Full Beard and Full Eyebrows in Demand?

It is a matter of taste whether you embrace the new fashion to wear full beard as a man. Today even celebrity TS persons choose to wear beards so many straight men would not abstain of such an expression of male virility ;-).

One thing is sure – a nice full beard just as beautiful full eyebrows requires enough active hair follicles.

Often these have been virtually “eradicated” by plucking, waxing, and epilating. Some patients are so desperate about the fact that they even consider surgical hair transplants.

Here the body’s own stem cells can help! They are isolated from adipose tissue and injected into the regions where the desired hair growth has been lost. Sounds simple, and it is simple indeed for the person concerned. Nevertheless it requires a lot of specialized know-how on behalf of the doctor. The effect of hair growth therapy with stem cells can be imitated with hair follicle growth factors (HFGF) and prostaglandins to a certain extent.

We all know in fashion and hair fashion everything is seen again! Remember, folks, we might proof foresight by only shaving, but not waxing or epilating pubic hair and body hair ;-).

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Breast Augmentation: When Is Silicone Better than Autologous Fat and Stem Cells?

Readers of my blog know my opinion – never! But regarding the question of a patient’s indicated procedure for a breast augmentation, the personal preference of the attending physician is of secondary importance. The best solution for the patient is what counts!

The breast augmentation with stem cells and/or autologous fat is the more natural procedure that allows for better cosmetic results and an entirely natural breast shape in every posture and with every movement. However, a larger amount of autologous fat is required for such a breast augmentation, which has to be taken from some other part of the body. Autologous fat is also constrained to certain limits, such as the volume of a breast augmentation per surgical procedure. In most cases from 1 to 1.5 cup sizes.

If a patient either desires a breast augmentation to achieve a significantly larger cup size or declines to have fat removed from the buttocks, hips or thighs, then a breast augmentation using silicone has to be recommended to her, simply due to the fact that a treatment using stem cells and/or autologous fat is just not the optimal treatment for her. The desire for an artificial-looking, rounded breast shape (like Victoria Beckham’s “old” silicone breasts) can naturally only be achieved using artificial implants.

What do I do if a patient is better served with silicone breasts that with naturally enlarged breasts? I convey to her the limits and disadvantages of a silicone treatment and transfer her, if necessary, to a colleague who frequently and consciously treats patients using silicone implants. For one should, in my opinion, only do those things that one can personally get behind and is convinced of in order to ensure that they are done well.

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Nicki Minaj: More Butt Thanks to Brazilian Buttlift Using Fat and Stem Cells?

In the U.S., and primarily on the West Coast and Hollywood, there has been a trend to undergo buttock augmentation for quite some time. Nicki Minaj, the American rapper with Caribbean roots, has become an internationally successful star. Radio stations play her songs which ranked highly in the charts day in and day out. But Nicki is probably known better for her rather huge butt than for her music. Many of her fans – and also many others – desire a butt like Nicki’s and therefore opt for buttock augmentation surgery.

Buttock augmentations were initially performed using silicone implants; however, the usage of the body’s own fat (autologous fat) is catching on more and more as a natural alternative. Though many surgeons in the U.S. have plenty of experience with buttock augmentations, they are often still rather new when it comes to the method of stem cell enrichment. For this reason, more and more American women come to Europe to receive a so-called “Brazilian buttlift” using the more sustainable, stem cell-enriched autologous fat method.

Why is a Brazilian buttlift in such high demand in the United States? There are more women of African descent and Latinas in the U.S. and the ideal form of a buttock is a bit larger than in Europe. American women have ample opportunity to study this enviable form of a buttock in the warmer latitudes of the United States, making the Brazilian buttlift especially popular on the West Coast.

So what at all is a Brazilian butt? In women with African roots, the top and back sections of the buttock are often heavily rounded and bulged whereas the hips are only bulged slightly outwards. The same applies to rapper Nicki Minaj, whose hips are particularly narrow in comparison to her buttock. Before and after photos that were published by the Huffington Post suggest that Nicki’s buttock as it exists today was shaped by a Brazilian buttlift.

The singer enjoys the attention directed at her while neither denying nor confirming the rumors regarding her enlarged buttock: “I don’t mind the question, I don’t mind the fascination. It’s all good. If people are sitting in a barbershop talking about my butt, it’s conversational. That’s what people are going to do. As long as they’re talking about Nicki Minaj, it’s good,” the rapper said in an interview by Full Throttle on MTV2.

In order to attain the effect characteristic for a Brazilian butt, a sufficient amount of autologous fat needs to be extracted, e.g., from the belly or hips. This fat is implanted into the upper section of the patient’s buttock after stem cell enrichment. This procedure is quite similar to stem cell breast augmentation, the only difference is that the buttock is augmented instead of the breasts. In a gentle procedure, the required amount of fat is manually harvested using microcannulas. Stem cells are extracted from a portion of the obtained fat, which are then added to the remaining fat. The specially prepared body fat is finally injected into the buttocks.

The procedure is sustainable, meaning that refreshments are generally unnecessary. A buttock augmentation using stem cell-enriched autologous fat is an outpatient procedure that is done using local anesthesia, thereby ensuring the mobility of the patient. However, patients have to be very careful when it comes to sitting down for the first few weeks, which can be problematic – especially for working women.

Nicki Minaj would probably have gained international fame even without her optimized buttock, but the fact that it has helped her gain even more attention and notoriety, especially outside of the hip-hop world, can hardly be denied. Stars like Miley Cirus seem to look up to her and Justin Bieber also commented positively about Nicki Minaj’s curves… We can therefore assume that Brazilian buttlifts will surely not remain a phenomenon limited to the West Coast.

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Coping with Stress Thanks to Bioidentical Hormones

Work that has accumulated over the summer months, a crowded desk and strict deadlines are clear indicators: The Holiday season is over. Day-to-day stress brought on by job, household and family have caught up with many people again. Stress, fatigue and exhaustion seem virtually inevitable.

If permanent weakness, tiredness and listlessness become factors, then these may well be symptoms of a “burnout”. This disease refers to a state of chronic fatigue and total exhaustion brought on by physical, mental and emotional overload for long periods of time.

Long-term overloads in everyday life or extreme situations can lead to burnout, if body and mind are not allowed to recover sufficiently. Bioidentical hormones help the body to cope with stress and strengthen it from the inside.

Stress: When the Adrenal Glands are Overloaded

The adrenal glands are important organs when it comes to coping with stress – they produce the hormones cortisol and adrenalin which are essential for coping with stress.

Long-term overload can lead to an exhaustion of the adrenal glands, which is referred to as Adrenal Fatigue. Due to the fact that the produced amount of hormones is often no longer sufficient, the body slowly becomes incapable of handling stress, the overall load increases and additional stress is created – a vicious circle that can end with burnout.

While the body normally merely requires short rest periods to regenerate, people with burnout rarely find their way back to a joyful life without professional help from doctors and psychologists.

Bioidentical Hormones: Prevention and Energy Source

In our western world it is usually not possible to just break free of professional and private commitments and their associated burdens to prevent the emergence of stress. No matter how good the intentions of a lifestyle change are, such endeavors often fail due to simple questions, such as: Who will pay the bills? Who does the shopping? Who’s going to watch the kids?

In order to provide your body with new energy and prevent any emergence of burnout, we recommend the administration of bioidentical hormones that are considered essential for the body’s mechanisms for coping with stress.

Bioidentical hormones are similar in structure to our body’s own hormones. As part of the Hormonal Regeneration® (Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy, BHRT) program, missing hormones are administered after a comprehensive analysis of the current state of the health in a bioidentical form, thus bringing the hormone levels into balance again.

Combined with other vitalizing substances, the body is strengthened from within and made ready to face and cope with everyday stress with the overall goal of helping you to achieve a higher degree of vitality, strength and energy.

I would be pleased to discuss your symptoms, lifestyle and a therapy for coping with stress that suits your requirements with you in a consultation appointment in my clinic.

DDr. Heinrich, MD

More Beautiful with Three Liters of Water per Day?

If we drink too little, the subcutaneous tissue dries out and the skin gets wrinkled. This is even true for young people. From about the age of 25 the content of collagen and hyaluronic acid in the skin decreases and this effect gets more prominent. It gets particularly noticeable from about the age of 40 years.

Should we compensate this by drinking more water? But… drinking too much makes us no joy and can strain our bodies. As long as we are healthy we should only drink when we are thirsty. Our body tells us its demand for water over the feeling of thirst. We should not drink too much water just to make our skin bloated.

It’s better to increase the content of collagen and hyaluronic acid in the skin, which is essential for the skin to look vital and healthy, by taking collagen and hyaluronic acid daily in a suitable form:

Perfect Skin by DDr. Heinrich® Beauty Drink!

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Angelina Jolie’s Breast Reconstruction: Autologous Fat and Stem Cells Instead of Silicon?

Angelina Jolie, known from Tomb Raider and numerous other Hollywood films, has managed to make a name for herself worldwide with her acting and devotion to humanitarian projects. Her iron will, her numerous appearances, and her large family, who always stands behind her, make this sex symbol the embodiment of a power woman. However, what has particularly interested Angelina’s fans the most is how this beauty is faring after her extensive breast operation.

Due to a hereditary predisposition – she carries the BRCA1 “breast cancer gene” – Angelina Jolie had the glandular tissue in her breasts removed as a preventative measure. However, this operation, as is also the case when removing a tumor from the breast, resulted in a significant loss of volume. Changes in shape and lost volume resulting from surgeries can only be corrected by reconstructing the affected breast.

According to experience, patients often wish to restore their natural breast form after they have made a good recovery from the breast operation. In so doing, neither Angelina Jolie nor other patients have to deal with silicone implants, which normally have to be replaced every 5 to 10 years – always linked with new pains, scars, and the risk of general anesthesia.

The body’s own fat is increasingly becoming more important as an alternative to conventional breast reconstruction with silicone or complex plastic flap surgeries. In contrast to silicone, fatty tissue is a natural filler, which feels “real” and looks natural in any position. This was also the reason why US actress Suzanne Somers had her breast reconstructed with stem cell-enriched autologous fat in 2012 after a tumor was removed. Thus, breast reconstruction with autologous fat would also be a promising solution for Angelina.

Depending on the pre-operative condition, breast reconstructions using autologous fat sometimes require multiple surgeries until the desired form has been restored. Even an expansion of the affected breast using a mechanical suction bra (Brava method) may be recommended before and/or after surgeries. To that end, a suction bra is to be worn at night for many weeks prior to the surgeries. The mechanical suction expands the breast tissue so the breast can absorb more autologous fat. This allows for an end result to be achieved with very few surgeries.

Breast reconstruction with autologous fat is performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia, and lasts around 3 to 4 hours per surgery. The required fat is extracted using microcannular liposuction. During this form of liposuction called liposculpture,fat is extracted solely via manual labor in a manner which minimizes tissue damage. The extracted autologous fat is then injected into the breast using fine needles either untreated or after it has been enriched with the body’s own stem cells.

The breast which was reconstructed using autologous fat and stem cells consists entirely of the body’s own living tissue. Since all steps are performed under local anesthesia, the patient is fully mobile after the surgery; an inpatient stay is not necessary. Aftercare is simple. The small punctures from the injection needles heal just like during blood collection, usually within a short period of time without visible scars.

With her new female contours, Angelina Jolie can definitely solve adventurous riddles in a new Tomb Raider film, but the Hollywood star has opted to accept roles in the fairy tale film Maleficent and the war adventure Unbroken, films that we can likewise be excited about.

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Tom Hanks: Sooner diabetes than a high school body?

As Walt Disney in the movie Saving Mr. Banks Tom Hanks made sure the wonderful tale of the flying childrens nurse Mary Poppins reaches the screen. The steep career of the actor himself is almost as much of a fairy-tale as well, born 1956 near to Hollywood and even taught acting in the cradle. When Tom finally obtained the lead role in the movie Forrest Gump, his fate as a Hollywood actor was sealed and he could scarcely save himself from all the offers he got.

His movie Cast Away in particular stuck in my mind, where he survives for months on end alone on a desert island, where a volleyball becomes his best “friend”. But not only in the role of a castaway or as Forrest Gump does the famous movie actor have problems with his health, unfortunately in real life too.

Over twenty years ago Tom Hanks was told his blood sugar level was always too high, that this would get worse over the years and lead to diabetes. But this did not prevent the Hollywood star from delivering one successful movie after another, or from slipping again and again into a wide range of roles, requiring him to really change the way he looked or even put on or lose weight as well.

Last spring his physician told him the elevated blood sugar levels had now got so bad he had type 2 diabetes. Diabetes is a metabolic problem, which constantly leads to an abnormal increase in blood sugar levels, often making life-long therapy necessary. In type 1 diabetes the cells in the pancreas produce not enough insulin due to a disorder, in type 2 diabetes they produce enough, but the body’s target cells for the hormone insulin are no longer receptive to insulin, so it cannot reduce the blood sugar level.

To work against type 2 diabetes, eating habits as near to the Stone Age as possible, cutting down on food with starch and sugar is recommendable. For most folk affected weight reduction is also advised. But Tom is sooner staying true to the line in Forrest Gump, boasting in the movie he can eat more than a million chocolate candies after his mother taught him life is like a box of candy – you never know, what you’re gonna get…

And so Tom told Hollywood magazine that he did not intend to follow weight reduction: “You can regulate diabetes through healthy eating. My physician told me, when I weigh what I used to in high-school again, then I will be completely healthy and no longer have type 2 diabetes. To which I simply said, then I would sooner have type 2 diabetes.” Of course weight loss can be hard work, but it is surely more pleasant than the sicknesses that result from diabetes and the therapies these then require.

Naturally not all who eat unhealthily get type 2 diabetes. Organs can be affected differently, according to family history. We can, however, attempt to improve it: For now there are attempts to resolve diabetes and also other organ disorders and problems with the body’s own fat stem cells. And so damaged cells in the body can be stimulated to reproduce by growth factors emitted from these stem cells. With type 1 diabetes stem cell therapy may also cut down bad regulation and result in less damage to the pancreas.

For therapy with the body’s own stem cells a small amount of fat is taken by means of liposuction using microcannulas in work done by hand. Stem cells are extzracted from the fat obtained in this way and are returned to the body afterwards either IV or injected straight into the organ with the problem, where they can have a regenerative effect. Local anesthesia is sufficient for this and the surgery can be done on an outpatient basis.

Aside from this weight loss with well structured eating is still advisable, even if Tom does not want to know anything about it til now. But it is not always eating alone which is the problem when people have too much weight: Hormone imbalance is usually present, which can be balanced out using bioidentical hormones, which have the same structure as human hormones. So it is easier usually, by changing your eating habits and lifestyle, and with structured training program, to reach the ideal weight and to stick to it long term.

Maybe Tom Hanks should still think back then, if not to high school days, but still then to his time filming Cast Away: In the role of the castaway on a desert island the Hollywood actor had a really slim and slender appearance.

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Summer Love – Indulge your Skin from Inside and Outside

What could be more beautiful as feeling a gentle summer breeze on your skin? Preferably in a deck chair on the beach with a cool drink.

If you want to show a lot of skin and enjoy the sun lighthearted, you should indulge your skin even more than usual.

Care from Inside and Outside

Beauty comes from inside – we took this old wisdom to heart with the development of our series Perfect Skin by DDr. Heinrich®.

As our skin is only able to regenerate its natural components collagen and hyaluronic acid increasingly less effective from the age of appr. 25 years on, it becomes drier and less toned. Therefore, aesthetic surgery became soon the idea of injecting collagen and hyaluronic acid into the skin, to virtually “fill it up”.

As you may know, I am very critical with injecting of such filler substances, because the results do very often look unnatural and papules can form.

Therefore, I thought about how to bring collagen peptides and hyaluronic acid better in a natural way into the skin – through nutrition!

Perfect Skin: Beauty from Inside

Our products of the series Perfect Skin by DDr. Heinrich® contain substances conducive to the regeneration of the skin and a fresh look, namely a specially blended mix of peptides and amino acids as well as natural hyaluronic acid.

Photo showing a box of Perfect Skin by DDr. Heinrich® Beauty Drink

As Beauty Drink you enjoy Perfect Skin in liquid form. A composition of pure organic juices as a basis of the main note pomegranate gives a fruity taste and supplies your body with valuable cell-protecting antioxidants. 1 shot daily, enjoy it cool at best, cares for your beauty slip by slip from the inside.

If you want to create your own favorite sort, we recommend our Perfect Skin Powder: 1 to 2 teaspoons daily mixed with liquid give your skin new freshness, smooth little wrinkles and refine the complexion in general.

Order Perfect Skin conveniently from home in our webshop.

Spoiling Cure from Outside with Epidermal Growth Factors

The use of crèmes, tonics and lotions belongs already to the daily care ritual. As an intensive spoiling cure for your skin we recommend Skin Rejuvenation Serum with Epidermal Growth Factors.

Order the Skin Rejuvenation Serum from home in our webshop.

Wishing you a sunny summer,

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Lindsay Lohan’s fear of the mirror

Times are gone when Lindsay Lohan smiled down from the cinema screens. In Disney’s film The Parent Trap, several years ago, she played herself into the hearts of the audience. Since then you could observe how the once sympathetic and radiant girl became a scandal-proven actress. She became known for ‘walking on the wild side’, which does not hit the spot in the puritan US. She also seemed to indulge in alcohol and drugs so that she came into conflict with the law over and over again. Recently she was banished from 1Oak, a night club inNew York, because she threw glasses.

She stood out in recent years through her excessive and dramatic lifestyle as well as her appearance changes. The redhead with lovely freckles became a doll, looking different each week but somehow always artificial. By now, the 27 years old shall have botox in her forehead and filler in her lips and cheeks. Last time she was seen in October leaving an aesthetic clinic known for botox and facelifts.

Nobody is surprised about the fact that Lindsay Lohan is unhappy with her appearance according to the report of an insider to the magazine Closer: “Lindsay has always taken care of the appearance of her face. She started already in her 20s to use botox and has become more and more obsessed with it. She does visit different clinics to be able to double the number of treatments medically advisable. Now she does hate her appearance. Doctors told her for several years not to fuss with her face until she becomes 35 but she didn’t want to hear that.”

Through a lot of surgeries, alcohol, drugs and further excesses the actress now does look a lot older than she is in fact.

As reader of my blog, you know that botox causes a degeneration of skin glands and is in general detrimental to skin quality. She should keep hear hands off botox! With 27, you normally don’t have wrinkles because the body does produce own hormones making sure that skin and connective tissue are toned. This means that Lindsay would be intrinsically too young for a Hormonal Regeneration® (Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy, BHRT). But because of the misuse of botox her skin aged faster so that it should be treated.

I would suggest Lindsay to deign relaxation to her botox-damaged skin and support specifically its regeneration. At it, she could fall back on a treatment with stem cells from the own fat. Stem cells are gained from a small fat portion, which is harvested with microcannulas manually. Following this, they are injected with fine needles into the concerned skin areas. The effect of a stem cell treatment can be imitated by a microneedle mesotherapy to a certain extent, with which alternatively growth factors of skin cells (epidermal growth factors) or Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) from the own blood are brought into the skin gently.

To make her skin stronger from the inside at the same time, Lindsay should also consider supplying her body with the building blocks needed by the body for the construction of a healthy and youthful skin structure. Perfect Skin, an optimal mix of peptides and amino acids supports the regeneration of the subcutis, giving the skin a toned and more vital appearance. Moreover, Perfect Skin does also prompt the production of the body’s own hormones helping to prevent wrinkle formation.

Should Lindsay also in future not want to do without tanned skin, a tanning treatment with melanotropin analogs could be an alternative for her to the skin-damaging bath in ultraviolet light in a solarium or in the blazing sun. The hormone melanotropin is responsible for the skin pigment cells producing the brown pigment melanin under the sun’s influence. However, currently it is only licensed in a few countries as an active agent and only for rare light allergies, so that it is difficult to get it. For somebody like Lindsay it is surely no problem. According to reports, she still knew how to get all possible legally restricted substances.

Recently Lindsay brought herself to look into the mirror and even take a picture of it. Not with the aim to admire her appearance but on a more decent occasion: Her mother left her the message “I love you, kisses, Mom” written with red lipstick onto the mirror, the photo of which Lindsay posted on Twitter instantly.

Then in the end, also in an excessive drama queen like Lindsay “Mum’s lil girl” is hidden, believes

DDr. Heinrich, MD

How does Emmy Rossum protect herself from the sun?

The young American actress Emmy Rossum owes her fame primarily to the hit film The Day After Tomorrow. The film’s plot is about an Ice Age created by global warming, and the script tells the story of how this warming would start after the Gulf Stream stopped flowing. This would lead to the Northern hemisphere cooling down, triggering the next Ice Age and freezing over Europe and the USA. By the way, whether the so-called global warming is actually caused by CO2 produced by us, or if CO2 is increasingly released into the atmosphere by microorganisms becoming more active due to ocean warming, remains to be seen.

This disaster film is full of scenes of destruction caused by the tremendous cold and horror at the lethargic reaction from the government. Some erotic scenes were included as a little extra.

In the film, Emmy has to equip herself to take on the extreme cold – in New York City temperatures fall to minus 72 degrees. In real life, the actress also has to fight against the elements, not ice and snow, but the sun and her very fair skin. The actress begins slowly preparing her skin for the summer and sunbathing weeks in advance.

Until now, Emmy has worked on this by eating lots of yellow and orange fruits, consuming as much beta-carotene as possible which in turn can be converted into Vitamin A by the body. In addition to apricots, mangos and carrots, the petite brunette actress finds the Sharon fruit most effective. Sharon fruits are a cultivated form of the kaki, currently grown in only ten countries. The cultivated kaki is rarely to be found in supermarkets, making it a little harder to find out if the fruit does actually make a difference.

Is there another way to do this? Is there an alternative to consuming huge amounts of kaki or applying sunscreen? It’s not always clear which ingredients are even in sun protection products. Once again, aluminum in particular is being referred to as a harmful substance.

As a blog reader, you will know that I have often informed you about the use of the melanotropin hormone. The melanotropin hormone helps the pigment cells to produce the brown pigment melanin, visibly tanning the skin and protecting it from UV light at the same time. In order to stimulate the so-called melanin synthesis, melanotropin (or substances similar to it) can be administered before going out in the sun.

Taking melanotropin is also helpful for the treatment of light allergies and pigment disorders. The melanotropin hormone stimulates the pigment cells to instantly produce more melanin, causing the skin to tan more quickly and preventing it from being sunburnt, despite being exposed to the sun. Even people with a very fair skin, like Emma, a Nordic type, would not need to go without an attractive, natural tan.

Excessive exposure to UV light makes the skin age quickly and increases the likelihood of contracting skin cancer at some time. If melanotropin is taken regularly, it may even have the potential of slowing down skin aging. Scientific studies are currently being conducted on whether melanotropin can even contribute towards reducing the risk of skin cancer developing.

The application of melanotropin analogues to stimulate tanning is a promising type of therapy. At present, it is the subject of much controversy, but is in clinical use in Italy and Switzerland for the treatment of sun allergies.

Irrespective of this, no melanotropin analogous substance is currently approved for use in the EU or anywhere else. For this reason, any serious treatment is permitted by law only as an individual, customized therapy with magistral administration of the substance by the physician treating the patient.

If Emmy Rossum were to consider undergoing this kind of therapy, she would not have to avoid the sun and spend so much time on protective measures. She would certainly have more time to concentrate on her art history studies and could let climate experts ponder the question of whether CO2 is to blame for global warming, as well as saving the world from the next climate disaster.

DDr. Heinrich, MD