Fighting Colds with Aspirin – Does It Make Sense or Is It Harmful?

Currently many of my friends suffer from colds and cough. Today a friend, 28 years old, called me and complained she would feel faint and sick for three days, had cough and runny nose but no fever. I asked her what medication she took. She said she had taken Neocitran for three days, but it would not help. Neocitran like Aspirin suppresses fever and is thus an immune depressant.

Does it make sense if healthy people suffering from colds suppress fever?

What can be done instead: If you have a healthy heart and circulatory system you might take a hot bath and add hot water every five minutes. After 20 minutes rub yourself dry and go to bed for sweating. After a while wash with cold water, rub dry and go to bed to rest. You may repeat the whole procedure up to three times daily. This promotes the fever and accelerates the immune response. Drink a lot of ginger tea and unsweetened lemonade and stay in bed until the fever is gone and you feel healthy.

In cold weather, wind, and air conditioning I recommend to regularly enjoy sugar-free and tooth-friendly Instant Chi Candies.

To strengthen the immune system, e.g., after prolonged abuse of aspirin or other immune depressants a short therapy with infusions and injections can be recommendable. In case you are interested kindly contact us.

DDr. Heinrich, MD

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