New face makes Cindy Crawford look old

Is there anyone who doesn’t know Cindy Crawford, the former U.S. top model? The dark-haired beauty enchanted whole generations of fans with her natural charisma. As fashion designer Michael Kors once said, “She was the one who changed up the perception of the ‘sexy American girl’ from classic blue-eyed blonde to a sultrier brunette with brains, charm, and professionalism to spare.”

Her naturalness has undoubtedly been Cindy’s key to success. In contrast to other female U.S. icons, such as Marilyn Monroe, who were not afraid of breast augmentations with silicone implants and other plastic surgery, Cindy won the hearts with her flowing hair and seductive curves – and it is fair to assume that the major part of her considerable fortune of 25 million pounds is thanks to her physical appearance.

When the meanwhile 46-year-old celebrated her surprising comeback as a model last year, she promptly landed the cover of Vogue Mexico’s May 2011 issue. Back in 1990, she already posed there along with fellow models Naomi Campbell, Christy Turlington, Linda Evangelista, and Tatjana Patitz and stood out from the pack with her authentic appearance. More than 10 years later, Cindy’s face sure looks a little bit older, but still remarkably natural and attractive.

With even greater dismay, media reported about Cindy’s failed “full face retreating” at the beginning of the year. Recent photographs showed Cindy with crooked lips, bizarrely-shaped cheeks and, flat iron forehead treated with Botox. There were even rumors of nose surgery! Regrettably, the hope of aging models and Hollywood divas to restore their youthful appearance with Botox, etc., had obviously also arrived Cindy.

A few years ago, Cindy captured attention when she confessed that she owes her beautiful skin not only to a wonder mixture of coffee grounds and olive oil, but also to medical support: “I’m not going to lie to myself: past a certain age, creams only work on the texture of your skin, but in order to restore elasticity, all I can really count on is vitamin injections, Botox and collagen”, she revealed to Gala magazine – much to the astonishment of many women, who had bought products for years from her own skin care line…

Indeed, skin loses its elasticity with increasing age, subcutaneous tissue retreats and skin becomes dull and dry, causing wrinkles to appear. However, instead of rejuvenating, Botox may actually make you look older faster, as it can be seen on Cindy’s face. Botulinum toxin not only paralyzes the mimic facial muscles, but also leads to a regression of skin glands. As a result, the skin becomes even thinner and drier and looks – although firm – pale and old!

The skin is a mirror of our body – outside as well as inside! In order to achieve a sustainable regeneration and visible rejuvenation of the skin, it is essential to consider our body’s internal processes as well. We are aware that the endocrine glands performance begins to weaken at around 30 years of age. The hormone deficiencies incurred as a result, are also externally visible by well-known signs of skin aging. It is therefore natural to supply the body with relevant hormones (growth hormone, cortisol, DHEA, etc.) in form of bioidentical substances to strengthen tissue, get rid of wrinkles, and to restore skin’s vital and youthful appearance?

People vary as much as their need for bioidentical hormones. Hence, each Hormonal Regeneration® (Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy BHRT) is tailor-made to meet individual needs and wishes of our patients. Already shortly after starting treatment, the skin feels fresher and firmer again – from the inside out. A bioidentical hormone therapy generally lasts 3 or 6 months and if desired, the therapy can be repeated.

The regenerative effect of bioidentical hormones can be supplemented with a skin and facial rejuvenation by using autologous stem cells. When stem cell facelift is performed, stem cells are isolated from a small amount of fat that has been gently extracted by liposuction and is injected into the skin by means of microneedles – the result is a significant rejuvenation and skin tightening. This effect can be imitated to a certain extent by means of specific skin growth factors (growth factors) (obtained from autologous blood or synthesized in a special laboratory).

Let’s keep our fingers crossed for Cindy that swellings and Botox paralysis will quickly disappear from her face and that she will soon regain her natural charisma again. The rejuvenating effect of bioidentical hormones and autologous stem cells would definitely be able to support her with a second successful modeling career and, in addition, Cindy would be also able to escape the fate of her older fellow models’ over-tightened doll faces and failed plastic surgeries over which the entire gossip press laughs about!

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Why we should take enzymes along with our meals

It is frequently speculated about optimum nutrition. On average, people remain slim and healthy with the type of nutrition that they have been used to for several million years: The Paleolithic diet. It mainly consists of meat, fat, and animal organs, including fried or boiled fish as well as insects, roots, vegetables, nuts, and fruits.

Back in the Old Stone Age, everything was eaten from the animal, not only meat, but also the brain and internal organs, even the digestive organs along with their contents. By doing so, our ancestors consumed a lot of important hormones and enzymes which our body could also use very well these days, including digestive enzymes. It was exactly those important enzymes that were generously present in the digestive organs, including the pre-digested chyme of hunted animals that ease our digestion and keep our digestive system healthy. It sure does not sound appetizing, but that’s how it was.

Therefore, if we want to provide our support and keep our digestive system healthy without having to return to the Paleolithic eating habits, we should supply our body with the missing substances: I therefore recommend taking between one and three capsules digestive enzymes along with every larger meal. You will be able to improve your digestion, remain free from so-called “slags” and feel yourself significantly better. Your digestive system will be grateful for the relief.

You can obtain the best digestive enzymes in our web shop.

Does Demi Moore experience a lack of hormones after failed marriage?

Last November, Hollywoodstar Demi Moore announced her separation from Ashton Kutcher. The end of their marriage did not come unexpectedly for many, since there were rumors about Ashton having an affair with someone else before. And what was the consequence of the separation? Demi Moore suffered a nervous breakdown on 23 January and even had to be taken by ambulance to the nearest hospital! The celebrity portal TMZ has learned from insiders that drug abuse has led to it.

But, as if this would not be enough reason for the fans of the 49-year-old to have a major concern! Demi still appeared strong last year, when she announced in an official statement that her relationship has come to an end: “It is with great sadness and a heavy heart that I have decided to end my six-year marriage to Ashton.” At the beginning of the year, it was finally announced that Demi obviously took more than 1,800 pills within a period of a few months. A clear case of drug addiction as media has noticed!

Then first steps towards relief: Demi’s spokesperson told People magazine that Demi was going to entrust herself to medical assistance: “Because of the stresses in her life, Demi has chosen to seek professional assistance to treat her exhaustion and improve her overall health.” According to the latest information, she meanwhile checked into the rehab facility “Cirque Lodge”, far off from any civilization, in order to get her eating disorders and addiction problems under control. It was not a new situation for her, since she had already been there in the 80’s to treat her alcohol and drug problems.

Eating disorders and various addictions are helpless body attempts to cope with profound internal problems. It certainly does not work that way: Drugs only lead to an even faster exhaustion, since they weaken the already reduced body’s defenses. In fact, the causes of breakdowns, such as Demi experienced, are mostly found in the weakness of the endocrine glands. Therefore, withdrawal treatments are usually only able to relieve the symptoms.

In Demi’s case, it was probably the fact that her hormone levels have fallen due to her age and stress – not least since her young “hormone dispenser” Ashton Kutcher got lost!

Latest photographs show Demi’s once full face with severely sunken cheeks. Her strongly sunken cheeks may in fact result from a facelift surgery, which was speculated about several years ago among fans, in which the cheek area became lifted. At any case, they represent a symptom of a weakened adrenal gland that is no longer producing a sufficient amount of cortisol and DHEA. And if the body also does not produce enough growth hormone, subcutaneous tissue and muscles retreat and sunken cheeks additionally become saggy. This is particularly externally visible, for instance, in a sunken, narrow face, as it is in Demi’s case.

To a certain extent, low stress resistance is also a “sign of old age”. Who has not yet experienced that older people are often more easily irritated and find it harder to get over strokes of fate? This is less due to external circumstances, but rather caused by internal hormone deficiencies. Some individuals, who produce an insufficient amount of adrenal and thyroid hormones, are less resistant to stress. In such cases, fatigue and depression also occur frequently. Other hormones are also important for our own well being: Estrogen as well as the male sex hormone testosterone ensure good mood among women! Hence, if Demi would be 20 years younger, it probably would be easier for her to get over her separation from Ashton.

In order to ensure a sustainable improvement of her life situation, a comprehensive analysis of Demi’s hormone status would be advisable in addition to other therapeutic measures. The hormonal balance could be subsequently restored by a tailor-made Hormonal Regeneration® with bioidentical hormones – a Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT). Once the hormone imbalance is corrected and better values are achieved, the usual ease of younger years return within a short period of time and exterior signs of aging will also be reduced or even disappear completely.

Let’s wish that Demi is going to find the way out of loneliness by means of specialist support. Since the power of bioidentical hormones would be able to achieve an entirely rejuvenated and recovered Demi Moore, she easily could find a replacement for Ashton Kutcher anytime soon on the basis of her regained charisma!

DDr. Heinrich, MD

The reason why men don’t mind minor love handles

A friend recently raised a question on a social network: “Why do men not mind our flabby little love handles during sex, that make us women often so unhappy (at least, this is as we have been told)? Or in other words, why do certain things bother us that men obviously don’t even notice?”

Based on my experience as a cosmetic surgeon, women take a particularly critical view on their own body shape and on other females as well as under aesthetic aspects. Most often, they thereby orientate themselves towards very slender “idols” presented by models in the media on which every piece of clothing seems to perfectly fit. And perfectly fit clothing is absolutely essential for all women.

Women are also assessed by men under aesthetic aspects, but rather secondarily; primarily whether they are sexually attractive to them. This is determined by archaic patterns and not what is currently being hyped as “perfect body shape” in the media.

However, it is incontestable that an attractive and healthy body makes itself often noticeable in strong self-esteem and mental well-being. This is not only based on beautiful appearance, but there are also deeper hormonal causes: “Unhealthy” body shapes such as overweight or sunken cheeks are mostly caused by hormone deficiencies, which are having an impact on self-perception, human mind and, last but not least, on sexual charisma.

Even some young people already tend to hormonal imbalances due to their genetic predisposition which express themselves externally by signs such as overweight or underweight. For instance, estrogen, the key hormone for female libido, promotes the creation of “feminine shapes” by fat deposition – also in men. Ultimately, all people experience that the production of our endocrine glands declines with increasing age.

Existing hormonal imbalances can be diagnosed by a physician experienced with a Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) by means of an extensive blood analysis and anamnesis. Subsequently, a tailor-made Hormonal Regeneration® therapy is created in conjunction with the patient. The bioidentical hormones administered in this context resemble the same chemical composition as hormones naturally produced in the human body. Depending on the individual objectives, the therapy can be supplemented with a training program and a diet plan in order to achieve sustainable weight loss.

Once the hormone levels are rebalanced, physical and mental symptoms of hormone deficiency disappear and even the process of losing weight is suddenly much easier. A bioidentical hormone therapy generally lasts 3 or 6 months and if desired, the therapy can be repeated after a while.

Moreover, particularly diet-resistant love handles on problem areas may be gently reshaped by microcannular liposuction. The extracted autologous fat gained in this process is perfectly suitable for natural facial rejuvenation, breast augmentation, or correction of tissue defects.

On the basis of men’s and women’s intuition, that one or the other additional ounce of weight does not matter, may help to view the own body in a new light. The New Cosmetic Surgery is also able to provide a valuable contribution to feel comfortable within the own body by means of bioidentical hormones and gentle cosmetic surgery treatment. In my opinion, what matters in the end is namely satisfaction with oneself, giving women a very special charisma.

DDr. Heinrich, MD

The reason why men not care about minor love handles

Recently, a friend raised a question on a social network:

“Why do men not care during sex about our small love handles that make us women often so unhappy? Or in other words, why do certain things bother us that men obviously don’t even notice?”

Based on my experience as a cosmetic surgeon: Women take a particularly critical view on their own body shape and on other females. In this matter, they mostly orientate themselves towards very slender “idols” from the media on which every piece of clothing seem to perfectly fit.

Women are also assessed by men under aesthetic aspects, but rather secondarily; primarily whether they are sexually attractive to them. This is based on archaic patterns and not what is currently hyped as “perfect body shape” in the media.

It is incontestable that an attractive and healthy body makes itself often noticeable in strong self-esteem, mental well-being and enormous sexual charisma. This is based on beautiful appearance, but there are also deeper hormonal causes:

“Unhealthy” body shapes such as overweight or sunken cheeks are mostly caused by age-related hormone deficiencies.

These hormonal imbalances can be treated in a Hormonal Regeneration® therapy with bioidentical hormones (Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy, BHRT). Once the hormone levels are rebalanced, hormone deficiency symptoms disappear and even the process of losing weight is suddenly much easier.

In case that a rest cure is out of the question, DDr. Heinrich, MD has developed the combination product Instant Chi which combines important and effective bioidentical hormones/ingredients in a single capsule.

Moreover, particularly diet-resistant love handles in problem areas may be reshaped by microcannular liposuction. The extracted autologous fat gained in this process is perfectly suitable for natural facial rejuvenation, breast augmentation, or dent correction.

Money never sleeps – Does testosterone help Gordon Gekko in the financial crisis?

What applied to Michael Douglas in his role as Gordon Gekko in the movie Wall Street apparently also applies to many bankers, brokers, and fund managers in Manhattan: They are constantly under pressure in order to get successful deals done. Since the start of the financial crisis, this has become substantially more difficult than back then, which has an increasing health impact on financial managers. The rising lack of humor of supervisory authorities and prosecutors in terms of insider trading gives the Gordon Gekkos a hard time. It is therefore not surprising that they are trying to find remedies?

Recently, a friend of mine asked for my opinion on a report published in the Financial Times: Since the start of the financial crisis, bankers and brokers on Wall Street increasingly let themselves get treated with testosterone. In this way, they want to improve their self-confidence and self-assertion and escape from a crisis-related compulsory retirement due to low efficiency. Allegedly, the trend is already picked up by other medical centers in theUnited States. There are reports saying that commercials for testosterone therapies are even shown on television!

In the meantime, we know that hormones play an important role in stress perception, but most of all for our strength and endurance. The production of our endocrine glands and hormone levels decline with increasing age and also in times of stress. This results in well-known age-related symptoms, such as: performance decline, low resistance to stressful situations, burnout, loss of libido and frequently also impotence and overweight.

At approximately 40 years of age, most men are having a too low testosterone level. But, since the other hormone levels also decline, it is not only testosterone that should be substituted, but also all other important hormones (growth hormone, melatonin, cortisol, progesterone, etc.) in order to achieve a regenerative and rejuvenating effect. In hormonal therapies like Hormonal Regeneration® (Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy, BHRT) it is essential that bioidentical hormones are exclusively administered. Bioidentical hormones resemble the same chemical structure as our own hormones and are not foreign to the body.

Since the hormone levels of our body are cybernetically interconnected with each other, bioidentical hormone therapies should be prescribed and monitored by an experienced physician in order to avoid unintended consequences. Thus, excess fat tissue for instance, converts testosterone to undesirable estrogens, which is why testosterone replacement has to be planned differently in overweight people in comparison with normal weight individuals. In such cases, it is often helpful to perform a combination of hormone therapy, liposuction and a tailor-made training and diet plan in order to meet patients’ needs.

A Hormonal Regeneration® therapy usually lasts 3 or 6 months. Already shortly after therapy has begun, unpleasant internal and external signs of aging and stress symptoms start to disappear. Strength, endurance, performance, sexual charisma, libido, and potency increase, skin becomes firmer and even wrinkles disappear. Depending on the objectives, bioidentical hormone therapies can be repeated after some time upon patient’s request in times of high stress or as wellbeing treatment.

A monotherapy with testosterone is not recommendable for otherwise healthy men, since the supplement for a single age-related hormone deficiency leads to hormonal imbalance. This is particularly significant, if signs of aging are already visible that have nothing to do with testosterone: The treated individuals often look like senile bodybuilders. However, the result of a balanced hormonal regeneration should be that the patients treated look remarkably younger than their actual age. In addition, unpleasant side effects such as testicular shrinkage are to be expected when high amounts of testosterone are used as monotherapy. Therefore, please analyze all important hormones and supplement them!

Do you want to know another reason why a monotherapy using only testosterone would be hardly advisable to Wall Street bankers and brokers? Let’s think of Gordon Gekko: Testosterone does not only enhance endurance and strength, but also increases aggressive behavior, risk tolerance, egoism, and the tendency to break the law – according to my opinion, such characteristics seem to be undesirable in a global financial crisis.

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Suzanne Somers’ Stem Cell Breast Reconstruction

Suzanne Somers makes headlines once again! The actress known for her role on the American television sitcom Three’s Company in the late 70’s, has taken a public stand for years in supporting new, unconventional approaches to medicine and cosmetic surgery. For instance, she is a committed supporter of therapies using bioidentical hormones (Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy, BHRT). Some time ago, there were rumors about a possible stem cell facelift, which Suzanne denied.

But it wouldn’t be Suzanne Somers, if she would not have her own opinion about esthetic stem cell therapies. Now, during an episode of her talk show Suzanne Somers Breaking Through, she revealed her big secret: Instead of the rumors of having undergone a stem cell facelift, she underwent a breast reconstruction with stem cell-enriched autologous fat in 2009 – performed for the first time in the U.S.!

Flashback: In 2001, at the age of 55, Suzanne was diagnosed with breast cancer. However, she was able to stand her ground and fought the cancer with all her strength – and successful after all. Already back then, she attracted great attention with her decision on having the tumor surgically removed and undergoing radiation treatment, but waiving chemotherapy. A few years later, she was considered cured.

But, the tumor removal surgery decreased the size of her right breast to less than cup size B – a situation that Suzanne did not want to accept. She therefore gathered information about alternatives to a silicone implant and came across the method using stem cell-enriched autologous fat that was originally developed in 2003 with the support of the Japanese government and which we are using since the beginning of 2007 to help women from all over the world to enhance their cleavage.

Suzanne, convinced about the effectiveness and success of this innovative technique which had been neither known nor approved in the U.S. so far, wanted to achieve a major goal: She did not just want to be the first patient in the United States who this treatment was performed, but by initiating a clinical trial, she also wanted to contribute to help other women in the U.S. who had to undergo tumor removal surgery by having a natural alternative to silicon to choose from. “I am so ensconced in what’s cutting edge,” she tells the magazine People. “I get my thrill out of passing on information to women so they can have a better quality of life.”

Before performing the stem cell breast augmentation, Suzanne had her breast size reduced from a DD to a C cup. Subsequently, the fat derived from her belly by means of liposuction was injected into her right breast after it had been enriched with stem cells in order to correct the tissue defect and to match the size of both breasts in the long run. The result is a breast that looks absolutely natural, reconstructed from autologous tissue, completely without any implanted foreign body!

Suzanne Somers’ commitment to natural treatment methods without silicone and scalpel reminds us that sometimes it requires courageous patients in order to help new methods of medical treatment to achieve breakthrough – for the benefit of all people, don’t you think so?

DDr. Heinrich, MD


Beautiful skin – from the Inside Out!

What is the best way for a woman to take care of her skin? Creams, serums, and oils are “nice” and infatuate with their aroma, their packaging, and the shopping experience – but, do they really fulfill their promise?

From a medical standpoint, these products can neither perform small nor large miracles. If they are exclusively used external, the active ingredients are not able to penetrate into the deeper skin layers – therefore, only superficial treatments of symptoms are possible.

So, what is the best way to take care of our skin? Why do we start getting wrinkles approximately in our late 20’s – at first, fine, dry lines start to appear, followed by deep furrows which accompany us in all circumstances of our life?

From the inside out! Our body ages during the course of our life – our organs are no longer as efficient as in younger years and our body cells diminish in their ability to regenerate. The well-known unpleasant exterior signs of aging include wrinkles, “gray” complexion, and sagging tissue of face and body.

If the body is no longer able to produce the sufficient quantities itself that are required to remain robust, vital, and strong, we must give our body a helping hand!

Perfect Skin is a mixture of amino acids and peptides which strengthens our skin, our connective tissue, and our joints from the inside out when used on a regular basis. Only if the subcutaneous tissue is firm, the skin has sufficient elasticity to make the wrinkles disappear and smooth out deep furrows.

We are able to offer growth factor skin therapies for the specific treatment of certain areas of the skin. You can also enhance your natural beauty in a gentle manner by aesthetic stem cell treatments or by a therapy using bioidentical hormones (Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy, BHRT). Depending on the individual goal of therapy, a combination of various treatments may be recommended.

Miss Extreme Plastic Surgery now also in China

China is trying to catch up with the Western world in the fastest possible way, and at the same time copying those lifestyles that are associated with the “West”. It is therefore not surprising that Chinese women are trying to look like European women (as a matter of fact: Caucasian). They let themselves remove eye wrinkles, increase the size and raise the bridge of their nose (yes, indeed!), and enlarge their breasts. The opinion of being more successful in professional life by having a Caucasian appearance is the most frequently mentioned reason – typical Chinese. Thus, there is even demand for leg-lengthening surgeries, despite all the risks involved and associated pain. It seems – that even in China, one must suffer to be beautiful.

Recently I saw a TV documentary reporting about a special contest held in China: The prize was supposed to be awarded to the woman who had altered her body the most by means of plastic surgery. The beauty contest was organized by plastic surgeons and manufacturers of silicone implants. Anyone was able to admire all sorts of optimization victims: Women who underwent silicone breast augmentations, liposuctions, nose surgeries, upper eyelid corrections; among them was a woman who had undergone gender reassignment surgery beforehand.

These are the results of greed for profit that has also driven the crazy plastic surgery in the Western world: A mechanistic practicable mindset fools into believing that as many body parts as possible need to be changed by artificial means. We constantly get to see the pitiful results on the “Society” pages in the media! But, while many people here already reject this type of “beautification”, it is propagated in China as reverence for the Western consumer culture.

I allow myself to predict that soon there will be also rejection formed against those exaggerated outgrowths of plastic surgery among Chinese men and women. Even in China, the more gentle treatments in the field of New Cosmetic Surgery will also make their way. Initial signs have already been recognized in Asia for a long time: Methods of breast augmentation with stem cells and stem cell-enriched autologous fat transfer for facial rejuvenation have already been offered for years in Shanghai. Those Japanese physicians, who perform these techniques in Japan since 2003, have simply expanded to China.

Since 2006, we are performing in Viennawith these new methods making silicon and scalpel in most cases superfluous and enable patients in a gentle manner to perfect their natural beauty. In addition to aesthetic stem cell therapies and microcannular liposuction, many cosmetic problems can also be successfully treated – completely without snatching and firming treatment of symptoms – by a therapy using bioidentical hormones (Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy, BHRT). Depending on the individual goal of therapy, a combination of various treatments may be recommended.

A question that remains unanswered is whether the trend reversal towards the particularly gentle and safe New Cosmetic Surgery techniques is still going to take place in theUnited Statesat first. Otherwise,Chinawould not only be ahead by a nose economically, but would also be in the fast lane in comparison to the Western world when it comes to cosmetic surgery by using innovative methods of treatment.

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Is Beyonce turning into a white woman? Of pallor and tan…

Is Beyonce now turning into a white woman? Shortly after people had been gossiping about the black singer’s cleavage about rumored breast augmentation, or more probably breast lift, recent photographs now reveal another facet of her preference for cosmetic surgery: Since 2011, Beyonce’s skin seems to become increasingly brighter! Meanwhile, her hair turned blonde as well: Shades of Marilyn! There is almost nothing left that reminds of Beyonce’s African-American roots!

Memories of Michael Jackson’s bleachings awake. Him, who was virtually addicted to plastic surgery, had always sworn to high heaven that he had been suffering from the “pigmentation disorder” vitiligo. He may have had smaller bright vitiligo patches frequently appearing in dark-skinned people, which he took as an opportunity to treat his remaining skin with Monobenzone cream, whereupon he looked “white”.

Beyonce may have also undergone a “bleaching treatment”. There is a rumor that during a painful procedure, bright pigments had been tattooed into her skin. However, it seems more likely that she had herself be treated with skin whitening chemicals such as Hydroquinone or Monobenzone cream. But, less familiar substances such as mulberry leaf extract and kojik acid also inhibit the melanin synthesis of skin pigment cells and are in demand in those countries where light skin seems desirable, namely in the U.S., the Caribbean, Africa, and Asia.

At the present time, chemical “bleaching” is not yet widespread in Europe, but rather the opposite, namely to be perfectly tanned! Despite the ability of self-tanning lotions and solariums to provide tan, it is incomparable with the healthy radiance of sun tanned skin acquired during sports activities in the mountains or on holidays in the tropics.

An entire industry makes billions by selling sun creams, chemical sun protection factors, and sunblock lotions to ambivalent people who are uncertain when it comes to sun and tanning: On the one hand, people want to extensively enjoy the sun, but on the other hand are afraid of getting too much sun, since cumulative sun exposure obviously causes cancer and skin aging. The alternative of – reducing the use of sun cream and also spending less time in the sun – seems to be unacceptable to many people.

Does it actually work without using sun lotion at all?

For quite some time it has been known that the hormone melanotropine ensures the production of brown pigment melanin by the main skin pigment which protects skin against UV rays and provides us with visible tan. Those people with a deficiency are in danger of getting sunburned quite easily as a result of intense sun exposure. Therefore, wouldn’t it be more obvious to take melanotropine in the form of a pill before sunbathing in order to save the hassle of applying sun cream?

Physicians with the necessary experience in therapy with bioidentical hormones (Hormonal Regeneration®) are in fact already able to biosynthetically produce hormones such as growth hormones, testosterone, and also melanotropine in special laboratories. Meanwhile, there are documented therapeutic experiences in terms of increasing the melanin synthesis: A relevant therapy enables the pigment cells to promptly produce more melanin. Bottom line: A tan is achieved really fast without prior sunburn and the suntan is sustainable. Incidentally, sun lotions are no longer required to be used due to the protective effect of autologous melanin. Those physicians who publicize these therapies are convinced that regular application is able to delay skin aging and even protects against skin cancer.

Does it sound too good to be true? In any case, it is quite promising, but it has not yet been “approved”. In the next few years and perhaps decades, it probably cannot be expected that something like melanotropine will be released to the average consumer or that it will be available in the pharmacy. In my opinion, the cosmetics industry will ensure that their sunny business with sun lotions is also going to continue in the future.

DDr. Heinrich, MD