Discussion on liposuction at the La Donna exhibition

The La Donna exhibition took place in the Vienna city hall from the middle to the end of the week. The topic of liposuction was raised during a panel discussion with other specialists on beauty and slimness, not least because apart from myself there were two other doctors present who like to offer liposuction for figure correction. In this discussion I spoke mainly about breast augmentation with stem cells, but naturally also made a contribution to the topic of liposuction.

There are still many misconceptions in this area of cosmetic surgery. Thus most cosmetic surgeons still do not know that the use of microcannulas (1.0–2.5 mm in diameter) make scar-free liposuction with a minimal aftercare of a few days  possible.

There are often controversial discussions on whether liposuction should be done before or after losing weight. My experience shows that it should be done beforehand, firstly because it makes further loss of weight easier and secondly because it creates space allowing the tissue to tighten up better during the subsequent weight loss. After a substantial weight loss the fat cells are so “sapped” that it is difficult to perform liposuction on them: they do not burst as easily as full fat cells when pierced by the liposuction cannula.

In many cases of weight loss, of course, liposuction is neither necessary nor effective. Only a consultation with the cosmetic surgeon can clarify things here. If you decide on this measure, however, then please have it done before your diet rather than afterwards.

DDr. Heinrich, MD

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