Rising Joy of Life in Times of the Bear Market

Financial Crisis: Escape Burnout with Hormonal Regeneration®!

Vienna (20.1.2009) — Recently the media reported on the suicide of the famous businessman Merckle. However, this case is just the tragic culmination of the personal consequences of the credit crunch: Today most executives, investors, and tradesmen worry about the current economic situation.

It has been known for some time that stress and perceived hopelessness may lead to burnout. Rash action, dramatic decrease of well being and reduced fitness are only a few of the many results of chronic stress.

“In times of crisis, stress in combination with sleep disturbances may drive hormones out of balance. This can be met by therapy using bioidentical hormones,” says DDr. Karl-Georg Heinrich, Vienna-based expert in anti-aging and cosmetic surgery. His doctor’s office Clinic DDr. Heinrich is one of the first institutes in Europe to offer treatment with bioidentical hormones to the victims of the financial crisis.

Hormonal Regeneration® means recreation. The symptoms of exhaustion will disappear quickly and quality of life will be increased substantially. With regained strength you will be able to better cope with the credit crisis as well as with physical challenges like sports and sexual activity.

To start with Hormonal Regeneration® your hormonal status will be assessed by laboratory tests, special anamnesis, and a medical check-up, determining the degree to which the activity of your hormonal glands has declined. Then therapy will be tailored to your individual needs.

The administration of bioidentical hormones will provide to your hormonal glands a chance to recover. Bioidentical hormones are nothing alien to the body, sharing the same chemical structures with our natural, human hormones. Hormonal Regeneration® may take between 3 and 6 months.

Further information: www.hormonalregeneration.com

Clinic DDr. Heinrich®
E-mail: info@ddrheinrich.com
Web: http://ddrheinrich.com/
Phone: +43 1 532 18 01

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