Is Richard “Mörtel” Lugner Still Attractive Enough for His “Spatzi”?

Famous construction entrepreneur Richard “Mörtel” Lugner has once again caused a sensation: A downright “shit storm” has recently built up through social media circles as women, particularly, were infuriated about the “perversion” of an “old fart” daring to get involved with a “young chick” of 24 years. And now the unlikely pair has tied the knot as part of an ostentatious fairy tale wedding at Schönbrunn Palace. It remains to be seen whether he will sell the broadcast rights to the couple’s honeymoon to the highest bidding private TV channel. In any case, the wedding of the millionaire and the former playmate has generated a true media buzz, even beyond the borders of Austria.

Lugner has always known what he wanted and has presented himself in public as fairly open and uninhibited in this regard. This is, on one hand, surely an authentic impulse to present his private life in public, but likewise a brilliant PR strategy to position oneself in the media spotlight in a relatively inexpensive and prolonged manner and to promote his “Lugner City” in this way. This has paid off: Though he was once as good as bankrupt, he is now one of the 100 richest Austrians.

But what about “Mörtel”’s qualities as a male – is he, being a mature man, still attractive enough for younger women? Or is “Spatzi” (and all the other “pets” on his list) only after his money? The physical attractiveness of mature men depends on the performance of their endocrine glands. Consider, for example, George Clooney or Sean Connery, whose testosterone and growth hormones seem to be bursting out of their pores in spite of their advanced age. No surprise, therefore, that they still seem attractive.

So, is “Spatzi” physically attracted to “Mörtel”, or is all of this just one media-effective arrangement? Though “Mörtel” surely seems quite agile and vital for his 81 years of age, he obviously lacks the hormonal charisma of Clooney or Connery. One look at his occasionally botox-treated and slackened face reveals that he is lacking practically all of the essential hormones in a massive fashion: The growth hormone, cortisol, DHEA. However, given his age, he still has an adequate level of thyroid hormones and testosterone.

What could “Mörtel” do to yet increase his attractiveness in a manner similar to Sean Connery and the like?

To be perceived as physically attractive as an older man, it is essential that all important hormones are present in sufficient quantity. If the performance of the endocrine glands has started to decrease due to age and a busy lifestyle, lacking hormones can be administered as part of a bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT). The bioidentical hormones enable the congested endocrine glands to regenerate themselves. After a short time, the symptoms of a chronic hormone deficiency will already start to disappear: The skin regains its elasticity, wrinkles become smooth and the face seems younger and fresher.

“My passion burns hotter than goulash soup,” Luger said in front of the registrar, a quote from the Austrian operetta Gräfin Mariza, as reports. To ensure that “Mörtel” can also present this passion to his wife, who is 57 years younger, he would be well advised to provide his body with the necessary hormones, so that his body is capable, even at 81 years of age.

DDr. Heinrich, MD

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