Starlett Naddel: Arm paralyzed after plastic breast surgery…

Time and again we read in the media that famous women have problems after transplantation of silicone implants in the chest. As an extreme example, I recall the renowned German Adult Movie Actress “Sexy Cora” (23) famous from the reality show Big Brother, who died as a result of her sixth breast augmentation with silicone implants. The young woman of good health had suffered from cardiac arrest during a general anesthesia and had subsequently fallen into a coma and eventually died. This time around the Big Brother participant and Model “Naddel” (28), bourgeois Nadine Sommerfeld, had suffered from a Paralysis of the left arm after a corrective surgery on the breast (also the sixth!).

Similar to Sexy Cora, Naddel had also subjected herself to several breast operations in her life. She had enlarged her breasts with silicone implants from a B-cup to size D. But Naddel was dissatisfied with the outcome of the breast augmentation and decided according to the Bild newspaper to subject herself to a scar correction in a private clinic in Leipzig.

When Naddel awoke from the general anesthesia after the surgery, she could neither feel her left arm nor move it. According to the newspaper the surgery through the nervous tissue in the armpit in the course of the previous breast augmentation had led to damage of the nerves that in turn could have led to the paralysis of the arm. The rehabilitation was envisaged to take up to three years. We want to wish her all the best!

There is always a search for culprits whenever such a thing happens. Obvious candidates for blame are naturally the surgeon and the anesthesiologist. Almost all the deaths and serious complications resulting from cosmetic surgery are directly or indirectly related to general anesthesia. I do not blame the doctors, but rather the operation guidelines that are based on reconstructive surgery on diseased or traumatized people where they are entirely appropriate.

I like to leave you with this: Cosmetic surgery is surgery on people without urgent medical necessity. Therefore, a careful gentle approach is paramount in order to minimize the risk for patients as far as possible. This to this end involves minimally invasive surgery under local anesthesia instead of the burdensome, invasive procedures with a scalpel and under general anesthesia! Operational guidelines, which were created for surgery on traumatized patients, are in the cosmetic surgery counterproductive or even dangerous!

I extremely recommend the careful gentle methods of New Cosmetic Surgery as a safer and more natural alternative to general anesthesia, silicone, and a scalpel! Autologous stem cells are isolated from the patient’s fat and can be used for a variety of aesthetic and regenerative treatments: Stem cell breast augmentation and stem cell facelift are prominent examples of this gentle treatment that patients are already benefiting from in my Clinic DDr. Heinrich ®. Both can be performed as outpatient procedures, only require local anesthesia and the nature of the results is very convincing!

I will tell you more in further blog posts about how these procedures with autologous stem cells from fat are performed in practice. You will be amazed at what great and impressive therapeutic benefit that can be achieved with the unpopular fat pads in the beauty and regeneration sectors!

DDr. Heinrich, MD

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