“Perfect Skin”: Indulge Your Skin from Inside and Outside

Our face – certainly our most defining characteristic. Especially in winter we strain our face by exposing our skin to dry heating air and bitter cold outdoors. It’s time to spoil our skin both from the inside and the outside in time for the beginning of spring.

The following products and outpatient treatments for skin regeneration can help to make your face shine:

Perfect Skin Beauty Drink: Beauty to Drink

The beauty drink Perfect Skin by DDr. Heinrich® cares for your skin from the inside. A specially blended mix of collagen peptides, amino acids, and hyaluronic acid supports your skin in its regeneration by supplying essential components. Currently available as Premium Edition with organic pomegranate juice.

Application period: 4 weeks or more, 6 shots per week

Perfect Skin Powder: Mix Your Beauty Drink Yourself

If you like to create your taste yourself, Perfect Skin is also available as a powder. Mixed into your favorite drink or soup you can – the same as with the frequent intake of the beauty drink – achieve tightening and moisturizing effects.

Application period: 4 weeks or more, 1 teaspoon per day

Facial Regeneration with PRP from Autologous Blood

Injection of Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) is a natural method for local regeneration of your skin. PRP gets obtained from a small amount of the patient’s blood and is rich of valuable thrombocytes and growth factors. It gets injected into the skin by the use of fine micro-needles. This “vampire lifting” promises an effect that lasts for several months. PRP treatment is also possible on hands and the cleavage.

Treatment duration: Outpatient, 30 minutes to 1 hour

Facial Regeneration with Bioidentical Hormones

As inside, so outside: With increasing age our hormonal glands’ and organs’ capability decreases. Stress, multiple burdens, an exhausting lifestyle, and poor nutrition affect our hormone production in addition, leaving its marks in our face as well. Hormonal Regeneration® by DDr. Heinrich restores the hormone balance by the means of bioidentical hormones and contributes to improvement of your skin appearance.

Treatment duration: 3 to 6 cycles (1 cycle = 28 days), depending on individual indication

Skin Regeneration with Stem Cells from Autologous Fat

In the beginning of skin regeneration with the body’s own stem cells a small amount of fat is harvested by liposuction. After preparation stem cell-enriched autologous fat or stem cell suspension is injected into skin areas concerned, where stem cells take their regenerative effect.

Treatment duration: Outpatient, 30 minutes to 3 hours

Facial Treatments with Growth Factors

Growth factors play an important role in our skin’s natural regeneration process. For local skin regeneration they can be injected directly into the skin. In addition there are also serums for fat reduction or stimulation of hair growth.

Treatment duration: Outpatient, 30 minutes to 1 hour

DDr. Heinrich is gladly at your disposal for comprehensive individual advices regarding skin regeneration in a consultation appointment. For further question or arranging of appointments kindly send us a message or call us by telephone at +43 1 532 18 01 (Monday to Thursday, 9 am to 6 pm).

Your Team at Clinic DDr. Heinrich®

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