Stem Cell Banking: Precaution for the Future

Our body fat contains so-called stem cells whose regenerative potential is currently investigated in many studies worldwide.

Regenerative stem cell therapies have the potential to regenerate weakened tissues and organs and could be used in the treatment of many diseases which are caused by weakness of organs and tissues in the future.

Stem cell therapy is still regarded as a novel treatment by traditional medicine and stem cells are certainly not a miracle cure for every disease. However, based on the current state of knowledge we are convinced that stem cells could revolutionize medicine in a few years.

Promising Research Results

There are numerous scientific studies worldwide in which the body’s own (autologous) stem cells of the patient have been applied for the therapy of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, joint problems, nervous disorders, endocrine diseases, but also many other degenerative processes.

The current research findings suggest a potential therapeutic benefit of the body’s own stem cells in asthma, ulcerative colitis, erectile dysfunction, Crohn’s disease, Alzheimer, ALS, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson, and circulatory disorders.

Stem cells seem either to differentiate directly into cells of the particular organ, or their effect is based on substances they secret.

Stem Cell Banking: Storing Autologous Stem Cells for the Future

In cooperation with a specialized Swiss stem cell bank we now offer storage of the body’s own stem cells.

The patient’s autologous stem cells are stored in Switzerland for at least 10 years. The durability of the stem cells is ensured for a minimum period of 20 years according to hitherto research results.

First, we harvest a small amount of the patient’s body fat. The Swiss stem cell bank then extracts the stem cells therefrom and stores them.

The stem cells stored in the stem cell bank do not age and can be used in compliance with the applicable legal framework for future therapeutic purposes.

We are gladly at your disposal for further information and for arrangement of appointments.

Your Team at Clinic DDr. Heinrich®

Nicole Kidman Caught Again in the Botox Trap?

As every year in May the Crème de la Crème of the film business met also these days at the film festival of Cannes to grab the popular Golden Palm with a bit of luck.

Nicole Kidman didn’t want to let this chance slip as well. Although she didn’t win the main price this time, she provides the media lot of stuff. Already in the forefront there were discussions about her new film Grace of Monaco, which opened the film festival this year, because the children of ex-Hollywood diva and later Princess of Monaco weren’t satisfied with the filmic staging of their mother’s life.

Anyway – the film was played and Nicole Kidman was shining in her role as Grace Kelly on the screen. On the red carpet the 46-year-old ex-wife of Tom Cruise didn’t really cut a fine figure: Her surprisingly artificial appearance attracted the attention of the media. Journalists of the Australian news platform news criticized that the Australian diva would have presented herself “frozen and ballooned” in public.

Only last year the actress confessed what has long been apparent, namely the fact that she had tried out botox and artificial fillers, but professed also that she rather will waive it in future due to her dissatisfaction with the result. Obviously she didn’t take her resolution quite to heart.

A treatment with the neurotoxin “botulinumtoxin” entails restricted mimic and hardly movable corners of the mouth. As you know as a reader of my blog use of botox leads to degeneration of skin glands, which let skin appear thinner and dryer. Of what avail is wrinkle-freedom if you look older after that treatment?

Thus we recommend her another treatment: Autologous stem cells out of fat and growth factors have the potential to regenerate skin from within.

A treatment with autologous stem cells can help to rejuvenate and tighten facial skin in a natural way – completely without botox, fillers and facelift with scalpel. Thereby a liposuction with microcannulas is done to obtain a small amount of the patient’s autologous fat from which stem cells are extracted through a special procedure.

Volume deficits caused by premature aging, for example at the jaw line, can indeed be re-filled with stem cell-enriched autologous fat, by which means the face appears harmonious again. However a treatment with stem cell suspension is mostly sufficient to achieve a significantly better facial skin quality.

Supportively or alternatively the local regenerative potential of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) obtained from autologous blood and growth factors from skin cells could be used. They are injected gently with the help of fine micro-needles directly into the concerned skin areas.

Both Nicole Kidman and Grace Kelly lived as Hollywood divas. Grace retired from the film business to fully apply herself to the principal role of her life, princess and mother of her country. A certain similarity do they have in common. Because botox spread after Grace’s death she wasn’t tempted to try and thus she always looked natural. On the contrary Nicole couldn’t resist the temptation of botox, but she should and take Grace as role model. Then in future Nicole would be spared of the malice of Australian media, which should rather show unrestricted admiration to their flagship diva.

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Skin Regeneration with Collagen and Hyaluronic Acid

Collagen and hyaluronic acid are important components of healthy, wrinkle-free skin. If the skin’s content of hyaluronic acid and collagen decreases with age and UV exposure, the skin gets thinner, wrinkled and dry. Supplying our skin with these essential substances regularly is more effective than injections. We recommend Perfect Skin by DDr. Heinrich® Beauty Drink, manufactured according to a formula invented by DDr. Heinrich.

After Removal of Silicone Implants: Fat Transfer and Stem Cells for Breast Augmentation

A patient asks about stem cell breast augmentation:

I currently have silicone/saline implants from 1985. I would like to have them removed and have been researching fat deposit transfers. Would I be a candidate for your stem cell augmentation given the circumstances?

We wrote:

Probably. If you desire to get rid of some fat deposits on hips, thighs, and the lower body you might be an excellent candidate for stem cell breast augmentation after removal of the breast implants.

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Breast Augmentation: Silicone Implants or Autologous Fat Transfer?

A patient from Hungary asked:

After 5 years of breastfeeding my breast is very droopy. This makes me suffer a lot. I want to ask yet why I should choose a breast augmentation with autologous fat/stem cells instead of silicone implants. So what makes autologous fat and stem cells better than breast implants made out of silicon?

If the breast is very droopy autologous fat suits better than silicon. It looks natural and feels natural, what often cannot be said from silicone. Silicone implants have to be replaced every couple of years, which requires a further surgery (under general anesthesia).

Some women prefer silicone, other autologous fat. If there are sufficient fat depots on the body available, which the patient likes to get rid of, fat transfer to the breast is a reasonable option anyway.

DDr. Heinrich, MD

When Does Liposuction with Regular Cannulas Make Sense?

Regular cannulas are thicker than microcannulas and allow for a more aggressive, rapid and efficient liposuction. Even 3 month after the liposuction postoperative fat breakdown can happen due to the high aggressiveness of regular liposuction cannulas.

Thus the use of microcannulas for liposuction is to prefer when a gentle and precise contour shaping is required. However, regular cannulas do have advantages if a decrease in weight should be induced at which a fat reduction for several month is desired and where final body contours are certain anyway only at the end of weight loss.

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Is Breast Augmentation Always “Cosmetic Surgery”? (Part 6)

Abnormal breast forms (mammary dysplasia) often strain women on a high psychological level. These also include tubular breasts, for example.

If one or even both breasts are dysplastic, women often suffer from it significantly from puberty on. In many cases social life is severely impaired. At this point a breast augmentation with autologous fat as therapy could turn life to the better. Often it is useful to wear a suction bra, which helps to prepare the breast for the lipotransfer to the breast. Sometimes it is also necessary to have a surgical correction of one or even both breasts before an augmentation can be done.

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Victoria Beckham: New Image without Silicone

Victoria Beckham today is primarily known as wife of the British soccer star David Beckham, with whom she is operates the design label dVb since 2004. Earlier she was gaining big fame as the “Posh” of the Spice Girls, a pop group, which was founded 1994 in London and which was then casting a spell over numberless fans worldwide.

For Armani Victoria was slipping into the role of the supermodel and was presenting lingerie on the runway in Milano. Since then she always shows herself at her best, although she seems to be quite fierce at the same time. Now Victoria wants to bring changes in her media performances by presenting herself seriously, but after all pleasant. The reason for that is that the Briton wants to concentrate on her design label above all, because she believes that she will be taken more seriously if she adjusts her image to the business world.

Many years ago fans were able to watch Victoria getting thinner and thinner, whereas her breast extended gradually with the help of silicone implants from cup A to double D. Obviously the British It-girl was never satisfied with her originally small bust. After enlarging her breasts in stages she squeezes her melon-like full breast into strait dresses, probably to glory in this effect to the fullest.

The British Sun then reported surprisingly that the all-rounder decided to remove again her silicone implants to build herself a new serious reputation: “Victoria has wanted her implants taken out for a while. She felt that was part of her old WAG image – the big hair, big boobs and fake tan – and that she has moved on since those days.” At her Allure cover shooting Victoria proudly confirmed that she said goodbye to her silicone breasts, although she didn’t have any complaints.

But is it really the big breasts which get in a way of a serious image, or is it more about exaggeration and artificiality? If Victoria likes to have once again a full cleavage – which natural, gentle alternatives to silicone and scalpel does New Aesthetic Medicine offer?

A promising method to enhance the breasts’ volume without losing natural appearance is the breast augmentation with stem cell-enriched autologous fat, which is also suitable for breast reconstruction after the removal of silicone implants. Being a natural filler, autologous fat feels all around “real” and looks natural both in movement and at rest.

The required autologous fat gets obtained through a special form of liposuction (liposculpture), which is performed by hand. Thereby fat gets suctioned gently from body’s own deposits, whereby the usage of suction machines and scalpel is waived. Afterwards the obtained fat gets injected into the breast with the help of thin micro-needles either untreated or after enrichment with the body’s own stem cells.

A breast augmentation with stem cells and autologous fat after the removal of silicone implants is performed on an outpatient basis. The procedure takes a few hours, afterwards the patient is able to go back home immediately. Therefore we just need a local anesthesia; general anesthetic gets relinquished due to the associated risks and inconveniences. For Victoria, who has to reconcile family and business a short time of absence without a long hospital stay would be important of course.

The injection sites of the needles are healing within a short time. Commonly at a breast augmentation the breast could be enlarged up to one cup size. In breast augmentation with stem cells and autologous fat the bigger part of the new breast volume usually gets retained in the long term. Refreshments are thus superfluous in most cases.

Of course it’s an important precondition to possess enough autologous fat to do a breast augmentation. In due time as Victoria as “Posh” was more chubby, this would not have been a problem. Today she actually could be too thin for a breast augmentation with autologous fat.

As reader of my blog you know that I personally don’t really go for plastic breasts. Thus it’s certainly no big surprise if I tell you that I’m glad about Victoria’s decision to take out her big silicone implants. She definitely looks more serious too. Now we can just hope that her feeling for design delivers what it promises and that she could revive in her role as serious business woman. To round out the picture of her new serious image a friendlier photo expression would be of advantage. Then Victoria’s new appearance completely without silicone or surgery would be perfect.

DDr. Heinrich, MD

Is Breast Augmentation Always “Cosmetic Surgery”? (Part 5)

Uneven breasts can put a strong psychological strain on women concerned.

No woman has two entirely equal breasts. But if the inequality is too pronounced, women suffer from it a lot. The fear of undressing in the presence of men (or even worse: of women) could severely impact private and sex life.

At this point a breast augmentation with autologous fat as therapy could turn life to the better. A pre-stretching of the small (or rather short) breast with the help of a suction bra (BRAVA system) could make sense before the lipofilling of the breast is performed.

DDr. Heinrich, MD