Kick Off the New Year by Being Slim

Is there anyone who has not yet tried occasionally to get rid of a few annoying pounds, gained over the Christmas holidays, in the fastest possible way by means of “magic diets”? Unfortunately, this good intention quickly turns into frustration once there is hardly any noticeable success when standing on the scale and when looking in the mirror despite miracle diet and physical exercise.

However, there is another way: Achieving your ideal weight and feeling comfortable with your desired body shape do not have to remain unfulfilled wishes.

Ideal Weight in a Sustainable Manner

Our sustainable weight loss therapy concept enables the adaptation of the individual steps to your personal circumstances in order to reach your ideal weight.

Initially, a detailed analysis about your health and hormone status is performed and a tailor-made treatment plan according to your individual needs is created by us. The treatment plan may range from dietary arrangements and lifestyle changes to extensive therapy with bioidentical hormones. A possible liposuction of stubborn “problem areas” should be done before the weight loss.

Weight Loss PhaseolinIn order to ideally support your body during weight loss efforts, it is recommended to take dietary supplements either concomitantly or while losing weight on its own initiative, which stimulate the body’s weight loss process through various mechanisms.

Weight Loss Phaseolin obtained from white kidney beans blocks the absorption of carbohydrates in the intestine. Thus, the formation of fat pads in the body can be prevented.

Another dietary supplement which has an impact on the digestive system is Digestive Enzymes – Pancreas. By helping your body to process food, you minimize the workload for your digestive system, whereby cellulite can be reduced and the immune system simultaneously stimulated.

Weight Loss Phaseolin and Digestive Enzymes – Pancreas are available in our web shop. Place your order now from the comfort of your own home.

The advantage of a regulated diet is that you can help to lose weight in a regular and controlled manner. On the one hand, this decreases the strain on your body – obesity is regarded as one of the main causes for cardiovascular diseases – and on the other hand, helps to achieve long-term results.

It is our pleasure to provide you with our support in achieving your good intentions.

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Stem Cells – Medicine of the Future?

Researchers see great therapeutic potential for stem cells obtained from fat tissue

Vienna (2013-12-04) — Stem cells obtained from harvested fat apparently have an almost inexhaustible potential for therapeutic applications: The treatment of joint problems and arthritis with stem cells from autologous fat is currently the subject of a study being carried out in Germany and France, and there are increasing numbers of promising reports from many other medical fields. At a congress recently held in Marseilles, European doctors and scientists reported on the use of stem cells in cases of diabetes, nerve diseases, autoimmune diseases, after heart attacks and for problems of the urinary tract.

The therapeutic effect of stem cells from fat tissue is being tested throughout Europe in clinical studies due to the possibilities it presents for improving the quality of life of patients suffering from these ailments. The EU is contributing millions towards the sponsorship of these studies, in which only a few selected patients can participate. Physicians in private practice are also working on the evaluation of stem cell therapy and are making this therapy available to a larger number of patients.

Clinic DDr. Heinrich® is currently conducting an internal method comparison on the therapeutic application of stem cells for different diseases.

“The greatest therapeutic benefits from stem cell treatment seem to be seen in chronic illnesses in their initial stages,” says DDr. Karl-Georg Heinrich, a Viennese physician working in the area of aesthetic surgery and regenerative medicine. Since 2007, he has been using stem cells from autologous fat in his Clinic DDr. Heinrich® for regenerative treatments, breast augmentation with stem cells as well as for skin rejuvenation on the face and body. “Stem cells have a remarkable potential for healing, which we must also use outside the area of aesthetic medicine to the advantage of our patients,” DDr. Heinrich notes.

A mixture of cells is obtained from the fat tissue, known as the Stromal Vascular Fraction (SVF). This includes the actual stem cells and progenitor cells of the connective tissue, as well as diverse other cells. The question as to whether the regenerative effect is only attributable to the so-called mesenchymal stem cells (MSC), or to all cells that are part of SVF, is still the subject of research.

In any case, due to the large quantity of stem cells in fat tissue, multiplication of stem cells by artificial means in a laboratory is mostly unnecessary. This makes the therapeutic application of fat stem cells more simple and cost-effective than therapy with stem cells from bone marrow. Bone marrow stem cells occur in lesser quantities, and therefore usually have to be multiplied in a laboratory.

Stem cell treatment is performed on an outpatient basis using local anesthesia. Initially, a small amount of the patient’s autologous fat is gently removed by liposuction using microcannulas. The stem cells obtained therefrom are either injected directly into the area affected or administered as an infusion.

“Autologous stem cells may be the way of the future in many fields of medicine,” is how DDr. Heinrich sees the great potential for the success of stem cell therapy.

Should you be interested in participating in the internal method comparison, please contact Clinic DDr. Heinrich® at:

Clinic DDr. Heinrich®
Contact: Herfried Wagner
Phone: +43 1 532 18 01

Merry Christmas: Treat Yourself to a Moment of Pleasure

Now that the Christmas holidays are just around the corner, we can find time for some relaxation and beauty care after all the stress of daily routines. Why not cleanse and strengthen your body and make a light, fresh start into the New Year?

You can find products for your beauty care and invigoration in our web shop.

December Special Offer – Buy One, Get One Free

December Special Offer – Buy One, Get One Free

All web shop customers placing their orders for the following products in December 2013 will receive an extra product free of charge from the same type:

For your beauty care:

For your well-being:

Place your orders from the comfort of your own home and if you order in time, you will receive your products before Christmas!

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a good start into the New Year!

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Stem cells from the body’s own fat – the gold around your waists

The progress in medicine is increasing rapidly. Treatments with autologous stem cells could revolutionize therapeutic methods that are recognized these days.

Stem cells – cells with great potential

Positive experiences with the new stem cell therapies in the treatment of osteoarthritis and general regeneration already exist internationally.

There are a large number of studies worldwide, in which stem cells in the treatment of heart disease, diabetes, joint disease, neurological and endocrine disorders and many other degenerative processes are used.

Meanwhile, the veterinary medicine has many years of excellent experience with the therapeutic use of autologous stem cells in thousands of dogs and race horses.

Therapeutic application of stem cells

We can all enjoy a seemingly infinite reservoir of autologous stem cells: A particularly rich source for the extraction of stem cells is in fact our body fat.

Stem cell therapies with autologous stem cells from adipose tissue are performed as follows:

All treatments are carried out ambulatory under local anesthesia. First, a small amount of fat is gently harvested by microcannular liposuction. The stem cells that are therefrom isolated in a complex laboratory procedure are injected immediately after isolation, either locally to the affected organ or tissue or systemically, depending on the indication.

The therapeutic effect should occur some weeks after the application. A possible further treatment can take place at the earliest 6 months later, depending on the individual medical indication. Follow-up appointments will be individually agreed after the procedure.

For more information, please visit our website.

I hope you enjoy the exciting reading of the fascinating insights of stem cell research.

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Autumn – Cold and Flu Season: Instant Chi Candies

Formula from Traditional Chinese Medicine

Cool temperatures in autumn and winter increase our chances of suffering from colds and coughs.

During my studies of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), I rediscovered ancient knowledge on how to protect the body from catching colds, and developed Instant Chi Candies.

Frequently, the solution for a problem has been known about since time immemorial. Formulae from Traditional Chinese Medicine allow us to stimulate the immune system and to strengthen the parts of the body affected in a targeted way; throat, nose and pharynx.

We have adapted this millennia-old knowledge to modern tastes and turned it into a candy which will not harm your teeth, as it is made with birch sugar.

Made exclusively with natural ingredients

The candies are made traditionally by hand in my clinic in Vienna, since making them with machinery would necessarily involve the use of artificial additives.

We use exclusively natural ingredients. Birch sugar (xylitol) is used as a basis and a special mixture of roots and herbs are mixed into it.

2 Strengths: Light spicy and Strong spicy

Instant Chi Candies

Instant Chi Candies are available in two strengths: Strong spicy and Light spicy. Strong spicy is stronger and more effective and recommended to those who like sharp tastes. Light spicy is sufficient for preventing colds.

If you are already showing the first symptoms of a cold or want to treat a cold, you should take Strong spicy since Light spicy won’t be effective enough.

For preventive purposes, suck the candies two to three times a day.

Instant Chi Candies are good for your teeth and you can suck them after cleaning your teeth, for example in bed.

If you already have the symptoms of a cold, take a candy every two hours. They have a slightly stimulating effect on the digestion, which is beneficial to the immune system. If you are pregnant, please consult your doctor first before taking the candies.

Instant Chi Candies are available at well-assorted pharmacies, health food shops and directly from our webshop.

I wish that your autumn and winter will be a cold-free one!

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Tissue strengthening using “cosmetics from the inside out” instead of artificial fillers

An increasing number of patients ask me why I object to hyaluronic fillers for treating wrinkles on face and body. Just recently, I gave an interview to the Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ) on the topic of artificial fillers.

Why do I object to artificial fillers?

Artificial fillers are usually used for wrinkle treatment. Wrinkles are a sign that the skin is generally losing biological quality. When a wrinkle is treated with filler, the skin thickens at that particular spot. Since the surrounding tissue remains less thick, irregularities can be seen when facial expressions are made. Therefore, results obtained in this way are often unacceptable from a cosmetic point of view.

What is the alternative?

Perfect SkinInstead of treating symptoms, I advocate treating causes. The loss of biological skin quality is a symptom of aging processes which can be counteracted. Using bioidentical hormones, stem cells from the body’s own fat and by taking special combinations of peptides and hyaluronic acid, skin quality can be improved.

I also call this “cosmetics from the inside out”. Tissue regains its volume and elasticity, wrinkles are smoothened, small wrinkles often disappear altogether, and the decisive factor is: The face has a completely natural appearance.

In my opinion, hyaluronic acid should be swallowed, and not injected!

How do I see the future?

Progress made in medical science means that in future “signs of aging” in the face, which are symptoms of deficiencies, debility of the organs or hormonal deficiencies will be increasingly considered as unacceptable.

This means that the mature face, full of vitality, will become the benchmark of attractiveness in the long term. People are living longer, and in the prime of life even after the age of 50. We will perceive life differently – instead of trying to recapture our youth in unrealistic ways, active aging will focus on natural ways of physical optimization and retaining vitality.

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Stem Cells from Young Women – A Future Fountain of Youth?

Since the beginning of time, Chinese people have liked to rejuvenate themselves with the body fluids of young men and women. Most notably, Chinese rulers of ancient times used elixirs made of the blood, semen, etc. of animals, but also from humans. More than 5,000 years ago, the legendary “Yellow Emperor”, for example, advised older men to engage sexually with young women to remain young and vigorous. However, the men were meant to use their sexual energies sparingly, in order not to ruin the rejuvenating effect by “overdoing” things.

I often travel to medical congresses and to compare notes with colleagues from around the world. Recently, I visited China, where some physicians are also working with autologous stem cells just like me. When I was there, a Chinese colleague demonstrated to me how he harvests fat of young women, isolates stem cells from it, cultivating them and subsequently using them for the therapy of older patients.

Of course, the donors undergo health tests first. According to the Chinese doctor, therapy is free of side effects. There are no rejection reactions.

According to reports, older patients in particular with chronic health problems profit from this greatly, however, for younger patients also suffering from chronic illnesses, such as arthritis, he prefers to use stem cells from young female donors rather than their own autologous stem cells. According to his opinion, the donated stem cells have greater levels of vitality.

Apart from older people, successful results have apparently also been achieved with younger people, who might have problems with an unhealthy lifestyle, alcohol, etc.

This approach seems certainly attractive and who knows, perhaps we will soon be seeing young women donating fat for curing older family members’ ailments? In my clinic, enough people ask me if their plumper partner/boyfriend/girlfriend could donate fat and stem cells for augmenting the breasts of a thin patient.

I think that it is unnecessary to risk an infection by using cells from other people, since an older patient’s autologous stem cells have considerably more vitality than the rest of his body. For this reason, these cells can be used successfully in therapy. In addition to treatment of joint deterioration, stem cells from autologous fat might well be used in therapy for many degenerative and chronic illnesses as well as for general physical regeneration and performance enhancement.

Following the workshop we had taken part in and very pleased with my gift of delicious “Moon Cake” (Chinese cake made of lotus seeds), the Chinese colleague offered to give me injections of stem cells from a young Chinese woman, so I could test the rejuvenating effect myself. I politely turned down the offer. But who knows – I might think differently about it 20 years from now!

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Natural Recovery for Your Skin

Summer, Sun, Holiday – perfect for relaxation and generally taking it easy.

During the hot summer months, our skin, and particularly our facial skin, is exposed to harmful environmental factors, such as the sun, high temperatures, water, chlorine, dry indoor air and air impurities on an almost continual basis.

As much as it does us good to get out into the sunshine, our skin needs that much more regenerating intensive care afterwards.

From a certain age onwards, you often need more than just the external use of cosmetic products for a beautiful complexion. To promote your skin’s regeneration and cell renewal, we recommend the following additional measures:

Stem Cells: Autologous stem cells open up a great deal of potential for regenerative and rejuvenating treatment. Introduced locally into the face, stem cells regenerate the tissue and give the face a new freshness and elasticity.

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP): Your own blood can be used for local rejuvenation and regeneration of your face and skin. This new procedure is particularly gentle and achieves genuinely “natural looking” results.

Perfect SkinGrowth Factors: Growth factors from skin cells (epidermal growth factors) are effectively an intensive treatment to rejuvenate and regenerate your skin. Your skin will become rosier, firmer and visibly younger.

Cosmetics from the Inside Out: As a supplement to your skin care products, we recommend regularly taking preparations to regenerate and strengthen your skin, from the inside out! Visit our online shop and order our products of the range Cosmetics from the Inside Out, from the comfort of your own home!

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Rejuvenation a la Countess Dracula

Recently I saw an old horror film from 1971 on YouTube with the marvelous Ingrid Pitt in the lead role. In 1970, Ingrid had made Vampire Lovers, based on the novel Carmilla by Sheridan Le Fanu, in which she seduces pretty young girls and also men as the undead Styrian Countess Mircalla Karnstein and biting them in the neck. Her fellow players were Peter Cushing and Kate O’Mara, with whom she plays out an incredibly erotic seduction scene, consisting almost only of glances, leaving things mostly unrevealed and nevertheless revealing all.

In the 1971 film Countess Dracula, Ingrid plays the historical Countess Erzsébet Nádasdy (nee Báthory in 1560), who fell in love with a young officer at the mature age of 50, or thereabouts. She found out by chance that a young girl’s blood that got splattered on her rejuvenated her facial skin, so she soon started taking baths in the blood of murdered girls. She is indeed rejuvenated and introducing herself to him as her own daughter Ilona, who is held captive by her, and making him fall in love with her.

Just before the wedding, her bridegroom discovers the black magic she is involved in. In spite of his shocked state, he still loves her. When the wedding takes place, Erzsébet suddenly turns into an aged woman in front of the altar. Her crimes become apparent to all when she tries to kill her own, escaped, daughter Ilona in a fit of insanity to rejuvenate herself with her blood. Erzsébet kills the officer with a dagger when he tries to protect Ilona, although the dagger was meant for her daughter. Ilona is played by the young Lesley-Anne Down, Southern Dandy Orry Maine’s great love in North and South. Erzsébet and her accomplices are sentenced for their crimes and executed.

The historical countess Erzsébet Nádasdy was also sentenced to death together with her accomplices without actually having been interrogated by a court herself. However, only her accomplices were executed, she was pardoned and immured in a small room, where she died as an old woman in 1614. At the time, the House of Habsburg were involved in a power struggle with the Báthorys to gain power in Hungary and today, several factors suggest that the crimes Erzsébet was charged with may have been a political intrigue on the part of the House of Habsburg, leading to Báthory being prosecuted.

The story about using blood as a means of rejuvenation is as old as humanity itself. Today we know that fresh blood contains tissue hormones and growth factors, which really can rejuvenate the skin when these tissue hormones are introduced into the skin with microneedles. For this purpose, PRP (platelet-rich plasma), is obtained, having impressive rejuvenation effects. PRP works particularly well when it is combined with autologous stem cells from fat tissue or bioidentical hormones (Hormonal Regeneration®).

Just as in the story about Erzsébet, the treatment has to be repeated regularly to achieve long-lasting results. However, we do not need to use the blood of virgins. Your own blood is good enough. Fortunately, your face will not suddenly age after the effect has worn off, like in the film, where, between two chimes of the bell, a beautiful young woman at the altar is suddenly transformed into an old lady. That would really be too grotesque!

DDr. Heinrich, MD