Testimonials about Regenerative Therapies

Back in November of last year I thought that now it was my turn! Burnout. Meanwhile, five other employees in our company were suffering from burnout. I never thought that I would have to experience something like that and I sure could not afford it…

I kept on telling myself that I wanted to fight to the last ditch. I was no longer able to cope with my workload. I was not able to do the job for 3 people, run my private business, and besides, find time to spend with my 7-year-old son and not to mention contributing anything to my relationship with my partner. I felt completely drained and exhausted and no longer able to do anything. I experienced symptoms such as dizziness and headaches. I was not able to concentrate and I was aggressive and impatient in day-to-day dealings with fellow employees. I had no time to listen to what seemed to be irrelevant in my opinion which I also made quite clear – short and precise, it was definitely not easy to get along with me and I was totally whacked.

Then there came the time when I was no longer able to get rid of my headaches. I thought I may have had a stroke. After I went through a full-body check at the outpatient department without me mentioning any specific about my stress, the physicians informed me that I need to get some rest in order to recover… I agreed to stay in the hospital to let different medical examinations performed. Finally, in order to keep the story short, there were no medical findings, neither any vessel problems nor any other abnormalities. Everything was normal. I couldn’t believe it. But then, why I was hardly able to walk? What was really wrong with me?

Just by accident I came across an advertisement on the Internet regarding – Burnout Regeneration Therapy – performed by DDr. Heinrich, MD. This attractive ad caught my eye and really arouse my interest. I didn’t hesitate long and sent an e-mail in order to get more information. This website was obviously maintained even at night, since I got a reply the same evening.

And this is how my story of my new energy goes. What is actually “burnout”?

I am a skeptical person by nature and therefore, I question everything. But since I was extremely desperate, I still thought that I was going to do it anyway, despite the many questions. It probably can be witnessed by Dr. Heinrich that it was an absolutely spontaneous decision, but which I do not regret until today.

We got started – blood tests are crucial to ensure that the correct dosage is used for the therapy. I had to answer a lot of questions about myself, my feelings, my thoughts, and my emotions. All in all, everything in order to determine the appropriate composition for the therapy. At the beginning I thought, oh my God – what is that all about, but as time went on, everything became more obvious to me.

Then the therapy began – a lot of different small jars and larger tins, everything neatly labeled and a general instruction that enabled everything to somehow make sense. I sure had to pay attention in order to select the correct jar and it was a bit time-consuming in the first few days, since I constantly had to refer to the instructions. But after a few days, the whole thing became a whole lot easier. And now it has even become a routine procedure.

And – did I see any improvement? At first, I haven’t noticed a lot. The first week passed without any major changes. But I kept on continuing, since I was told that it may take some time until the pills would show their effect.

After one month had passed, it simply came to my mind – Hello, here I am. Back again!!! Full of power and energy, and most of all – I found my drive again.

Nothing has changed at my job, I currently have a lot on my plate, but I am totally “in charge”. I have got everything under control. I am feeling even-tempered, possessing boundless energy and I am still able to sleep well without any problems. I have got a sharp mind. I am concentrated and focused on my goals and I do not have any problems. I can’t think of a different way to describe it. It is fantastic. If I consider that I could now sit at home on the couch and take any kind of antidepressant medicine, I am so happy that I have found this advertisement on the Internet…

Many of my colleagues must take psychotropic drugs – medication that I have denied in my whole life. I do not want that anything is experimented on my brain or influence my personality.

By undergoing Hormonal Regeneration® by DDr. Heinrich, I am strictly using bioidentical products that help me to regain and maintain my youthful resilience, energy, and concentration, despite extreme conditions. I can’t think of an alternative that is able to achieve such fantastic results.

I have already recommended this therapy to our Human Resource Department due to the fact that employees would not have to be off sick for a whole year as it is currently the case when treated with conventional medicine, but are able to carry on with full energy and total commitment and thereby keep their personality, self-esteem, and self-respect.

This is the only solution that perfectly works for me.

Thank you so much, DDr. Heinrich, MD!!!

— Mrs. K.

I am now back from South Africa after 3 months in which I was applying melanotropin. At the end of these 3 months it worked very well. My freckles didn’t increase and I never had a sunburn, although I waived suncream partially. The result was even more intensive due to waiving the suncream. I am totally delighted with the therapy and I wonder how long my suntan will stay. Thank you very much and best wishes to Vienna! — Mrs. B. Z.

As for the stem cell IV: so far the main difference I noticed immediately after the surgery has been an improvement in the back and neck/jaw pain. From 9 out of 10 to 6 out of 10. So I am happy about that aspect! — Christine

For several years I suffered from pain in the knee joint, which worsened steadily. In the end, every movement of my leg was associated with aching knee pain. Unfortunately I could not go skiing and hiking any more. Medication brought relief in the short term, but the overall condition of my joint deteriorated further. Then I learned about the treatment method with my own stem cells in Clinic DDr. Heinrich®. The procedure went smoothly. As expected, I could leave the clinic afterwards on foot. My pain, which had hitherto been severe, had already declined very shortly after the procedure. Meanwhile I am painless in everyday life. I am very grateful to DDr. Heinrich and his team for this plus of quality of life! — Mr. N.

Years of physical work on the farm have put heavy strain on my joints. 12 years ago I had to undergo surgery on my left knee. For the last 10 years I also suffered from severe pain in my right knee. Walking gave me problems. Even when I did not move I had pain that prevented me from sleeping well. Since the treatment my pain has decreased by about 80 percent. I can now walk again without pain and I enjoy the restful sleep. I am very glad about this improvement. — Mrs. Z., 73

Osteoarthritis and joint pain in the fingers, knees, and the forefoot

For about 20 years I suffered from pain in the joints on both hands and knees, which severely restricted me in my daily life. I was missing sensitivity in the hands and fingers. Opening and closing buttons and zippers were thus very hard for me. I could not sew and every activity involving tiny objects was a problem. The pain in the knees and the forefoot impaired me in jogging and occasionally also in cycling. When doing gymnastics I could not support myself with my knees and hands.

During the many years of suffering I tried various treatments, including injections into the joints. Unfortunately, no improvement could be achieved and I had to rely on help by others when lifting heavy things and doing manual tasks like opening bottles. By chance I learned about the treatment with my own fat stem cells in Clinic DDr. Heinrich®.

The pain had almost completely subsided already a few days after the small procedure. I now have no throbbing and stabbing pain in the hands any more. I am particularly pleased to be able to fully use my fingers after such a long time. Turning the pages of the newspaper at breakfast is easily possible. In the meantime I even sew myself. I am very satisfied with the result and would have done the treatment earlier if I had known about it.

Many thanks to DDr. Heinrich and his team for the competent and empathetic care.

— Mrs. L., 62