important that the suction bra is worn consistently for several weeks before treatment. The suction bra should be worn every day for 10 to 12 hours. The most practical way to do this is to wear it overnight.

Pre-stretching of the breast combined with breast augmentation with autologous fat and stem cells (lipofilling) is also suitable for women who want to have their breasts augmented by more than one cup size, in one round of treatment only.

Please contact us if you require any further information.

Perfect Skin: Healthier nails, stronger hair, more beautiful skin using “cosmetics from the inside out”

Nails, hair and skin suffer from the wear and tear of everyday life. These unpleasant symptoms of excessive use are similar to those we know as the unwelcome signs of aging: Brittle nails – thin, dull hair – sallow and wrinkled skin.

Cosmetics used externally (e.g., skin care products) can help to a limited extent only. When used exclusively from the outside, substances cannot penetrate to the lower lying skin layers – only a superficial treatment of the symptoms is possible.

What really makes a difference when caring for your skin? Instead of merely treating the symptoms using creams externally, it is much more effective to regenerate and strengthen skin, hair and nails with “cosmetics from the inside out” by providing them with those nutrients ideally suited for skin, hair and nails.

Since our food contains insufficient levels of these essential nutrients, we have developed Perfect Skin.

Perfect Skin

Perfect Skin contains all the amino acids and peptides (complex protein components) which the skin and nails need for optimal regeneration. Only when the subcutaneous tissue is firm, the skin can have sufficient elasticity to make small wrinkles disappear and smooth out the deep furrows.

Regular use of Perfect Skin will strengthen your subcutaneous tissue and connective tissue. Your skin will be noticeably smoother, more radiant and rosier, small and larger wrinkles can be smoothed out. Your nails and hair will also become shinier and stronger.

Visit our webshop and give your body a treat, in the comfort of your own home!

Letter to the Editor: Spoilt for Sexual Choice

DDr. Heinrich just wrote a letter to the editor of the Austrian daily newspaper Die Presse on the subject “Spoilt for Sexual Choice” (“Die Qual der Sexualwahl”, Die Presse, March 27, 2013):

Congratulations on your interesting article. It is indeed a fact that there is a clear link between a person’s attractiveness to the opposite sex and the performance levels of certain hormonal glands. This can be seen quite clearly amongst those famous men and women who still can claim to be “sex symbols” despite being somewhat older. Sean Connery or Sharon Stone are good examples. Their faces and bodies clearly show that they have high levels of those hormones which are particularly important for sexual attractiveness. For the main part, these are growth hormones, adrenal cortex hormones and sexual hormones such as testosterone and estrogen.

When older people not only look sexy, but also quite young, this is a sign that all the other important hormonal glands are in a fine, youthful condition. Our perception of attractiveness does not differentiate between the hormonal glands “naturally” being that good, or if hormone levels were raised by way of therapy with bioidentical hormones (Hormonal Regeneration®).

In contrast, when only those artificial methods using Botox, fillers or facelifts, for example, are applied in an attempt to “restore” youthfulness, the person treated just won’t have that sexual charisma which high hormone levels make possible. That is why their “rejuvenated” appearance often looks doll-like and less attractive.

DDr. Karl-Georg Heinrich, MD

Clinic DDr. Heinrich®
1010 Vienna, Landhausgasse 2
Phone: +43 1 532 18 01

Jennifer Lawrence: Upset because of uneven breasts?

In the past few years, Jennifer Shrader Lawrence has taken Hollywood by storm. The 22-year-old US-American actress got her big break in 2010 when she was given the lead role in Debra Granik’s independent film Winter’s Bone and was awarded the actor award by the Seattle International Film Festival and the National Board of Review Award as the best talented young actress. She was showered with numerous accolades for the lead part she recently played in the tragic comedy Silver Linings.

Since then, the beautiful archeress from The Hunger Games (Die Tribute von Panem) has been riding a wave of success. As recently as February, she was named best actress and was given the coveted Oscar award. In fact, Jennifer Lawrence is not only a good actress, but the flirtatious star also gets top marks for her appearances on the red carpet.

Jennifer recently surprised her fans when she poured her heart out in the Jimmy Kimmel Live talk show: “I had a chest X-ray taken of my lungs at the doctor’s office today and I discovered that my breasts are uneven […] I only hope that no one will ever get to see my breasts on an X-ray. Hopefully, nobody will ever see me in this kind of light.”

Nothing about the human body is completely symmetrical. The unevenness of Jennifer’s body certainly cannot be that bad, if she only realized it after having an X-ray done. However, let us assume that the sides differ greatly in size, causing psychological stress, which happens very frequently – how could a woman like Jennifer Lawrence even out asymmetrical breasts in a natural and gentle fashion without having the larger breast reduced in size by an operation, which might be a strain on her health? We assume that she does not want to have any foreign bodies implanted into her smaller breast and therefore, silicone is out of the question for her.

A breast augmentation with stem cell-enriched autologous fat can give many women a symmetrical and, if desired, fuller cleavage, without silicone and scalpel having to be used.

It often happens that the best results are achieved with just one round of treatment. The doctor focusses on the smaller, actually often shorter breast and will try, as far as possible, to make it the same size as the larger breast by modeling the smaller breast with stem cell-enriched autologous fat. In contrast, much less is injected into the longer and more flexible breast. The result is a shape adjustment, whereby the smaller breast’s capacity serves as orientation. The breasts should then be practically of the same size, although a certain difference in shape usually remains.

If the patient wishes to have a breast augmentation carried out in addition to breast symmetry, this can usually be done with two rounds of treatment. During the first procedure, the maximum volume of stem cell-enriched autologous fat is injected into both breasts. The asymmetry is obviously increased by doing this, since the larger breast will be considerably more enlarged than the smaller one. Approximately six months later, the second procedure is carried out; this time only the small breast is augmented, in order that both breasts are the same size. Ideally, the result can be seen in augmented breasts that are practically the same shape and size.

For certain breast shapes, mechanical pre-stretching before the procedure/s can be useful. I will inform you about this another time.

By undergoing this procedure using local anesthesia, Jennifer Lawrence could say goodbye forever to her uneven breasts. In any case, this young actress has had a very successful career up until now, which goes to show that a completely symmetrical body is not a requirement for success – not even in the acting profession, where looks are everything!

DDr. Heinrich, MD