Kim Kardashian’s X-Ray Proof That Her Butt Is Real!

Just a few years ago, Hollywood stars proudly confessed themselves for having silicone-augmented breasts and buttocks. Today, however, the stars even make an attempt to proof that their beauty is exclusively a gift of Mother Nature. Therefore, Kim Kardashian, starlet on one episode of the TV series Keeping Up with the Kardashians and well known for her curvaceous bottom, recently has gone and gotten X-rays to prove her butt is real, ending the incessant speculation that she’s had implants.

Prior to this, Kim had to justify her butt several times in the media. In a recent interview with ABC Nightline she said: “Those are just rumors. For the record: No butt implants, no butt injections, no anything to my butt!” In order to finally put an end to all rumors and speculations regarding her alleged silicone buttock implants, she had an X-ray taken of her backside and sister Khloe posted the proof on her website. And indeed, her fans now can rest assured: The X-ray shows that there are no silicone implants in Kim’s butt.

It cannot, however, be completely ruled out that Kim still enhanced her curves with cosmetic surgery. A buttocks augmentation with stem cell-enriched autologous fat would be actually hardly visible on X-ray images, since it entirely consists of living, autologous tissue. Even a picture of her naked buttocks would not be probative as “real evidence”: Contrary to the buttock augmentation by using silicone implants, autologous fat injections do not leave any visible scars behind and look completely natural in each posture!

Modern stem cell technology is not only able to give nature a bit of a helping hand on the buttocks: Stem cell-enriched autologous fat is ideally suited for gentle, natural and permanent breast augmentation by up to two cup sizes and for the optimization of the body silhouette without using silicone. Depending on the method used for the stem cell enrichment, up to 95 % of the added volume remains permanently preserved. The autologous fat extraction is carried out by using microcannulas, which enables highly accurate and precise body shaping along with a simple aftercare. In addition, stem cell-enriched autologous fat is also used for skin rejuvenation and stem cell facelift.

Should we believe Kim this time, that she definitely did not augment her butt by undergoing surgical procedures? Her antipathy to everything unnatural after an allergic reaction to a Botox treatment to smooth out her face, suggests that Kim Kardashian was already born with her perfect body…

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Teri Hatcher – Botox-free from now on

Although Teri Hatcher, known as housewife Susan in Desperate Housewives, recently admitted that she has tried out Botox before, she may now have a different opinion:

These days, she gives a flat refusal to the popular neurotoxin that smoothes the so-called mimic wrinkles by temporarily paralyzing the muscles involved in producing facial expressions. On Facebook, she publicly declares herself to a Botox-free forehead. Why does Teri do that? Because of the fact that there are rumors telling that she had enhanced her beauty with all kinds of cosmetic or plastic surgery. “There were never any surgeries done or implants inserted, no matter what others say,” she states.

Among more or less famous beauty seekers of advanced age worldwide, Botox continues to enjoy a great popularity as a “gateway drug” to cosmetic surgery. Since it reliably smoothes wrinkles for many months, it seems to offer an “instant rejuvenating” effect on the face. Prior to the discovery of the wrinkle-reducing potential of Botox, wrinkles were treated by laser, chemical peels, or facelifts, partially by performing a surgical sectioning of the mimic muscles. Botox (botulinum toxin) was originally used in the treatment of uncontrollable muscle spasms, so-called “tics”. Soon it was found out that it has a wrinkle smoothing effect in the treated face regions. Hence, its worldwide success was inevitable.

Unfortunately, Botox not only paralyzes the mimic muscles, but it also causes that various glands in the skin, e.g. the sweat glands, decrease in size. This effect is very much appreciated to prevent sweaty hands or armpits, but on the face the skin becomes increasingly thinner, drier, and paler. Thus, after a few years of using Botox, the person treated got rid of her wrinkles, but looks significantly older and worn out.

When should Botox be used? Botox can be used after facial surgery (e.g. autologous fat injections, stem cell facelift) in order to sedate the mimic for a while. It is very well suited for this purpose. However, it is not suitable for long-term treatment of facial wrinkles or even for facial rejuvenation. A combination of bioidentical hormones that prevent skin aging, as well as a local therapy with so-called growth factors or autologous stem cells derived from fat obtained by liposuction, is definitely better suited.

Has Teri been able to give a meaningful message by speaking out against Botox and other surgeries that are often performed unnecessarily, such as breast augmentations by means of implants, etc.? I think so. Or is there something behind it? Well, at least she does not look for a new job as she is still a “Desperate Housewife”. What do you think that could be behind it? Perhaps an approach of wisdom?

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Is it possible to remove scars by stem cell therapy?

Plastic surgery and also cosmetic surgery often face the challenge of treating small or large unsightly scars that result from accidents or surgeries. The body usually does not regenerate injured or lost tissue, but replaces it by connective tissue. Mostly it leaves ugly scars. Since we know that living organisms basically have the ability to rebuild and repair themselves when injured without leaving any scars, it raises the question of whether and how this also could be achievable in humans.

Certain animals are able to achieve even more: For instance, salamanders have the ability to completely regenerate lost limbs or tails – without any scars. Unfortunately, this is not (yet?) possible in humans. During the critical stage in wound healing, the damaged tissue obviously would need to be maintained in a virtually embryonic condition in order to successfully produce complete tissue regeneration without any scar formation.

The question arises, what impact stem cells have in terms of the wound healing process and whether the stem cell therapy could help to prevent the development of unpleasant scars.

Available evidence give reason for optimism: Meanwhile, scars can be almost completely removed by means of stem cell therapy. However, “the old” scars need to be surgically removed at first and subsequently have to be closed again afterwards. If autologous stem cells are injected into the “place of the event” during the wound healing phase, the healing process will be promoted in such a way that a significantly less visible scar is going to develop! Depending on the surgical procedure, there is also the possibility to use the stem cell therapy directly after the initial closure of the wound.

Which stem cells are used for such treatments? The autologous fat particularly contains an especially high number of so-called mesenchymal stem cells. Therefore, it is not surprising that cosmetic surgeons had been the first ones who discovered autologous stem cells as a “waste product” of liposuction surgery. Cosmetic surgery, which contains plastic surgeries such as breast augmentations and facelifts, is a pioneer in the development of stem cell therapies. Apart from cosmetic applications, health issues in a narrow sense can also be eliminated by means of the stem cells extracted from autologous fat.

In fact, treatments of removing unpleasant scars have already been performed in some centers worldwide by autologous stem cells: Stem cells are isolated from some fat that is liposuctioned and are injected into the wound area after a careful examination of the wound. The therapeutic effect: Instead of a wide scar, there will be a significantly improved result: A barely visible scar. Whether this effect is due to the stem cells or the cellular hormones (cytokines) produced by them, remains undecided.

Well, even if we are not yet able to let wounds heal entirely with no scars, we nevertheless have been able to accomplish quite a bit and who knows, maybe in some years we will also have the regenerative capacity to regrow whole limbs.

What is your opinion in terms of the revolutionary possibilities of stem cell therapy?

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Knee and shoulder joint deterioration – are stem cells able to help?

Despite their relatively young age, many people already suffer from joint deterioration as a consequence of overweight and overstress from physical activities. The joints most commonly affected are knees and shoulders as well as hips that are also common among older people. Quite often besides weight reduction, only physiotherapy and specific training are prescribed for these diseases which are considered medically as arthritis. In most cases, nothing more than that is done. If the condition gets worse, an artificial joint (joint implant) is inserted. However, an artificial joint can never replace a natural joint. In addition, the surgeries under general anesthesia that last several hours are complicated, complex, costly, and frequently also require blood transfusions.

The regenerative power of stem cells has been used in veterinary medicine for quite some time: For instance, joint problems of race horses and dogs are successfully treated by means of stem cells that are extracted from the fat of these animals. The stem cells are isolated and injected under strictly sterile conditions into the corresponding joints. In most cases there is a successful outcome: Joint problems improve and the cartilage seems to regenerate. This raises the question whether it is also possible to perform this treatment in humans?

Due to the fact that the autologous fat particularly contains an especially high number of stem cells, it is not surprising that cosmetic surgeons had been the first ones who discovered the stem cells as a “waste product” of liposuction surgery. Hence, the cosmetic surgery which rather deals with plastic surgeries, breast augmentations and facelifts, has become the spearhead in the development of stem cell therapies to remedy “real” problems.

In fact, such treatments have already been performed in some centers worldwide: Stem cells are isolated from some fat that is liposuctioned and are injected into the corresponding joint. Subsequently after, it leads to a swelling that impairs the mobility. The therapeutic effect can already be seen after a few weeks: Improved mobility and reduced problems. This all takes place outpatiently and based on experience, with a significant less effort and risk than the implantation of artificial joints would require.

Physicians are not yet sure how the actual mechanism of action in terms of cartilage regeneration by means of stem cells proceeds in detail – either new cartilage cells are really generated from the injected stem cells or certain substances that are released by the stem cells cause a regeneration of the existing cartilage cells.

Questions on the exact mechanism of action are usually of subordinate importance to patients – the main thing is the fact that the therapy is successful and that it brings an improvement in terms of mobility and state of mind! Will stem cells be able to replace artificial joints one of these days? Probably, irreparably damaged joints will still be replaced by implants in the future. However, some patients with arthritis – who are treated early enough with stem cells – may be helped to that extent that he/she – at least for the time being – do not have to receive an artificial joint implant.

What is your opinion on this development?

DDr. Heinrich, MD

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Microcannular liposuction: Precise body contouring and simple aftercare

Liposuctions are not all the same. The differences between them are not only found in the price, but above all in the liposuction procedure, the aesthetic quality of the result, the risk for the patient and in the aftercare.

Regarding the type of liposuction that I am using, my development objectives are to combine precise body contouring, minimal surgical risk, and simple aftercare into a single method. The result is called “liposculpture” in which body parts are particularly tissue-conservingly shaped by hand with thin microcannulas (diameter between 1.0 and 2.5 mm) under local anesthesia.

Patient one day after microcannular liposuctionThe advantages of this gentle procedure are obvious: Liposuction while lying down or in standing position enables a very accurate shaping of the silhouette. Due to the fact that there is usually only a consecutive mild swelling as a consequence of the intervention, the patient can convince herself about the result immediately after the liposuction. Wearing light compression clothing or compression pantyhose for 7 days after the intervention is sufficient due to the minor injuries in comparison with a conventional liposuction.

The bruises usually fade within a short time, the small punctures do not need to be sewn back together and they are usually no longer visible to the naked eye after a few months. The photograph shows one of our patients on the day after microcannular liposuction of waist, hips, buttocks, and inner and outer thighs was performed. Kindly note that the swellings and bruises which are typical for other types of liposuction are minimal in the case of microcannular liposuction. The pain is slight compared to regular liposuction.

The result shown in the picture is not the final result. It will take about one week until the swellings ebb away and the final result will get visible. However, the depicted result is already very impressive – what is your opinion?

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Naomi Campbell’s hair problems during motor boating…

Are you spending more and more time in front of the mirror in order to artfully hide any sparse spots on the scalp by styling and fixing your hair? You are definitely not alone with it, due to the fact that you are in good company with celebrity ladies such as Naomi Campbell, Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, and others, whose “Bad Hair Day” is part of their daily life as well.

Young women are already particularly affected in terms of hair problems such as split ends, pulled out extensions and hair loss. Thus, the wind revealed unpleasant bald spots on the top model Naomi Campbell’s head, while she roared over the sea waves in the motor boat with her Russian lover Vladislav Doronin in the previous year. According to an expert’s opinion written in an article in the Daily Mail, permanent stress due to hair extensions, hair straighteners, and extreme hair styles are responsible for hair damage.

Which factors actually affect hair quality, hair color, and hair thickness? They are primarily congenital. Hence, just like all people of Black African origin, Ms. Campbell has “kinky hair” which is particularly easy to break by hair smoothing.

Subsequently, the hair quality depends on the capacity of the endocrine glands. If the performance decreases with increasing age, the hair becomes thinner. The graying of hair has to do with the production slow down of the melanotropine hormone as well as with a few other hormones. In case hair falls out more than usual, it could be caused by weakened adrenal glands due to stress, but also by an underproduction of growth or sex hormones. Normal hair loss in men with increasing age is usually due to an increasing hypersensitivity of hair follicles against the hormone dihydrotestosterone.

Of course, not only Lindsay Lohan and Naomi Campbell are primarily interested in how the tiresome hair problems can be solved.

Besides genetics and hormones, poor hair care, stressful way of life, low-protein nutrition, and the environment have an impact on the condition of our hair. In other words, it partly depends on us to contribute our part in terms of hair quality. In addition to visiting the hairdresser, the modern methods of Aesthetic Regenerative Medicine and New Cosmetic Surgery are perhaps recommended.

Regular readers of my blog know that optimal hormone levels are the prerequisite for juvenile and vital appearance: If the hormone levels have dropped below the optimum values after a certain age, signs of aging become apparent, often on the skin, tissue, and hair. Therefore, hair problems should be always viewed as a symptom and integrally treated (including bioidentical hormones by means of Hormonal Regeneration®).

Furthermore, the number of stem cells in the hair follicles seem to play a role. For several years we know that a great number of stem cells are found not only in the hair follicles, but also in the fat tissue of our body. These autologous stem cells have a considerable biological potential, which is why they are outstandingly suitable for gentle regenerative treatments of skin and hair. In the first step of the hair growth treatment with autologous stem cells, a smaller amount of fat is gently sucked out through microcannulas. Subsequently, the stem cells contained in the collected fat are separated in a specific laboratory process. The stem cells can now be administered either as holistic regenerative therapy or injected locally into the scalp by using very fine needles. Both ways have already proved their worth and should be optimally combined. In this way, not only the existing hair is strengthened, but the growth of new hair at the hairline will also be promoted!

The effect of a hair growth therapy with autologous stem cells can be mimicked up to a certain extent by a treatment with tissue-specific hormones, so-called hair growth factors. In this form of hair therapy, the growth factors are injected into the scalp using micro-needles, where they stimulate hair growth. After training, the treatment can be performed by the patient or by the patient’s family members at home. In its most basic form, the hair serum will only be topically applied on the areas to be treated and absorbed by the hair follicles. This form of hair therapy is suitable for men and women, but needs to be repeated more often with typical male hormone-related hair loss.

If the hair becomes increasingly thinner and finer, Hormonal Regeneration® and stem cell therapy should be combined at any case. At the present time, there is no alternative to the classic hair transplant method in case of complete baldness, which brings the best cosmetic result in the form of the very time-consuming single follicle implantation with simultaneous stem cell application. By combining hair transplantation and hair therapy with stem cells or growth factors, an impressive, sustainable result can be achieved.

Individuals like Naomi Campbell, who are already over 40, should invest a lot of love and care, but also refer to the methods of the New Cosmetic Surgery early enough in order to cut the same, or even better figure/hair style during motor boating than the young competition.

DDr. Heinrich, MD

According to Helen Mirren’s opinion, plastic surgery is “horrific” – did she have a facelift?

The Oscar winner Helen Mirren has recently spoken out against the fact that young people desire to change their bodies by means of cosmetic or plastic surgery. According to her opinion, breast augmentations and other plastic surgeries performed on young women even look “horrific”.

In an interview with InStyle Magazine, she recently said: “The only thing I don’t like on young people is plastic surgery.” Although she had previously defended everyone’s right to have their body changed to make themselves feel happy with their own appearance, adding that she doesn’t understand why younger women would want to ruin the “purity” of their bodies.

Helen Mirren is 66-year-old and looks fabulous. Many business colleagues and journalists are wondering whether she had a facelift, since her jaw line is just as beautiful as in a substantially younger woman. A renowned U.S. plastic surgeon even said that the only way it can be explained by the fact that the 66-year-old woman had an excellently performed facelift done. However, the readers of my blogs certainly know that this does not necessarily have to be the case.

Aging of face and tissue essentially depends on the capability of the endocrine glands. Normally it cannot be sufficiently available in a 66-year-old in order to retain the facial features of a 35 to 40-year-old woman. Let’s assume that Helen Mirren started with Hormonal Regeneration® in time and the missing bioidentical hormones such as growth hormones, DHEA, testosterone, pregnenolone, and many others had been administered by her physician – this would explain why she still has the well-proportioned chin line of a much younger woman, even as a 66-year-old and without having a facelift done.

Helen may have also undergone a stem cell facelift. In this procedure, skin and subcutaneous tissue are rejuvenated and stretched by means of autologous stem cells. These stem cells are extracted from fatty tissue via a gentle liposuction procedure (most preferably by using microcannulas) and subsequently used therapeutically.

What ever the reason may be that Helen Mirren looks so fabulous, I totally agree with her: In many cases, plastic surgery in young women is undesirable. But, there might be different opinions on this matter – what do you think?

DDr. Heinrich, MD

“Everything is real” despite breast augmentation – Don’t argue!

When the actress Sila Sahin, known from the TV soap opera GZSZ, was posing on the cover of Playboy in May this year, it was discussed in many places whether everything was “real” on this beauty. The Turkish-German woman has now confessed to the Hamburger Morgenpost that she improved the shape of her natural breasts with silicone implants: “Yes, the breasts are not real.”

Sila Sahin’s “confession” could have been prevented, if she would have augmented her breasts in a careful and natural way with stem cell-enriched autologous fat. The best cosmetic surgery is obviously the one that does not reveal whether a helping hand has been given to Mother Nature! Apart from unnatural breast augmentations to soccer ball sized breasts, a breast augmentation with silicone implants unfortunately may mostly not go unnoticed even at a moderate increase in size.

Lowering the silicone implants due to its weight often leads to the fact that, just a short while after surgery, the nipples already sit unnaturally too high. In addition, there are visible scars after every breast augmentation with an artificial implant. Complications, such as capsular fibroses or when the breast tissues become visibly stretched by the implants after a few years, require follow-up surgeries, which in turn will leave new unpleasant scars again…

In contrast, the stem cell breast augmentation provides a completely natural result without any implanted foreign bodies and visible scars: During rest periods as well as in motion, for instance during sex, the bust increased with stem cell-enriched autologous fat behaves itself like an inherently larger breast! The liposuction punctures and those of the injection sites heal within a few days.

In terms of the maximum augmentation, there are only limits due to the breast tissue extensibility and the amount of fat that is available in the fat depots – usually augmentations anywhere from approx. one half to two cup sizes are achievable. Although it is favorable, if adequate fat depots are available, which the patient anyway would slightly like to optimize; but even in slim woman, an adequate amount of fat being used for the breast augmentation by approximately one cup can be obtained manually in most cases by using very thin microcannulas.

In addition, there are even more advantages of the stem cell breast augmentation in comparison with the breast augmentation with silicone implants or other artificial foreign matters:

All necessary steps, from the liposuction until the injection with stem cell-enriched autologous fat into the breast, are performed outpatiently and take place under gentle local anesthesia. In comparison, silicone implants are usually inserted under hazardous general anesthesia in the hospital. Due to the gentle local anesthesia, the patient will be released to go home subsequently after the surgery; an inpatient stay for several days is unnecessary. This proves that stem cell-enriched autologous fat is a safe and durable bio-implant at the same time.

Sila Sahin stands behind her breast augmentation with silicone implants and said: “If you have the opportunity and feel better afterwards, then you should go ahead and let it be done.” Postscript: “As long as you are not exaggerating.” In this case you can accept silicone and scalpel. But by contrast, augmented breasts with stem cell-enriched autologous fat will always look perfectly “real”!

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Tori Spelling: Now she regrets her silicone breast augmentation

Just recently I have reported about the unpleasant dents in Tori Spelling’s cleavage after her breast augmentation with silicone implants. Just like many other stars and women who augmented their breasts with artificial breast implants in younger years, she now suffers from the consequences of her XXL silicone breasts. But obviously she is less concerned about the dents. The actress best known for her role in the TV series Beverly Hills 90210 now revealed to public about her problems with the silicone implants.

„I had undergone breast augmentation when I was in my twenties and if I had known that this could possibly have an effect on breast milk production, I would have never let it done,“ so the 38-year-old revealed during an interview with the U.S. Television Network ABC. Meanwhile, Spelling is already a mother of two and presently expects her third child with her husband, the Canadian actor Dean McDermott (44).

Tori Spelling’s unexpected breastfeeding problems as a consequence of her silicone breast implant surgeries show the importance of comprehensive information on the effects of cosmetic surgery. According to Tori Spelling’s statements during the interview, she was inadequately informed prior to the surgery in terms of the adverse consequences of the intervention. Within the framework of a medical consultation, risks and side effects of the desired medical intervention should also be addressed in order to spare the patients any unpleasant surprises later on!

In any case, Tori Spelling appears to be completely overwhelmed with her new “role” of being a mother: “I love being a mother. We are soon going to have our third one and we want to have even more children. I am born for this role,“ she said. But of course, this includes her ability to breastfeed her children. The surgical process of breast augmentation with silicone implants often causes the disruption to the lactiferous ducts of the breast, resulting that the breastfeeding ability may be affected or even completely lost.

On the other hand, the natural function of the breast remains completely intact at a breast augmentation with stem cell-enriched autologous fat. The enlargement of the breasts at the breast augmentation with stem cells is solely performed with autologous tissue in order to enable a long-term consistent result. Augmented breasts with stem cell-enriched autologous fat provide an absolutely natural appearance in any position and of course, also during motion. Dents due to slipped silicone implants as they have occurred in Tori Spelling’s case cannot happen by performing the stem cell method!

If you decide that a breast augmentation is right for you or if you are interested in any other cosmetic intervention, let me give you some advice: Remember when choosing the treatment method, that your future role in life may change and that other priorities and challenges also often involve a new relationship to your own body.

DDr. Heinrich, MD