Phaseolin – healthier nutrition and weight loss with carbohydrate blockers

Do we get fat because of lack of species-appropriate nutrition?

During human evolution, we have mainly eaten meat as well as low-calorie fruits, nuts, and roots. Nearly 2 million years we have primarily lived by hunting big game animals. In fact, it may have been just 8,000 years ago, when mammoths and stegodons became extinct and the remaining smaller animals were no longer sufficiently available in many places for the increasing population and this has led to the fact that people became involved with agriculture and livestock breeding. The new nutrition created a number of problems that we still have to deal with until this very day.

Since the New Stone Age, we eat too many carbohydrates and not enough meat. Many diseases that had been unknown in the Old Stone Age frequently occur from the beginning of the New Stone Age: Diabetes, caries, atherosclerosis, and obesity in general.

It is easy to say – fewer carbohydrates from now on, in other words, less flour and sugar. But, since carbohydrate-rich foods are so firmly integrated into our meals, it hardly can be avoided.

Wouldn’t it be more appropriate to reduce the absorption of carbohydrates in the intestine?

Fortunately, there is a natural substance obtained from beans that is able to help us: Phaseolin! Phaseolin reduces the absorption of carbohydrates in the intestine and saves us from gaining unnecessary kilograms.

After I had already successfully administrated Phaseolin for years in terms of medically supervised weight loss, it is now available as Weight Loss Phaseolin capsules in our web shop for independent weight loss!

Please follow the intake guidelines: Do not exceed two capsules before each carbohydrate-containing meal (e.g. rice, bread, noodles, potatoes). This excludes fresh fruits, because they already had a positive effect on our ancestors’ life 150,000 years ago, although they also contain carbohydrates.

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Breast augmentation: Stem cells replace silicone

More and more women with silicone implants are now getting their implants replaced by their own stem cell-enriched autologous fat. The reason why so many women distance themselves from an “implant exchange” are the severe disadvantages of breast implants made from artificial materials: Women with silicone implants often complain about a palpable foreign body sensation, about pain while swimming or showering with cold water, and about their unnatural-looking breasts. Hardening and continuous leaking of small amounts of silicone with unknown health consequences are further unwanted outcomes of implants. Since every implant exchange is accompanied by general anaesthesia, surgical risks, and continued “wearing out” of the breast, it becomes inevitable that more and more women are looking for alternatives.

Stem cells replace siliconeWe have been performing breast augmentations with stem cell-enriched autologous fat in my Clinic DDr. Heinrich® for several years. The results are impressive since the procedure is completely natural – without any scars or implanted foreign bodies. In the course of time, with this ground-breaking method we have also been able to help women to have a fuller chest, who have previously had their silicone implants removed!

Recently I was able to witness myself about the result of breast augmentation with stem cell-enriched autologous fat at a follow-up appointment in our clinic. The photograph on the left shows the patient’s breast some time after removal of her breast implants. The photo on the right clearly shows the success of the treatment: The breast is wonderfully round and full again, and due to the additional breast volume, it is tauter than before the intervention!

Stem cell-enriched autologous fat can also be used in breast reconstruction after accidents or tumor removals – this was the original purpose behind the development and research of breast augmentation with stem cells. Further, stem cell-enriched autologous fat can also be used to round off existing silicone implants. Silicone implants stretch and thin out the breast tissue after a few years, causing the edges of the implants to become annoyingly visible and palpable.

Let the photos speak for themselves as to how autologous tissue replaces silicone and other foreign bodies. Already today, patients from all over the world can benefit from this revolutionary treatment and can look forward to having natural, feminine breasts even after the removal of silicone implants!

DDr. Heinrich, MD

After surgical facelift: Barry Manilow nearly unrecognizable

Now the man who became famous for singing the song “Mandy”, Barry Manilow (68), can be classified with Mickey Rourke among the ranks of celebrities who, after surgical facial treatments with scalpel, Botox and the like, are now nearly unrecognizable. The legendary “Mandy” singer and heartthrob of the 70s revealed his “new” face at an appearance on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno – and his fans could hardly recognize him!

Hardly any other part of the body is as important for the identity of a person as the face: Shape, proportions, and facial expressions, especially while speaking and laughing, characterize every person in his or her own way. Therefore, procedures and treatments of the face require the surgeon to have an extraordinary sense for beauty and aesthetics. Ideally, a facial treatment should turn back the clock several years, but under no circumstance to create a “new” face!

With aging, our skin loses its elasticity and the subcutaneous tissue degenerates. These changes in skin and tissue have a number of causes. The most important cause is the decrease in activity of certain hormonal glands after the age of approximately 35 to 40. The results: The face appears increasingly saggy and wrinkly. With early treatment of hormonal deficiencies with bio-identical hormones (Hormonal Regeneration®) the appearance of aging in the skin and tissue are completely reversed. If Hormonal Regeneration® is applied too late, additional local procedures from the pool of aesthetic-regenerative medicine must be used.

Depending on the type of face, there are treatments, which can strengthen the facial tissue, and additionally return lost volume to the face. The removal of excess skin is only necessary and sensible when tissue stretch is too far advanced.

Findings in aesthetic-regenerative medicine have made scalpel, Botox, and artificial fillers used in facial rejuvenation unnecessary in most cases. Instead, New Cosmetic Surgery relies on the rejuvenating power of stem cells derived from autologous fat, as well as treatments with specific tissue hormones, also known as growth factors. Even in the case of excess skin, the combination with the use of stem cell treatment is advisable. In this way, invasive surgery can be minimized, and the rejuvenation maximized.

Stem cells from autologous fat are either used in the form of stem cell-enriched autologous fat or as stem cell suspension for the stem cell facelift and the skin rejuvenation on the lower neckline and hands. Stem cell-enriched autologous fat has shown to be excellent in long-term natural reconstruction of lacking subcutaneous volume. The main focus of treatment with stem cell suspension is the rejuvenation of already existing tissue. Here, the injected stem cells unfold their rejuvenating effects into the surrounding tissue.

Therapy with growth factors can imitate the effect of treatment with autologous stem cells to a certain degree. In this case, the extraction of a small amount of fat for obtaining stem cells and autologous fat is unnecessary. The growth factors are injected into the skin using a special form of mesotherapy (via micro-needles) and have a local rejuvenating effect.

In any case, a subtle rejuvenation of the face should be preferred to a disfiguring surgical facelift. Even if a patient’s circle of fans – unlike Mr. Manilow – is limited to friends and family members, everyone still wants to be recognizable to their fans after a facial treatment in accordance with the opinion of

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Breast asymmetry – what can be corrected with stem cell-enriched autologous fat?

Breasts are frequently uneven. One breast is usually slightly larger than the other. The density and elasticity of the right breast tissue varies quite often in comparison to the left breast. This certainly has consequences for the breast augmentation with (stem cell-enriched) autologous fat: A more flexible and longer breast would be able to absorb more autologous fat than its tighter, shorter sister. However, this would make the unevenness even more obvious.

There are two options:

Either there shall be just one intervention performed in which the optimum evenness shall be obtained. In this case, the highest possible volume shall be filled into the shorter, smaller breast and a significantly lower amount of volume into the more flexible, longer breast. The result will show a moderate augmentation that is oriented on the breast with the smaller volume. Thereupon, the breasts are approximately identical and the patient is highly satisfied in most cases.

Or there are two interventions intended to be made from the start and the first intervention is focused on the maximum volume for both breasts. The larger breast may clearly be significantly enlarged than the smaller one, which emphasizes the unevenness. During a second intervention, approximately 6 months later, the smaller breast will then be solely filled to enable size compensation. This option is recommended, if an increase in volume is desired and a temporary unevenness seems to be acceptable.

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Say Goodbye to Love Handles

Have you had enough of hiding love handles by wearing vests and long sweaters? Do you want to finally wear form-fitting clothing?

If love handles defy diets and exercise, we are able to offer relief! For 15 years, our Clinic DDr. Heinrich®, located in the heart of Vienna’s city center, is specialized in liposuction. DDr. Heinrich holds a patent on microcannulas for gentle liposuction invented by him.

Laymen are often not aware: Not all liposuction procedures are the same!

The standard liposuction is mostly performed under general anesthesia with a suction machine and cannulas with a diameter between 3.0 and 6.0 mm. Surgical scalpels are traditionally used to make skin incisions. These must be sewn together and leave visible scars.

The microcannular liposuction (liposculpture) in our Clinic DDr. Heinrich® is exclusively performed by hand without the use of suction machines. The cannulas have a narrow diameter between 1.0 and 2.5 mm. A scalpel is not required and with an optimum healing process, there are no scars visible to the naked eye. The interventions are executed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia.

Gynecomastia (Pseudogynecomastia) in men – how does liposuction help?

Many men and frequently young men suffer from gynecomastia which is the development of large breasts in men, resembling women’s breasts. Some of these individuals even have problems with changing clothes at the sports field. In this case, firstly it has to be clarified whether it is caused by hormones. For instance, a hormone-producing tumor that stimulates the growth and development of the mammary gland must be ruled out.

If it is indeed pure fat tissue, microcannular liposuction under tumescent local anesthesia presents the optimal solution for this problem. This type of liposuction can be performed ambulatory without anesthesia and enables excellent results with minimum aftercare effort by wearing compression garments for only a few days. Hence, the individual concerned are finally able to get undressed at the sports field or in front of their partner without any compunction!

Gynecomastia (Pseudogynecomastia) in men

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Revealed – The secret of Robbie Williams’ sex appeal

Who would have thought it? Sex symbol and pop star Robbie Williams increases his libido by using testosterone hormone therapy! The 37-year-old singer of the band Take That revealed to Esquire magazine that he gets testosterone injections twice a week. Successfully: According to his statement, the musician feels like he’s getting a second wind, since the therapy does not only give him energy for his stressful job but also increases his libido and attractiveness!

Robbie learned about the hormones a few years ago after a blood test, when he was told by a physician that he had “a testosterone level of a 100-year-old man.” After the age of approximately 25, the level of all major hormones steadily decreases, in which physicians recognize a main reason for specific age-related problems.

The loss of libido, energy, and strength along with a gain in weight are the best-known consequences in men due to a lack of the male sex hormone testosterone. But, thanks to the findings of the Aesthetic and Regenerative Medicine, hormone deficiencies can be successfully treated by supplying (bioidentical) hormones within the context of a Hormonal Regeneration®.

A medical examination and an extensive blood test is done at the beginning of each Hormonal Regeneration® (Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy, BHRT), as we have performed it in my Clinic DDr. Heinrich® in Vienna for many years. In this way, hormonal deficits and imbalances can be recognized. It is important to clarify the causes for the determined hormone deficiency, since hormone deficits may also be a consequence of disease. After that, a custom-tailored therapy based on the individual requirement will be arranged.

Only “bioidentical” hormones should preferably be used for the hormone therapy. Bioidentical hormones are equivalent to our human hormones in terms of its molecular structure. Hence, they differ from hormone-like medications that are usually administered during a hormone replacement therapy (HRT), for instance, in a post-menopausal therapy.

Bioidentical hormone therapies definitely need close monitoring by a physician with the specific experience in this appropriate field, since the hormones are interconnected with each other in control loops and hence, mutually influence each other. This “hormone cybernetics” must be taken into particular consideration during a bioidentical hormone therapy in order to avoid undesirable effects. Contrary to the classical HRT where a monotherapy with a specific hormone is administered in high doses, several hormones in lower, physiological doses are hence administered in a BHRT.

For instance, if someone like Robbie Williams is undergoing a bioidentical testosterone therapy, the correct, physiological doses of hormone is crucial. After all, the intention is to support the testicles and not to turn them off. Because if specific hormones are permanently supplied to the body in a too high dose, the respective endocrine glands reduce their activity due to the control loop feedback and they may also shrink. It is a well-known unwanted effect in terms of “doping,” where athletes are taking excessive doses of mostly artificial medications that are similar to testosterone. Thank God, something like that is reversible, otherwise certain top athletes and athletes would not be able to reproduce themselves at a later time. On the other hand, a carefully planned bioidentical hormone therapy is able to relieve the exhausted endocrine glands and contribute to their regeneration.

Beyond the positive effect on strength, endurance and libido, the bioidentical hormone therapies are also used for the esthetic anti-aging. Meanwhile, we know that many of the exterior signs of aging are a consequence of the reduced efficiency of the endocrine glands. The compensation of this “chronic hormone deficiency” and potential hormonal imbalances enable that age-related sunken cheeks, sagging tissue, and dry skin can be soothed or even completely eliminated. The hormone levels in healthy young adults may serve as a model in this case.

Hormonal Regeneration® with bioidentical hormones can be administered either permanently or cyclically as is the case of Robbie Williams. The treatment period is usually 3 or 6 months. Depending on the patient’s target, regular repeat treatments or therapy refreshments are meaningful.

However, in contrast to Robbie Williams, who is probably less reserved as a drug-experienced rock musician in terms of injections, it is usually better to rub the testosterone in the form of a cream into the skin on a daily basis. In this way, body-contoured, daily blood level increases can be achieved which doesn’t work so well in comparison with a depot injection.

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Meeting on the Bosphorus – Stem cells revolutionizing cosmetic surgery

The old capital of the Eastern Roman Empire Byzantium, later called Constantinople, now Istanbul, has always been one of the major European transshipment point of Eastern and Western science. Hagia Sophia, the Church of Holy Wisdom, served as a mosque since the Conquest of Constantinople by the Ottomans, is still representing this old cultural tradition until today.

I recently had the opportunity to convince myself that the old metropolis on the Bosphorus even today is still a leading transshipment point of Eastern and Western science: Experts from Europe, Asia and the US met in Istanbul in order to exchange ideas and opinions about the autologous stem cells in the Aesthetic Medicine and Surgery at the 1st International Cell Assisted Surgery Congress (ICAS).

As readers of my blog may already know that there’s hardly any medical field that grows as fast as the cosmetic surgery. This has particularly to do with the fact that experts of all medical departments research and work in cosmetic surgery.

When I became aware of the potential of the stem cells contained in the autologous fat in 2004, I already anticipated that aesthetic therapies with autologous stem cells would revolutionize the cosmetic surgery and make scalpel, general anesthesia, and silicone superfluous in many cases. This is not a surprise, because the results of aesthetic stem cell therapies provide convincing evidence due to its perfect naturalness without scars and implanted foreign bodies!

The time had come in the beginning of 2007, when I was able to offer stem cell breast augmentation along with a number of other aesthetic treatments with stem cell-enriched autologous fat, including the stem cell facelift as the first physician outside Japan to patients from at home and abroad. Since then we have helped numerous patients from all around the world to make their wish come true to gain larger breasts, harmonious body contours, and a more youthful face here in Vienna.

Meanwhile, also other medical centers make first attempts with aesthetic stem cell therapies and reported their experiences in Istanbul. In the program there were presentations by top-class international researchers to share their latest findings about the adipose-derived stem cells (ADSC) and their application within the scope of aesthetic therapies.

I used the opportunity of the conference to exchange experiences with internationally renowned experts about the therapeutic potential of stem cells taken from autologous fat, for instance, with Japan´s researcher Prof. Dr. Yoshimura from Tokyo, who I already met in Tokyo in September 2007 in order to exchange information. By the way, Prof. Yoshimura is carrying a radiation dosimeter in his jacket at all times since the Fukushima disaster.

Furthermore, I was able to talk with the doyen Prof. Dr. Illouz from France. He was one of the first physicians who performed liposuction in the seventies and had already successfully augmented breasts in 1987 with autologous fat. Dr. Berman, who is working in the U.S. with autologous stem cells since 2010, told me about his experiences and their future applicabilty from his point of view.

All conference members agreed that stem cell enrichment substantially improves the long-term sustainability of tissue implanted in autologous fat transfers. This proves that stem cell-enriched autologous fat is a safe and durable bio-implant that is ideal for the natural, scar free breast augmentation and body contouring under local anesthesia. The performance of liposuction for fat extraction and the injection of stem cell-enriched autologous fat into the breast under gentle local anesthesia simplify the aftercare and offer a higher level of patient’s security than a general anesthesia!

Besides the application for stem cell breast augmentation, the stem cells harvested from autologous fat depots are forming a basis for a number of additional future-oriented aesthetic treatments. Thus, we use stem cell-enriched autologous fat for sustainable body shaping, e.g. buttocks augmentation or correction of tissue defects and dents that possibly come from accidents or elsewhere performed liposuctions. The autologous stem cells regenerative impact also unfolds with skin rejuvenation and stem cell facelifts.

Continuing education at conventions and in courses is essential for cosmetic surgeons of all medical fields, because there is no professional training that is able to adequately prepare physicians for future treatment methods! I wonder which city is going to be the next host after Istanbul for the knowledge exchange between Asia, the United States, and Europe about autologous stem cells.

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Playboy boss looked small – Break-up with fiancée…

The 85-year-old Hugh Hefner was recently left by his 60-years-younger fiancée, just days before the two were due to tie the knot, because of the fact that she became uncertain whether everything was really “perfect”. Ironically, right after the current Playboy issue was already completely set up in which she was planned to appear as cover girl and highlight, so that the print could no longer be rejected. Also the wedding party invitations had already been sent out, so that Mr. Hefner embarrassingly had to disinvite the invited guests. All in all, Mr. Hefner had wasted a lot of dollars.

Basically, there are no objections regarding the fact that considerably older men (or women) take younger partners. The old Chinese Taoists called it “spring autumn” relationship and such relations were considered to provide great value to both partners since one is benefiting from the youthful energy and the other from wisdom and experience. A certain level of maturity may, in fact, appear quite erotically, as it is proven by George Clooney or Catherine Zeta-Jones.

However, there is a limit when men or women really look “old” and definitely do not trigger any erotic feelings in younger partners. From the standpoint of his fiancée, this limit has obviously been exceeded in Hugh Hefner’s case although he would be quite a good catch as Playboy owner…

Does this limit have anything to do with the chronological age? Yes, in most cases, but there are examples, as in the case of Sean Connery, which reveal that even 80-year-old individuals can have an extraordinary erotic radiance. It depends on the fact whether an older person is still producing an adequate amount of hormones that make himself/herself sexually attractive and – most important – spread an attractive body odor. Testosterone, estrogen, growth hormones, cortisol, DHEA, pregnenolone, and many other hormones are important, so that the organs and cells of the body are able to perfectly communicate with each other.

This mainly depends on the genetic material: The ones who inherited strong endocrine glands, remains not only sexually attractive for a very long time, but may also look 10 to 20 years younger than other people of the same age and sex. In addition, stress is a major factor: Diseases that individuals had to go through or stress at work or at home enable the endocrine glands to “burn out” at an earlier point in time, which causes that the individual is already looking “old” at young age.

Fortunately, we have recognized the role of hormones in the aging process: Only adequate high levels of all hormones guarantee that all body cells are able to perfectly communicate with each other and fulfill their duties. This is where the Hormonal Regeneration® with bioidentical hormones sets in – in individuals who are not fortunate enough to have inherited the greatest endocrine glands or whose endocrine glands were overloaded and exhausted early, impressive effects of rejuvenation and regeneration are achievable by a balanced and well-coordinated supply of bioidentical hormones that bring happiness and quality of life in every respect!

Certainly, Hormonal Regeneration® also shows the effect that the sexual attraction of a mature person becomes stronger again and even attracts younger individuals in terms of relationship. In this respect, Hugh Hefner would have been better advised to have saved the expenditure for the pompous wedding in the first place and instead having a Hormonal Regeneration® performed. As a result of his perfect hormone levels, he would have been sexually attractive to his 25-year-old partner and she would have gladly stayed by his side, because in this case “everything would have been perfect.” But, since he already found another fiancée according to rumors, he would be well advised to do it this way this time.

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Perfect Skin: Our Most Beautiful Dress

It doesn’t matter how old we are – there’s one desire women and men of all ages have in common:

We dream of smooth, firm, and tender skin.

Stress, bad eating habits, and environmental pollution unfortunately also have their unpleasant effect on the external skin: Premature wrinkles, impurities, and paleness are well-known consequences.

Modern treatment options of the New Cosmetic Surgery provide relief!

The clock can be turned back with autologous stem-cells and specific epidermal growth factors. Hormonal Regeneration strengthens the tissue from the inside and rejuvenates of up to 10 years.

Cosmetic interventions are not always required in order to slightly reverse the signs of aging. Consistent body care and careful management of own resources as well as the conscious treatment of individual weak spots may be able to achieve small miracles!

With immediate effect you have the opportunity to indulge your skin and to enhance your well-being – Order easily and conveniently via our webshop!

Essential Cellular Beauty®

Exclusively available to you in our online shop – our beauty care product range that has been partly developed and formulated by DDr. Heinrich himself.

High-quality growth factors rejuvenate the skin and improve hair growth. The war against cellulite is successfully declared: Perfect Skin and Hyaluron Plus regenerate your skin internally and strengthen the connective tissue.

Essential Cellular Power®

Exclusively available to you in our online shop – our health care product range.

In the course of time, weak digestion, stress and overloading leave external traces on the face and the body. Wrinkles, “sunken cheeks,” overweight and sagging parts of the skin are unfortunately too well known as unpleasant consequences.

Through the specific supply of strengthening substances you are able to manage the daily stress, remain healthy and fit and increase your well-being!

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