Coping with Stress Thanks to Bioidentical Hormones

Work that has accumulated over the summer months, a crowded desk and strict deadlines are clear indicators: The Holiday season is over. Day-to-day stress brought on by job, household and family have caught up with many people again. Stress, fatigue and exhaustion seem virtually inevitable.

If permanent weakness, tiredness and listlessness become factors, then these may well be symptoms of a “burnout”. This disease refers to a state of chronic fatigue and total exhaustion brought on by physical, mental and emotional overload for long periods of time.

Long-term overloads in everyday life or extreme situations can lead to burnout, if body and mind are not allowed to recover sufficiently. Bioidentical hormones help the body to cope with stress and strengthen it from the inside.

Stress: When the Adrenal Glands are Overloaded

The adrenal glands are important organs when it comes to coping with stress – they produce the hormones cortisol and adrenalin which are essential for coping with stress.

Long-term overload can lead to an exhaustion of the adrenal glands, which is referred to as Adrenal Fatigue. Due to the fact that the produced amount of hormones is often no longer sufficient, the body slowly becomes incapable of handling stress, the overall load increases and additional stress is created – a vicious circle that can end with burnout.

While the body normally merely requires short rest periods to regenerate, people with burnout rarely find their way back to a joyful life without professional help from doctors and psychologists.

Bioidentical Hormones: Prevention and Energy Source

In our western world it is usually not possible to just break free of professional and private commitments and their associated burdens to prevent the emergence of stress. No matter how good the intentions of a lifestyle change are, such endeavors often fail due to simple questions, such as: Who will pay the bills? Who does the shopping? Who’s going to watch the kids?

In order to provide your body with new energy and prevent any emergence of burnout, we recommend the administration of bioidentical hormones that are considered essential for the body’s mechanisms for coping with stress.

Bioidentical hormones are similar in structure to our body’s own hormones. As part of the Hormonal Regeneration® (Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy, BHRT) program, missing hormones are administered after a comprehensive analysis of the current state of the health in a bioidentical form, thus bringing the hormone levels into balance again.

Combined with other vitalizing substances, the body is strengthened from within and made ready to face and cope with everyday stress with the overall goal of helping you to achieve a higher degree of vitality, strength and energy.

I would be pleased to discuss your symptoms, lifestyle and a therapy for coping with stress that suits your requirements with you in a consultation appointment in my clinic.

DDr. Heinrich, MD

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